I am sending herewith our pCO2 data measured during the period from 1981 to 1989. Each pCO2 data file is tab-separated text file which contains No., year, date, time (UTC) of measurements, position of measurements (latitude, N/S, longitude, E/W), atmospheric pressure (hPa), sea surface temperature(SST), SST flag, xCO2 (CO2 mole fraction in dry air, xCO2(a)) in the ambient air, xCO2(a) flag, xCO2 in the dry air equilibrated with surface seawater (xCO2(s)), xCO2(s) flag, and pH2O. Sea surface salinity column was added to the KH83.TXT file. Missing data or heavily contaminated xCO2 data were blank, and data flag for questionable SST , xCO2(a) and xCO2(s) is 1. The xCO2(a) was measured 30 minutes after the xCO2(s) measurements, but reported as if it were measured the same time, because background xCO2(a) data exhibit small variations. Please feel free to contact me should you be in any difficulty. CRUISE INFORMATION Principal Investigator responsible for the pCO2 data set: Name: Hisayuki Y. Inoue Address: Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute Nagamine 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0052, Japan Tel: +81-298-53-8721 Fax: +81-298-53-8728 e-mail:hyoshika@mri-jma.go.jp CRUISE INFORMATION Vessel Information: RY81.TXT, RY82.TXT, RY83.TXT, RY84.TXT, RY85.TXT, RY86.TXT, RY87.TXT, RY87S.TXT, RY88.TXT, RY89.TXT -Vessel Name: R/V Ryofu Maru (Japan Meteorological Agency) -Country: Japan -Identification Number if known: -Cruise Name: RY8101, RY8201, RY8301, RY8401, RY8501, RY8601,RY8701, RY8706, RY8801, RY8901 -Depth of sea water intake below sea surface: 4m -Location of air intake: bow Vessel Information: KH83.TXT, KH85.TXT, KH88.TXT -Vessel Name: R/V Hakuho Maru (Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo) -Country: Japan -Identification Number if known: -Cruise Name:KH83-4, KH85-3 -Depth of sea water intake below sea surface: 4m -Location of air intake: bow Vessel Information: KI87.TXT Vessel name: R/V Kaiyo Maru (Japan Fisheries Agency) -Country: Japan -Identification Number if known: -Cruise Name: -Depth of sea water intake below sea surface: 4m -Location of air intake: bow Vessel Information: NA87.TXT, NA89.TXT -Vessel Name: R/V Natsushima (Japan Marine Science and Technology Center) -Country: Japan -Identification Number if known: -Cruise Name: JENEX87, JAPACS89 -Depth of sea water intake below sea surface: 4m -Location of air intake: bow Vessel Information: WE88.TXT -Vessel Name: M/S Wellington Maru (Osaka Shosen Mitsui Co. Ltd.,) -Country: Japan -Identification Number if known: -Cruise Name: -Depth of sea water intake below sea surface: ca10m -Location of air intake:100 m ahead from the bridge. Measurement information: RY81.TXT, RY82.TXT, RY83.TXT, RY84.TXT, RY85.TXT, KH83.TXT -What corrections were made to the data prior to reporting it: -(Temperature) Measurement frequency: -Calibration frequency: every 1hr Measurement frequency for air measurements: every 1 hr Measurement frequency for water measurements: every 1 hr Are measurements averaged before reporting ? No (Analogue data were digitized to calculate the CO2 concentration). -Estimates of the overall precision and probable accuracy of the CO2 concentration measurements reported: - in air: -in water: - precision: 0.5 ppm - precision: 3 ppm (includes unceratinity of temperature rise 0.1C) -accuracy : 1ppm - accuracy: 3 ppm -Estimate of the overall precision and probable accuracy of the sea surface temperature measurements reported: 0.1C -Bibliographic citations describing this data set: Miyake, Y., Sugimura, Y., and Saruhashi, K., 1974. The carbon dioxide content in the surface water in the Pacific ocean. Rec. Oceanogr. Wks. Japan. 12, 45-52. Fushimi, K. 1987. Variation of carbon dioxide partial pressure in the western North Pacific surface water during the 1982/83 El Ni–o Event. Tellus 39B, 214-227. Inoue, H. and Sugimura, Y., Fushimi, K. 1987. pCO2 and d13C in the air and surface sea water in the western North Pacific. Tellus 39B, 228-242. Inoue, H. and Sugimura, Y. 1988. Distribution and variations of oceanic carbon dioxide in the western North Pacific, eastern Indian, and Southern Ocean south of Australia. Tellus 40B, 308-320. Inoue Y. H., Matsueda, H., Ishii, M., Fushimi, K., Hirota, M., Asanuma, I., and Takasugi, Y., 1995. Long-term trend of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in surface waters of the western North Pacific, 1984-1993. Tellus, 47B, 391-413. Method description: -Design of equilibrator: Type: showerhead -Size: air 2l, seawater 20l Water flow rate (liters/minute) 10-15 l/min Headspace gas flow rate (liters/minute): 0.5 l/min Vented: No -Method of CO2 measurement: -infra-red analysis on "dry" gas. -Information about calibration gases used: -Manufacturer: Takachiho Kagaku Co. Ltd. (Japan) -Approximate concentrations (ppm) of the calibration gases used and estimated accuracy of certification: Concentration Accuracy 1: 250 ppm < 1 ppm 2: 350 ppm < 1 ppm 3: 450 ppm < 1 ppm Bibliographic citations describing this method: Inoue, H.Y., 1998. CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. Carbon cycle studies of the Meteorological Research Institutes since 1968. In Dynamics and Characterization of Marine Organic Matter. edited by N.Handa, E.Tanoue, and T.Hama. TerraPub, Tokyo, in press. Most of our citations describing this method is written in Japanese. Measurement information: KH85.TXT, RY86.TXT same as those of RY81.TXT , RY82.TXT etc. -Bibliographic citations describing this data set: same as those of RY81.TXT , RY82.TXT etc. Method description: same as those of RY81.TXT , RY82.TXT etc. -Information about calibration gases used: -Manufacturer: Takachiho Kagaku Co. Ltd. (Japan) -Approximate concentrations (ppm) of the calibration gases used and estimated accuracy of certification: Concentration Accuracy 1: 250 ppm < 1 ppm 2: 330 ppm < 1 ppm 3: 380 ppm < 1 ppm 4: 450 ppm <1 ppm Bibliographic citations describing this method: same as that of RY81.TXT, RY82.TXT etc. Measurement information: RY87.TXT, RY88.TXT, RY89.TXT, RY87S.TXT KH88.TXT, KI87.TXT, NA87.TXT, NA89.TXT -What corrections were made to the data prior to reporting it: -(Temperature) Measurement frequency: -Calibration frequency: every 1hr Measurement frequency for air measurements: every 1 hr Measurement frequency for water measurements: every 1 hr Are measurements averaged before reporting ? Yes. Atmospheric CO2: Total: 180 data points. (Air flow: 4.5 minutes, then A/D conversion: 1 minutes) x 3 times Water CO2: Total 60 data points. (Air circulation 15.5 minutes, then A/D conversion 1 minute) -Estimates of the overall precision and probable accuracy of the CO2 concentration measurements reported: - in air:* -in water: - precision: 0.2 ppm - precision: 2 ppm (includes unceratinity of temperature rise 0.1C) -accuracy : 0.2 ppm - accuracy: 2 ppm * depending on the NDIR analyzer and weather conditions. -Estimate of the overall precision and probable accuracy of the sea surface temperature measurements reported: 0.1C -Bibliographic citations describing this data set: Inoue Y. H., and Sugimura, 1992. Variations and distributions of CO2 in and over the equatorial Pacific during the period from the 1986/88 El Ni–o event to the 1988/89 La ni–a event. Tellus 44B, 1-22. Inoue Y. H., Matsueda, H., Ishii, M., Fushimi, K., Hirota, M., Asanuma, I., and Takasugi, Y., 1995. Long-term trend of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in surface waters of the western North Pacific, 1984-1993. Tellus, 47B, 391-413. Method description: -Design of equilibrator: Type: showerhead -Size: air 2l, seawater 20l Water flow rate (liters/minute) 10-15 l/min Headspace gas flow rate (liters/minute): 0.5 l/min Vented: Yes -Method of CO2 measurement: -infra-red analysis on "dry" gas. -Information about calibration gases used: -Manufacturer: Nippon Sanso Co. Ltd. (Japan) -Approximate concentrations (ppm) of the calibration gases used and estimated accuracy of certification: Concentration Accuracy 1: 280 ppm 0.1 ppm 2: 330 ppm 0.1 ppm 3: 360 ppm 0.1 ppm 4: 420 ppm 0.1 ppm 1: Bibliographic citations describing this method: same as that of RY81.TXT, RY82.TXT etc.