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Shlomy Raziel, an agribusiness consultant and alternative crop expert with the USAID-funded Economic Development and Growth for Enterprises (EDGE) project, inspects a pomegranate tree and discusses orchard maintenance with a GLOBALGAP compliant farmer in Cyprus.

GLOBALGAP Farmers Boost Profits

GLOBALGAP certification guarantees that a product does not contain chemical, physical or microbiological contaminants that can cause health hazards and compliance with agriculture standards in the country where the products will be consumed.

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Officials Fined, Dismissed on Corruption Charges
In a January 2009 news conference in Vlora, Fjorida Kallço, Director of HIDAA's Legal Department presented new procedures requiring children of public officials to declare their assets. Supported by USAID's Rule of Law program, HIDAA hopes to increase the role of Albania's media and civil society organizations to investigate conflicts of interests and corrupt practices of government officials.
In 2008, the Chief Prosecutor in Albania's port city of Durres resigned after an investigation uncovered nearly € 800,000 of hidden and unjustified assets. In the following weeks, extensive media coverage was given to cases involving three more officials Read More ...

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