TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES Dietary interviews were administered to all examinees by a trained dietary interviewer in the mobile examination center (MEC). The nutrient intakes reported in this file include nutrients from foods and beverages reported in the 24-hour dietary recall. The nutrient intakes do not include nutrients obtained from other sources (i.e., nutritional supplements, antacids, medications, salt and seasonings added to prepared foods at the table, and plain unbottled drinking water). Questionnaire data on food sufficiency, intake of plain drinking water, and salt use are included in this file as well. Detailed information about the individual foods reported by respondents will be released as a separate dietary data file. Analysts are encouraged to use six years of survey data in their analyses. The reliability of estimates is improved when larger sample sizes are used. For more detailed information, see the Analytic and Reporting Guidelines for NHANES III (U.S. DHHS, 1996b). In addition, MEC final examination weights (WTPFEX6) should be used when analyzing the total nutrient intake data and related questionnaire data in this file. For more information on the use of sample weights in NHANES III data analysis, refer to the NHANES III Analytic and Reporting Guidelines (U.S. DHHS, 1996b). Respondents reported all foods and beverages consumed except plain drinking water (i.e., not bottled) for the previous 24-hour time period (midnight to midnight). An automated, microcomputer-based dietary interview and coding system known as the NHANES III Dietary Data Collection (DDC) System was used to collect all NHANES III dietary recall data. The DDC system was developed for use in the survey by the University of Minnesota's Nutrition Coordinating Center (NCC). Total nutrient intakes are reported in this file for respondents whose dietary recalls were coded complete and reliable (DRPSTAT=1). The dietary interviews were conducted in English and Spanish by bilingual dietary interviewers in a private room to ensure confidentiality. Proxy respondents were permitted for infants and children aged two months through five years and for other respondents who were unable to report on their own. Children aged six to 11 years were permitted to report their own intake if the interviewer deemed it acceptable and appropriate, but many interviewers for respondents in this age category were completed by proxy or with the child and a proxy. The dietary interviewers contacted other information sources such as care providers and schools to obtain complete dietary intake data for respondents. The primary source of food composition data for NHANES III is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Survey Nutrient Database; two nutrient files were provided by USDA for use in NHANES III (USDA 1993, 1995). Each USDA file contained food composition values that were appropriate for the time period during which the NHANES III data were collected. Additionally, food composition data for a small number of herbs and spices were obtained from NCC (NCC, 1996). The DDC system's foods database was designed specifically to handle time-related changes in food descriptions, food amounts, and recipes; updated information was applied retrospectively to data collected in the early part of NHANES III. As was mentioned earlier, two USDA food composition databases were used to assign nutrient values to the NHANES III dietary recalls (USDA 1993; USDA, 1995). In addition to data changes that occurred in the nutrient values of foods due to food product reformulations, recipe changes, and so forth, the U.S. marketplace underwent tremendous growth and change as new food product lines were introduced and new food components were added to the food supply (e.g., fat substitutes and artificial sweeteners). The impact of these and other changes may require additional analysis. Dietary recall interviews were edited by the interviewers to ensure that they were as complete as possible. NCHS completed all final editing and determinations regarding the completeness and reliability of the dietary recalls. Analysts should note that the data reported are self-reported data. Extreme values were verified. Information pertaining to the use of nutritional supplements and antacids was reported separately during the Household Adult and Household Youth Questionnaires. A number of quality-control monitoring techniques were employed during the survey. For example, the techniques for monitoring the Dietary Interview component included observations of actual dietary interviews and reviews of audiotaped interviews by NCHS and contractor staff. In addition, the dietary interviewers worked in two-person teams; there was one team in each MEC. The dietary interviewers performed 10-percent cross-check reviews of their partners' work using printed recall reports. Finally, newsletters, field memoranda, telephone calls, and staff retraining sessions were other methods used to maintain quality control during the survey. Refer to the NHANES III Dietary Interviewer's Training Manual for the dietary interview protocol (U.S. DHHS, 1996b). NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1635 Recall status code See note DRPSTAT 29105 1 Reliable and complete 586 2 Reliable, but incomplete 184 3 Unreliable 326 4 Interview lost due to computer malfunction or file transfer problem 300 5 Breastfeeding infant or child 317 8 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1636-1637 Recall day See note DRPRDAY 2707 01 Sunday 2729 02 Monday 3126 03 Tuesday 5734 04 Wednesday 5365 05 Thursday 7627 06 Friday 2893 07 Saturday 637 88 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1638 Respondent for the 24-hour dietary See note DRPRESP recall interview 20727 1 Examinee, i.e. self-reported 8467 2 Proxy 987 3 Examinee and proxy 637 8 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1639 Language of 24-hour dietary recall See note DRPLANG interview 25936 1 English 3864 2 Spanish 230 3 English and Spanish 151 4 Other language 637 8 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1640-1641 Interviewer number DRPIID 7195 01 596 02 7619 03 8076 04 333 05 169 06 2513 07 3844 08 94 10 2 11 19 12 358 88 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1642 How does the amount of food consumed See note DRPQ1 yesterday compare with (your/his/her) usual consumption for that day of the week? Was it... 663 1 Much more than usual 25383 2 Usual 2893 3 Much less than usual 1513 8 Blank but applicable 366 9 Don't know 493 Blank 1643-1645 How much plain drinking water do you See note DRPQ2A usually drink in a 24-hour period? Include only plain tap or spring water. (fl oz) 2362 000 None 26861 001-576 796 888 Blank but applicable 799 999 Don't know 493 Blank 1646 What type of salt do you usually add to See note DRPQ3 your food at the table? 15382 0 None (DRPQ5) 12985 2 Ordinary salt 872 3 Lite salt 298 4 Salt substitute 800 8 Blank but applicable 481 9 Don't know 493 Blank 1647 How often do you add salt at the table? DRPQ4 5354 1 Rarely 5127 2 Occasionally 3982 3 Very often 811 8 Blank but applicable 162 9 Don't know 15875 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1648-1649 Thinking about the past month, how many See note DRPQ5 days did you have no food or money to buy food? 28097 00 None (DRPQ7) 1664 01-31 Number of days 1 55 Refusal (DRPQ12) 7 66 Greater than zero number of days, not further specified 825 88 Blank but applicable 224 99 Don't know (DRPQ7) 493 Blank 1650 Is that because there wasn't enough See note DRPQ6 money to buy food or another reason? 1341 1 Not enough money 314 2 Another reason (DRPQ12) 832 8 Blank but applicable 9 9 Don't know 28815 Blank 1651 During the past month, did (you/___) See note DRPQ7 skip any meals because there wasn't enough food or money to buy food? 1097 1 Yes 28489 2 No (DRPQ12) 831 8 Blank but applicable 86 9 Don't know (DRPQ9) 808 Blank 1652-1653 How many days in the past month did See note DRPQ8 (you/___) skip any meals because there wasn't enough food or money to buy food? 1063 01-30 4 66 Greater than zero number of days, not further specified 832 88 Blank but applicable 29 99 Don't know 29383 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1654 Did (you/___) skip any meals yesterday See note DRPQ9 because there wasn't enough food or money to buy food? 207 1 Yes 943 2 No 832 8 Blank but applicable 32 9 Don't know 29297 Blank 1655 During the past month, were there any See note DRPQ10 days when (you/__) did not eat at all because there wasn't enough food or money to buy food? 202 1 Yes 945 2 No (DRPQ12) 832 8 Blank but applicable 35 9 Don't know (DRPQ12) 29297 Blank 1656-1657 In the past month, how many days were See note DRPQ11 there when (you/___) didn't eat at all? 53 01 49 02 38 03 19 04 23 05 4 06 5 07 3 08 3 10 1 12 1 66 Greater than zero number of days, not further specified 832 88 Blank but applicable 3 99 Don't know 30277 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1658 Are you the person who usually prepares DRPQ12 the meals at home? 17249 1 Yes 10586 2 No 1878 3 Shared preparation 262 4 Food not prepared at home 835 8 Blank but applicable 8 9 Don't know 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUTRIENT QUANTITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1659-1663 Total grams of foods and beverages See note DRPGW consumed 29105 00000-14802 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1664-1668 Water (gm) See note DRPNWATE 29105 00000-18175 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1669-1673 Food energy (kcal) DRPNKCAL 29105 00000-17739 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1674-1679 Protein (gm) DRPNPROT 29105 000000-000707 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1680-1685 Total fat (gm) DRPNTFAT 29105 000000-0856.2 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1686-1690 Total saturated fatty acids (gm) DRPNSFAT 29105 00000-282.4 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1691-1695 Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm) DRPNMFAT 29105 00000-341.1 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1696-1700 Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm) DRPNPFAT 29105 00000-202.4 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUTRIENT QUANTITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1701-1704 Cholesterol (mg) DRPNCHOL 29105 0000-3752 1713 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1705-1710 Carbohydrate (gm) DRPNCARB 29105 000000-2087.2 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1711-1715 Total dietary fiber (gm) DRPNFIBE 29105 00000-00134 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1716-1719 Alcohol (gm) DRPNALCO 29105 0000-0717 1713 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1720-1725 Vitamin A (IU) DRPNVAIU 29105 000000-243618 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1726-1730 Vitamin A (RE) DRPNVARE 29105 00000-45237 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1731-1735 Carotenes (RE) DRPNCARO 29105 00000-24342 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1736-1741 Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol equivalents) DRPNVE 29105 000000-0601.1 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUTRIENT QUANTITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1742-1745 Ascorbic acid (mg) DRPNVC 29105 0000-1516 1713 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1746-1750 Thiamin (mg) DRPNVB1 29105 00000-24.74 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1751-1755 Riboflavin (mg) DRPNVB2 29105 00000-029.1 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1756-1760 Niacin (mg) DRPNNIAC 29105 00000-320.4 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1761-1765 Vitamin B6 (mg) DRPNVB6 29105 00000-32.19 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1766-1770 Folacin (micrograms) DRPNFOLA 29105 00000-06426 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1771-1776 Vitamin B12 (micrograms) DRPNVB12 29105 000000-261.52 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1777-1781 Calcium (mg) DRPNCALC 29105 00000-10002 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUTRIENT QUANTITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1782-1786 Phosphorus (mg) DRPNPHOS 29105 00000-10041 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1787-1790 Magnesium (mg) DRPNMAGN 29105 0000-1920 1713 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1791-1795 Iron (mg) DRPNIRON 29105 00000-286.5 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1796-1801 Zinc (mg) DRPNZINC 29105 000000-0748.3 1713 888888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1802-1805 Copper (mg) DRPNCOPP 29105 0000-37.5 1713 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1806-1810 Sodium (mg) DRPNSODI 29105 00000-33967 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1811-1815 Potassium (mg) DRPNPOTA 29105 00000-20572 1713 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1816-1820 Percent of kilocalories from total fat See note DRPNKF 29103 00000-083.9 1715 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NUTRIENT INTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUTRIENT QUANTITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1821-1824 Percent of kilocalories from saturated See note DRPNKSF fat 29103 0000-51.5 1715 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1825-1828 Percent of kilocalories from See note DRPNKMF monounsaturated fat 29103 0000-37.7 1715 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1829-1832 Percent of kilocalories from See note DRPNKPF polyunsaturated fat 29103 0000-0040 1715 8888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1833-1837 Percent of kilocalories from protein See note DRPNKP 29103 00000-102.2 1715 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1838-1842 Percent of kilocalories from See note DRPNKC carbohydrate 29103 00000-00120 1715 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank 1843-1847 Percent of kilocalories from alcohol See note DRPNKA 29103 00000-082.7 1715 88888 Blank but applicable 493 Blank NHANES III Examination Data File ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK NOTES DRPGW: Total grams of foods and beverages consumed This is the total gram weight of all foods and beverages, excluding plain drinking water consumed during a 24-hour time period. Two examinees with DRPSTAT=1 consumed no foods or beverages on the recall day and have values of zero for all food and nutrient intake variables. DRPLANG: Language of interview This is the language that was used primarily during the 24- hour recall. The English/Spanish combination was selected if a significant portion of the interview was conducted in each language. The "Other language" selection refers to interviews that were conducted in a language other than English or Spanish; interpreters were used to complete interviews in other languages. Note: There are six examinees who do not have 24-hour dietary recall data but do have information pertaining to drinking water, salt use, and food sufficiency; DRPLANG is reported for these examinees. DRPNKA: Percent of kilocalories from alcohol DRPNKA=((DRPNALCO*7 kcal/gm alcohol)/DRPNKCAL)*100 DRPNKC: Percentage of kilocalories from carbohydrate DRPNKC=((DRPNCARB*4 kcal/gm carbohydrate)/DRPNKCAL)*100 The grams of total carbohydrates include sugars and complex carbohydrates. The carbohydrate values for foods are not derived by direct chemical analysis. The total carbohydrate figure is the difference between 100 and the sum of the protein, fat, ash, and water. This approach may overestimate the carbohydrate content of the food. DRPNKF: Percentage of kilocalories from total fat DRPNKF=((DRPNTFAT*9kcal/gm fat)/DRPNKCAL)*100 DRPNKMF: Percentage of kilocalories from monounsaturated fat DRPNKMF=((DRPNMFAT*9kcal/gm fat)/DRPNKCAL)*100 DRPNKP: Percentage of kilocalories from protein DRPNKP=((DRPNPROT*4 kcal/gm protein)/DRPNKCAL)*100 One respondent consumed a diet meal beverage exclusively. When the nutrient composition database value for the protein content of the diet product was used to calculate the percentage of total food energy from protein, the resulting value was greater than 100 percent. DRPNKPF: Percentage of kilocalories from polyunsaturated fat DRPNKPF=((DRPNPFAT*9kcal/gm fat)/DRPNKCAL)*100 DRPNKSF: Percentage of kilocalories from saturated fat DRPNKSF=((DRPNSFAT*9kcal/gm fat)/DRPNKCAL)*100 DRPNWATE: Grams of water This is the amount of water contained in foods and beverages reported as part of the 24-hour dietary recall. Plain drinking water and spring water usually were excluded from the dietary recall unless beverages were diluted with plain water or water was a component of a combination food that was reported by components such as a homemade fruit and water drink. DRPQ1: Usual amount of food consumed This question targets the total amount of food and beverages reported, not the types of foods nor the amount of a particular food. The question targets major, not minor, changes in food consumption that occurred on the 24-hour recall for that day of the week. DRPQ2A: Quantity of plain drinking water The quantity of plain drinking water was reported either in total fluid ounces per day or by specifying the number of glasses of water and the volume per glass using standardized measurement aids. All responses were converted to fluid ounces. If the respondent answered "None," meaning that no plain drinking water is usually consumed, the amount of water was reported to be 000 fluid ounces; other quantities of plain drinking water were recorded as xxx fluid ounces. The volume of plain drinking water is in addition to water found in foods and beverages; water from foods and beverages is included in the file variable named DRPNWATE. DRPQ3: Salt added to food at the table Ordinary salt includes sea salt, flavored salts such as garlic, onion, and celery salt, and seasoning salts. Lite salt is labeled as such and has a reduced sodium content. Salt substitutes do not contain sodium. DRPQ5-DRPQ11: Food sufficiency questions Similar questions about food sufficiency also were asked of a family respondent in the Family Questionnaire found in the Household Adult Data File (see HFF4-8). The food sufficiency questions from the dietary recall (DRPQ5 - DRPQ11) should be analyzed independently from the food sufficiency questions in the Family Questionnaire (HFF4-8). The appropriate sample weight should be chosen based on the specific analysis. DRPRDAY: Recall day DRPRDAY corresponds to the day of the week for the 24-hour period (midnight to midnight) in which the examinee consumed the foods and beverages listed in the 24-hour recall. This is the day before their MEC examination. Note: There are six examinees who do not have 24-hour dietary recall data but do have information pertaining to drinking water, salt use, and food sufficiency; DRPRDAY is reported for these examinees. DRPRESP: Respondent for the 24-hour dietary recall interview If the examinee was under 12 years of age, the first choice for a respondent was the person who was primarily responsible for preparing meals for the child. In the case of children six to eleven years old, the child and a proxy often participated in the interview. Interviews completed with the examinee and a proxy respondent were coded as "Examinee and proxy." 1 Examinee: The examinee completed the interview without assistance from persons other than translators if the interview was conducted in a language other than English or Spanish. 2 Proxy: Someone else answered on behalf of the examinee. This includes parents, guardians, siblings over 11 years old, care providers, and persons responsible for planning or preparing foods eaten by the examinee. 3 Examinee and Proxy: The examinee and one or more proxies contributed information for the dietary interview. Note: There are six examinees who do not have 24-hour dietary recall data but do have information pertaining to drinking water, salt use, and food sufficiency; DRPRESP is reported for these examinees. DRPSTAT: Status of interview 1 Reliable and complete: The information provided by the respondent was deemed to be reliable and complete. The count of Phase 1 examinees with DRPSTAT=1 in this file is seventeen fewer than the interim file NCHS released for Phase 1 in September, 1995 (U.S. DHHS, 1995). The interim file included seventeen examinees whose replicate dietary interview was substituted for a missing initial interview. Replicate recalls were excluded from this final file because the replicate recall data did not reflect dietary intakes for the 24-hour time period prior to the MEC examination when other data were obtained. Excluding the seventeen replicate recalls does not affect the overall Phase 1 findings published earlier. Also, two examinees with DRPSTAT=1 consumed no foods or beverages on the recall day and have values of zero for all food and nutrient intake variables; percentages of total energy intake from food energy sources are not reported for these examinees and are 8-filled. 2 Reliable but incomplete: The information provided by the respondent was reliable but incomplete. Approximately one-third of the recalls that were coded DRPSTAT=2 were coded incomplete because information for a significant portion of the recall day was not available; two-thirds of the incomplete recalls were coded incomplete because information (other than food amount information) for one or more meals, foods or beverages was not obtained. The total energy and nutrient intakes for examinees with incomplete recalls were coded "Blank but applicable." The Individual Foods File includes information for the partial dietary recall interview. 3 Unreliable: The information provided by the respondent was deemed to be unreliable. Total energy and nutrient intakes are coded "Blank but applicable." 4 Interview lost due to computer malfunction or data file transfer problem: The dietary interview was completed, but the file was lost subsequently due to a computer malfunction or file transfer problem. Total nutrient intakes are coded "Blank but applicable." 5 Breast-feeding infant or child: The foods reported during the dietary recall interview included human milk and the volume of milk consumed was not quantified. The number of minutes per feeding session was recorded, but it was not possible to calculate total nutrient intakes for infants and children who were breast-fed. Total nutrient intakes are coded "Blank but applicable." The foods consumed by nursing infants and children are reported in the individual foods file. 8 Blank but applicable: The examinee should have a dietary recall interview but either was not interviewed or refused the dietary interview component. Some examinees do not have 24-hour dietary recall data because the proxy did not know what the examinee ate the day before. In some instances, the proxy was able to answer the post-recall questions pertaining to drinking water consumption, salt use, and food sufficiency. Blank Home examinees were not eligible for the Dietary Interview component.