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Press Release Images: Spirit
Spirit Lands On Mars And Sends Postcards
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First Look at Spirit on Mars

First Look at Spirit on Mars

This mosaic image taken by the navigation camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows a 360 degree panoramic view of the rover on the surface of Mars.

Image credit: NASA/JPL
Browse Image (57 kB) | Large (285 kB)
View in Front of Spirit
View in Front of Spirit

This image taken by the hazard avoidance camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows the rover's front wheels in stowed configuration.

Image credit: NASA/JPL
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First Look Behind Spirit
First Look Behind Spirit

This image taken by the hazard avoidance camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows the rover's rear lander petal and, in the background, the Martian horizon. Spirit took the picture right after successfully landing on the surface of Mars.

Image credit: NASA/JPL
Browse Image (12 kB) | Large (40 kB)
First Look at Spirit at Landing Site
First Look at Spirit at Landing Site

This is one of the first images beamed back to Earth shortly after the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on the red planet.

Image credit: NASA/JPL
Browse Image (17 kB) | Large (47 kB)
View From Above Spirit on Mars
View From Above Spirit on Mars

This mosaic image taken by the navigation camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit represents an overhead view of the rover on the surface of Mars.

Image credit: NASA/JPL
Browse Image | Medium Image (155 kB) | Large (518 kB)

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