IRS13 Scientific Report No. IRS-13 Information Storage and Retrieval An Analysis of the Documentation Requests chapter E. M. Keen Harvard University Gerard Salton Use, reproduction, or publication, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. X 23 LONG SHORT LOW HIGH LOW HIGH FREQ FREQ FREQ FREQ LOW A8 [OCRerr] FR[OCRerr] Bi BO SPECIFIC HIGH Al AO FRE[OCRerr] BI ]3lf LOW A3 AO FRE[OCRerr] Bi B2 GENERAL HIGH Al A3 FREQ Bi B7 Data for the 35 Individual Requests as Given in Figure 9 but Here Divided into the Requests of the Two Preparers. Figure 12. H[OCRerr]PARER 11A" "B11 [OCRerr]2/3 BROAD i4 3 17 [OCRerr]2/3 NARROW 14 114 18 i8 17 35 Correlation Between Request Preparers and Request Type, Where lvBroad[OCRerr]l is the Sum of the 14 Categories to the Left of the Diagonal in Figure 12, and "Narrow'1 is the Sum of the Other 14. Figure 13.