o ° 8 , Decii1 purniod oen era . 1 t 0 ' Number of males at the several periods, as far as So o:a , °' ' returned. ! 2- r _ iNumber of females at the several periods, as far as S Z: % * , , returned. ». .r _ 3r ° I 2 z | ' Excess of females at the several periods. _o» I- ' ", ". _ Total number of slaves at the several periods. * Ca .4 a: .p- ~4 _ 2h to C0 Actual increase in each ten year; a , in forty _ o " ' - years, from 1790 to 1S30. , . . * * o Actual decrease, &ci t . $ | 10 luz 4 0 Increase per centul each ten years also, inforty o S S S *- years, from 1790 to 1830. + +i + I ,i * I, , Decrease per centum, &c. M . 4. > to" The proportion which the slaves bore to the free Do c x X white persons within the State at the several pe- ' . , o $ O riods was as one slave to the number of white - + + + persons indicated below. - _< b» o> bD The proportion which the number of slaves in Ten- nessee bore to the total number of slaves in the Z * - ; ! 3 St United States at the several periods, was one i to s 5; t t of the former to the number of the latter ind- P I + I 4 cated below. - - - - . B - _ Number of males at the several periods, as far as re- '* 5 * * *' turned. e -M Number of females at the several periods, as far as : 0 returned. c* 0 ( * o Excess of females at the several periods. or^~ O- . co . - °. * ' -Q c ^ Tdtal number of the combined free colored and g ut o t slave population at the several periods. i CA * a U $ . ° 0 Actual increase in each ten years; also, in forty OD ' S t - years, from 1790 to 1830. g i I N * , * , , , , |Actual decrease, &c. w ~~I -~" It I I >, co P j o I i Ct -4 * Increase per centum in each ten years; also, in forty 1 ,c i . yearz from 1790 to 1830. , * , , | Decrease per centum, &c. 5 - , o. o The ropor ion which the combined free colored , _. s 0 > 1. and slave population bore to the free white popu- 11 2 C D lation of the State at the several periods, was + ; + ?r , + as one colored to the number of white persons indicated below. a c- ~ g The proportion which the combined colored popu- 1o ~o h lation of Tennessee bore to the total number of o3 t ° the same classes of persons in the United States ,a o L - uo , ~ at the several periods, was as one of the former +' - | + to the number of the latter indicated below. : '0o9 3 is