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Mohonk Road Industrial Plant

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Site Identification
  • EPA Site ID: NYD986950012
  • City: Marbletown
  • County: Ulster
  • Congressional District: 26
  • National Priorities List
    • Proposed Date: 9/30/1998
    • Final Date: 1/19/1999

EPA added the Mohonk Road Industrial Plant site in Marbletown, New York to the Superfund National Priorities List on January 19, 1999 because hazardous chemicals were found in the soil and ground water.  The 14.5 acre superfund site in Ulser County, New York contained a facility at which ex tensive industrial activity took place by various entities.  Operations that took place include metal finishing, a wet-spray painting operation, and the manufacturing of plastic and metal fixtures, all of which required the use of solvents.  An on-site 1,000 gallon underground tank contained sludge contaminated with several heavy metals, pesticides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are contaminants that evaporate easily in the air.  Soil and groundwater on-site were contaminated with VOCs.  The VOC contaminated ground water plume extends for a distance of approximately one mile from the site and covers an area of roughly 170 acres.  The site is in a predominantly residential area, with local residences and businesses obtaining water from individual wells which draw from the ground water plume contaminated with VOCs from the site. 

As an immediate action, EPA and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) provided filtration units to homes and businesses with wells that have been significantly impacted by contaminated groundwater.  Wells were maintained by EPA to ensure a safe supply of water.  EPA monitored residential wells near the site without filters to ensure that they continued to meet drinking water standards until a permanent source of clean drinking water could be provided.  The underground tank and its contents as well as approximately 25 cubic yards of stained soil associated with it were removed from the site beginning in September 1997. 

To address the entire site, EPA decided to construct a drinking water treatment plant and distribution system to serve the newly-created High Falls Water District. The groundwater extraction and treatment system was constructed and became operation in May 2000. As of March 2007, over 44 million gallons of contaminated groundwater has been extracted and treated.  EPA excavated a total of approximately 2,567 tons of contaminated soil and waste for off-site disposal.  EPA completed construction of the drinking water supply system in the fall of 2007 and disconnected the filtration units in homes and businesses with the switch-over to the new drinking water system.  Under current conditions at this site, potential or actual human exposures are under control. 


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