* SPSS syntax to CREATE MASTER DATA FILE: * Creates State master '.SAV' file from validated master '.TXT' file * Source file MASTERV1.TXT and output file MASTERV1.SAV hold records passing new validation. * Instructions: Edit 'DATA LIST' command below to reference location of MASTERV1.TXT. * Select 'Run All' after making this modification. * Location of Data File Produced: c:\ncands\datasys\dcdc\2005\[State ID]\full\MASTERV1.SAV * ********************************************************************************************. * Summary of Syntax Distributed In Conjunction with NCANDS FFY 2005 Data Validation System. * * CREATE MASTER DATA FILE syntax creates data file in SPSS format. * Must be run before all other syntax. * Source file MASTERV1.TXT and output file MASTERV1.SAV hold records passing new validation. * c:\ncands\datasys\dcdc\2005\[State ID]\full\create_master_sav_fy2005.sps *********************************************************************************************. * EDIT FILE SPECIFICATION BELOW TO REFERENCE LOCATION OF STATE MASTERV1.TXT file. * Replace entries for YEAR and STATE with the actual State ID and Year associated with * validated file to process. DATA LIST file = 'c:\ncands\datasys\dcdc\2005\[State ID]\full\masterv1.txt' / subyr 1-4 staterr 5-6 (a) rptid 7-18 (a) chid 19-30 (a) rptcnty 31-33 rptdatm 34-35 rptdatd 36-37 rptdaty 38-41 invdatm 42-43 invdatd 44-45 invdaty 46-49 rptsrc 50-51 rptdisp 52-53 dspdatm 54-55 dspdatd 56-57 dspdaty 58-61 notifs 62 chage 63-64 dobdatm 65-66 dobdatd 67-68 dobdaty 69-72 chsex 73 chracai 74 chracas 75 chracbl 76 chracnh 77 chracwh 78 chracud 79 cethn 80 chcnty 81-83 chlvng 84-85 chmil 86 chprior 87 chmal1 88 mal1lev 89-90 chmal2 91 mal2lev 92-93 chmal3 94 mal3lev 95-96 chmal4 97 mal4lev 98-99 maldeath 100 cdalc 101 cddrug 102 cdrtrd 103 cdemotnl 104 cdvisual 105 cdlearn 106 cdphys 107 cdbehav 108 cdmedicl 109 fcalc 110 fcdrug 111 fcrtrd 112 fcemotnl 113 fcvisual 114 fclearn 115 fcphys 116 fcmedicl 117 fcviol 118 fchouse 119 fcmoney 120 fcpublic 121 postserv 122 srvdatm 123-124 srvdatd 125-126 srvdaty 127-130 famsup 131 fampres 132 fostercr 133 rmvdatm 134-135 rmvdatd 137-138 rmvdaty 139-141 juvpet 142 petdatm 143-144 petdatd 145-146 petdaty 147-150 cochrep 151 adopt 152 casemang 153 counsel 154 daycare 155 educatn 156 employ 157 famplan 158 health 159 homebase 160 housing 161 transliv 162 inforef 163 legal 164 menthlth 165 pregpar 166 respite 167 ssdisabl 168 ssdelinq 169 subabuse 170 transprt 171 othersv 172 wrkrid 173-184 (a) suprvid 185-196 (a) per1id 197-208 (a) per1rel 209-210 per1prnt 211 per1cr 212 per1age 213-214 per1sex 215 p1racai 216 p1racas 217 p1racbl 218 p1racnh 219 p1racwh 220 p1racud 221 per1ethn 222 per1mil 223 per1pior 224 per1mal1 225 per1mal2 226 per1mal3 227 per1mal4 228 per2id 229-240 (a) per2rel 241-242 per2prnt 243 per2cr 244 per2age 245-246 per2sex 247 p2racai 248 p2racas 249 p2racbl 250 p2racnh 251 p2racwh 252 p2racud 253 per2ethn 254 per2mil 255 per2pior 256 per2mal1 257 per2mal2 258 per2mal3 259 per2mal4 260 per3id 261-272 (a) per3rel 273-274 per3prnt 275 per3cr 276 per3age 277-278 per3sex 279 p3racai 280 p3racas 281 p3racbl 282 p3racnh 283 p3racwh 284 p3racud 285 per3ethn 286 per3mil 287 per3pior 288 per3mal1 289 per3mal2 290 per3mal3 291 per3mal4 292 afcarsid 293-304 (a) incidm 305-306 incidd 307-308 incidy 309-312 strtm 313-314 strtd 315-316 strty 317-320 cfilem 321-322 cfiled 323-324 cfiley 325-328 convflag 329 version 330-347 (a). freq convflag. * Compute dates from respective month, day, year components. compute rptdt = date.mdy(rptdatm,rptdatd, rptdaty) . compute invdate = date.mdy(invdatm,invdatd, invdaty) . compute rpdispdt = date.mdy(dspdatm,dspdatd,dspdaty) . compute chbdate = date.mdy(dobdatm,dobdatd,dobdaty) . compute servdate = date.mdy(srvdatm,srvdatd,srvdaty) . compute rmvdate = date.mdy(rmvdatm,rmvdatd,rmvdaty) . compute petdate = date.mdy(petdatm,petdatd,petdaty) . compute inciddt = date.mdy(incidm,incidd,incidy) . compute strtdate = date.mdy(strtm,strtd,strty). compute cfiledat = date.mdy(strtm,strtd,strty). format rptdt invdate rpdispdt chbdate strtdate servdate rmvdate petdate inciddt cfiledat (date9) . compute rptyr = xdate.year(rptdt) . var labels subyr 'Submission Year' / staterr 'State Territory' / rptid 'Report ID' / chid 'Child ID' / rptcnty 'County Of Report' / rptdt 'Report Date' / invdate 'Investigation Start Date' / rptsrc 'Report Source' / rptdisp 'Report Disposition' / rpdispdt 'Report Disposition Date' / notifs 'Notifications' / chage 'Child Age At Report' / chbdate 'Child Date Of Birth' / chsex 'Child Sex' / chracai 'Child Race American Indian or Alaska Native' / chracas 'Child Race Asian' / chracbl 'Child Race Black or African American' / chracnh 'Child Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander' / chracwh 'Child Race White' / chracud 'Child Race Undetermined' / cethn 'Child Ethnicity' / chcnty 'County Of Residence' / chlvng 'Living Arrangement' / chmil 'Military Family Member' / chprior 'Prior Victim' / chmal1 'Maltreatment-1 Type' / mal1lev 'Maltreatment-1 Disposition Level' / chmal2 'Maltreatment-2 Type' / mal2lev 'Maltreatment-2 Disposition Level' / chmal3 'Maltreatment-3 Type' / mal3lev 'Maltreatment-3 Disposition Level' / chmal4 'Maltreatment-4 Type' / mal4lev 'Maltreatment-4 Disposition Level' / maldeath 'Maltreatment Death' / cdalc 'Alcohol Abuse-Child' / cddrug 'Drug Abuse-Child' / cdrtrd 'Mental Retardation-Child' / cdemotnl 'Emotionally Disturbed-Child' / cdvisual 'Visually Or Hearing Impaired-Child' / cdlearn 'Learning Disability-Child' / cdphys 'Physically Disabled-Child' / cdbehav 'Behavior Problem-Child' / cdmedicl 'Other Medical Condition-Child' / fcalc 'Alcohol Abuse-Caretaker(s)' / fcdrug 'Drug Abuse-Caretaker(s)' / fcrtrd 'Mental Retardation-Caretaker(s)' / fcemotnl 'Emotionally Disturbed-Caretaker(s)' / fcvisual 'Visually or Hearing Impaired-Caretaker(s)' / fclearn 'Learning Disability-Caretaker(s)' / fcphys 'Physically Disabled-Caretaker(s)' / fcmedicl 'Other Medical Condition-Caretaker(s)' / fcviol 'Domestic Violence' / fchouse 'Inadequate Housing' / fcmoney 'Financial Problem' / fcpublic 'Public Assistance' / postserv 'Post Investigation Services' / servdate 'Service Date' / famsup 'Family Support Services' / fampres 'Family Preservation Services' / fostercr 'Foster Care Services' / rmvdate 'Removal Date' / juvpet 'Juvenile Court Petition' / petdate 'Petition Date' / cochrep 'Court-Appointed Representative' / adopt 'Adoption Services' / casemang 'Case Management Services' / counsel 'Counseling Services' / daycare 'Day Care Services-Child' / educatn 'Educational and Training Services' / employ 'Employment Services' / famplan 'Family Planning Services' / health 'Health-Related and Home Health Services' / homebase 'Home-Based Services' / housing 'Housing Services' / transliv 'Independent and Transitional Living Services' / inforef 'Information and Referral Services' / legal 'Legal Services' / menthlth 'Mental Health Services' / pregpar 'Pregnancy and Parenting Services for Young Parents' / respite 'Respite Care Services' / ssdisabl 'Special Services-Disabled' / ssdelinq 'Special Services-Juvenile Delinquent' / subabuse 'Substance Abuse Services' / transprt 'Transportation Services' / othersv 'Other Services' / wrkrid 'Worker ID' / suprvid 'Supervisor ID' / per1id 'Perpetrator-1 ID' / per1rel 'Perpetrator-1 Relationship' / per1prnt 'Perpetrator-1 As A Parent' / per1cr 'Perpetrator-1 As A Caretaker' / per1age 'Perpetrator-1 Age at Report' / per1sex 'Perpetrator-1 Sex' / p1racai 'Perpetrator-1 Race American Indian or Alaska Native' / p1racas 'Perpetrator-1 Race Asian' / p1racbl 'Pertpetrator-1 Race Black or African American' / p1racnh 'Pertpetrator-1 Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander' / p1racwh 'Pertpetrator-1 Race White' / p1racud 'Pertpetrator-1 Race Undetermined' / per1ethn 'Pertpetrator-1 Ethnicity' / per1mil 'Pertpetrator-1 Military Member' / per1pior 'Pertpetrator-1 Prior Abuser' / per1mal1 'Pertpetrator-1 Maltreatment-1' / per1mal2 'Pertpetrator-1 Maltreatment-2' / per1mal3 'Pertpetrator-1 Maltreatment-3' / per1mal4 'Pertpetrator-1 Maltreatment-4' / per2id 'Pertpetrator-2 ID' / per2rel 'Perpetrator-2 Relationship' / per2prnt 'Pertpetrator-2 As A Parent' / per2cr 'Pertpetrator-2 As A Caretaker' / per2age 'Pertpetrator-2 Age At Report' / per2sex 'Perpetrator-2 Sex' / p2racai 'Perpetrator-2 Race American Indian or Alaska Native' / p2racas 'Perpetrator-2 Race Asian' / p2racbl 'Perpetrator-2 Race Black or African American' / p2racnh 'Perpetrator-2 Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander' / p2racwh 'Perpetrator-2 Race White' / p2racud 'Perpetrator-2 Race Undetermined' / per2ethn 'Perpetrator-2 Ethnicity' / per2mil 'Perpetrator-2 Military Member' / per2pior 'Perpetrator-2 Prior Abuser' / per2mal1 'Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-1' / per2mal2 'Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-2' / per2mal3 'Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-3' / per2mal4 'Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-4' / per3id 'Perpetrator-3 ID' / per3rel 'Perpetrator-3 Relationship' / per3prnt 'Perpetrator-3 As A Parent' / per3cr 'Perpetrator-3 As A Caretaker' / per3age 'Perpetrator-3 Age At Report' / per3sex 'Perpetrator-3 Sex' / p3racai 'Perpetrator-3 Race American Indian or Alaska Native' / p3racas 'Perpetrator-3 Race Asian' / p3racbl 'Perpetrator-3 Race Black or African American' / p3racnh 'Perpetrator-3 Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander' / p3racwh 'Perpetrator-3 Race White' / p3racud 'Perpetrator-3 Race Undetermined' / per3ethn 'Perpetrator-3 Ethnicity' / per3mil 'Perpetrator-3 Military Member' / per3pior 'Perpetrator-3 Prior Abuser' / per3mal1 'Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-1' / per3mal2 'Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-2' / per3mal3 'Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-3' / per3mal4 'Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-4' / afcarsid 'Afccars ID'/ inciddt 'Incident Date' / strtdate 'Start Date for Reporting Period' / cfiledat 'Child File Validation/Create Date' / convflag 'Converted from Earlier Format' / version 'Version of Validator' . * freq per1rel. value labels rptsrc 1 'social services personnel' 2 'medical personnel' 3 'mental health personnel' 4 'legal, law enforcement, or criminal justice personnel' 5 'education personnel' 6 'child day care provider' 7 'substitute care provider' 8 'alleged victim' 9 'parent' 10 'other relative' 11 'friends/neighbor' 12 'alleged perpetrator' 13 'anonymous reporter' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq rptsrc. value labels rptdisp 1 'substantiated' 2 'indicated or reason to suspect' 3 'alternative response disposition-victim' 4 'alternative response disposition-not a victim' 5 'unsubstantiated' 6 'unsubstantiated due to intentionally false reporting' 7 'closed-no finding' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq rptdisp. value labels notifs 1 'none' 2 'police/prosecutor' 3 'licensing agency' 4 'both' 8 'other' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq notifs. value labels chage 00 'under one year' 77 'unborn' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq chage. value labels chsex 1 'male' 2 'female' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chsex. value labels chracai 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chracai. value labels chracas 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chracas. value labels chracbl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chracbl. value labels chracnh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chracnh. value labels chracwh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chracwh. value labels chracud 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chracud. value labels cethn 1 'yes, Hispanic or Latino' 2 'not Hispanic or Latino' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cethn. value labels chcnty 999 'out of State'. * freq chcnty. value labels chlvng 1 'married parents' 2 'married parent and step parent' 3 'unmarried parents ' 4 'parent and cohabitating partner ' 5 'both parents, marital status unknown' 6 'single parent, mother only' 7 'single parent, father only' 8 'single parent, mother & other adult' 9 'single parent, father & other adult' 10 'non-parent relative caregiver' 11 'non-relative caregiver' 12 'group home or residential facility' 88 'Other setting' 99 'Unknown'. * freq chlvng. value labels chmil 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chmil. value labels chprior 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chprior. value labels chmal1 1 'physical abuse' 2 'neglect or deprivation of necessities' 3 'medical neglect' 4 'sexual abuse' 5 'psychological or emotional maltreatment' 6 'no alleged maltreatment' 8 'other' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chmal1. value labels mal1lev 1 'substantiated' 2 'indicated or reason to suspect' 3 'alternative response victim' 4 'alternative response nonvictim' 5 'unsubstantiated' 6 'unsubstantiated due to intentionally false reporting' 7 'closed-no finding' 8 'no alleged maltreatment' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq mal1lev. value labels chmal2 1 'physical abuse' 2 'neglect or deprivation of necessities' 3 'medical neglect' 4 'sexual abuse' 5 'psychological or emotional maltreatment' 6 'no alleged maltreatment' 8 'other' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chmal2. value labels mal2lev 1 'substantiated' 2 'indicated or reason to suspect' 3 'alternative response victim' 4 'alternative response nonvictim' 5 'unsubstantiated' 6 'unsubstantiated due to intentionally false reporting' 7 'closed-no finding' 8 'no alleged maltreatment' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq mal2lev. value labels chmal3 1 'physical abuse' 2 'neglect or deprivation of necessities' 3 'medical neglect' 4 'sexual abuse' 5 'psychological or emotional maltreatment' 6 'no alleged maltreatment' 8 'other' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chmal3. value labels mal3lev 1 'substantiated' 2 'indicated or reason to suspect' 3 'alternative response disposition-victim' 4 'alternative response disposition-not a victim' 5 'unsubstantiated' 6 'unsubstantiated due to intentionally false reporting' 7 'closed-no finding' 8 'no alleged maltreatment' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq mal3lev. value labels chmal4 1 'physical abuse' 2 'neglect or deprivation of necessities' 3 'medical neglect' 4 'sexual abuse' 5 'psychological or emotional maltreatment' 6 'no alleged maltreatment' 8 'other' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq chmal4. value labels mal4lev 1 'substantiated' 2 'indicated or reason to suspect' 3 'alternative response disposition-victim' 4 'alternative response disposition-not a victim' 5 'unsubstantiated' 6 'unsubstantiated due to intentionally false reporting' 7 'closed-no finding' 8 'no alleged maltreatment' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq mal4lev. value labels maldeath 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq maldeath. value labels cdalc 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdalc. value labels cddrug 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cddrug. value labels cdrtrd 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdrtrd. value labels cdemotnl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdemotnl. value labels cdvisual 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdvisual. value labels cdlearn 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdlearn. value labels cdphys 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdphys. value labels cdbehav 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdbehav. value labels cdmedicl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cdmedicl. value labels fcalc 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcalc. value labels fcdrug 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcdrug. value labels fcrtrd 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcrtrd. value labels fcemotnl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcemotnl. value labels fcvisual 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcvisual. value labels fclearn 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fclearn. value labels fcphys 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcphys. value labels fcmedicl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcmedicl. value labels fcviol 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcviol. value labels fchouse 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fchouse. value labels fcmoney 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcmoney. value labels fcpublic 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fcpublic. value labels postserv 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq postserv. value labels famsup 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq famsup. value labels fampres 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fampres. value labels fostercr 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq fostercr. value labels juvpet 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq juvpet. value labels cochrep 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq cochrep. value labels adopt 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq adopt. value labels casemang 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq casemang. value labels counsel 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq counsel. value labels daycare 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq daycare. value labels educatn 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq educatn. value labels employ 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq employ. value labels famplan 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq famplan. value labels health 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq health. value labels homebase 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq homebase. value labels housing 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq housing. value labels transliv 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq transliv. value labels inforef 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq inforef. value labels legal 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq legal. value labels menthlth 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq menthlth. value labels pregpar 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq pregpar. value labels respite 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq respite. value labels ssdisabl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq ssdisabl. value labels ssdelinq 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq ssdelinq. value labels subabuse 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq subabuse. value labels transprt 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq transprt. value labels othersv 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq othersv. value labels per1rel 1 'parent' 2 'other relative (non foster parent)' 3 'relative foster parent' 4 'nonrelative foster parent' 5 'group home or residential facility staff' 6 'child daycare provider' 7 'unmarried partner of parent' 8 'legal guardian' 9 'other professionals' 10 'friends or neighbors' 33 'foster parent' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1rel. value labels per1prnt 1 'biological parent' 2 'step-parent' 3 'adoptive parent' 8 'other parent' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1prnt. value labels per1cr 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1cr. value labels per1age 75 '75 years or older' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1age. value labels per1sex 1 'male' 2 'female' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1sex. value labels p1racai 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p1racai. value labels p1racas 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p1racas. value labels p1racbl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p1racbl. value labels p1racnh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p1racnh. value labels p1racwh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p1racwh. value labels p1racud 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p1racud. value labels per1ethn 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1ethn. value labels per1mil 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1mil. value labels per1pior 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per1pior. value labels per1mal1 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per1mal1. value labels per1mal2 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per1mal2. value labels per1mal3 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per1mal3. value labels per1mal4 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per1mal4. value labels per2rel 1 'parent' 2 'other relative (non foster parent)' 3 'relative foster parent' 4 'nonrelative foster parent' 5 'group home or residential facility staff' 6 'child daycare provider' 7 'unmarried partner of parent' 8 'legal guardian' 9 'other professionals' 10 'friends or neighbors' 33 'foster parent' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2rel. value labels per2prnt 1 'biological parent' 2 'step-parent' 3 'adoptive parent' 8 'other parent' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2prnt. value labels per2cr 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2cr. value labels per2age 75 '75 years or older' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2age. value labels per2sex 1 'male' 2 'female' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2sex. value labels p2racai 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p2racai. value labels p2racas 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p2racas. value labels p2racbl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p2racbl. value labels p2racnh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p2racnh. value labels p2racwh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p2racwh. value labels p2racud 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p2racud. value labels per2ethn 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2ethn. value labels per2mil 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2mil. value labels per2pior 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per2pior. value labels per2mal1 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per2mal1. value labels per2mal2 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per2mal2. value labels per2mal3 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per2mal3. value labels per2mal4 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per2mal4. value labels per3rel 1 'parent' 2 'other relative (non foster parent)' 3 'relative foster parent' 4 'nonrelative foster parent' 5 'group home or residential facility staff' 6 'child daycare provider' 7 'unmarried partner of parent' 8 'legal guardian' 9 'other professionals' 10 'friends or neighbors' 33 'foster parent' 88 'other' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3rel. value labels per3prnt 1 'biological parent' 2 'step-parent' 3 'adoptive parent' 8 'other parent' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3prnt. value labels per3cr 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3cr. value labels per3age 75 '75 years or older' 99 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3age. value labels per3sex 1 'male' 2 'female' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3sex. value labels p3racai 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p3racai. value labels p3racas 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p3racas. value labels p3racbl 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p3racbl. value labels p3racnh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p3racnh. value labels p3racwh 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p3racwh. value labels p3racud 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq p3racud. value labels per3ethn 1 'yes' 2 'no' 3 'unable to determine' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3ethn. value labels per3mil 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3mil. value labels per3pior 1 'yes' 2 'no' 9 'unknown or missing'. * freq per3pior. value labels per3mal1 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per3mal1. value labels per3mal2 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per3mal2. value labels per3mal3 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per3mal3. value labels per3mal4 1 'yes' 2 'no'. * freq per3mal4. * freq chage. * Sort cases before saving. sort cases by rptid chid. save outfile = 'c:\ncands\spss_cfsr\masterv1.sav' /keep = CFILEDAT STRTDATE SUBYR STATERR RPTID CHID RPTCNTY RPTDT INVDATE RPTSRC RPTDISP RPDISPDT NOTIFS CHAGE CHBDATE CHSEX CHRACAI CHRACAS CHRACBL CHRACNH CHRACWH CHRACUD cethn CHCNTY CHLVNG CHMIL CHPRIOR CHMAL1 MAL1LEV CHMAL2 MAL2LEV CHMAL3 MAL3LEV CHMAL4 MAL4LEV MALDEATH CDALC CDDRUG CDRTRD CDEMOTNL CDVISUAL CDLEARN CDPHYS CDBEHAV CDMEDICL FCALC FCDRUG FCRTRD FCEMOTNL FCVISUAL FCLEARN FCPHYS FCMEDICL FCVIOL FCHOUSE FCMONEY FCPUBLIC POSTSERV SERVDATE FAMSUP FAMPRES FOSTERCR RMVDATE JUVPET PETDATE COCHREP ADOPT CASEMANG COUNSEL DAYCARE EDUCATN EMPLOY FAMPLAN HEALTH HOMEBASE HOUSING TRANSLIV INFOREF LEGAL MENTHLTH PREGPAR RESPITE SSDISABL SSDELINQ SUBABUSE TRANSPRT OTHERSV WRKRID SUPRVID PER1ID PER1REL PER1PRNT PER1CR PER1AGE PER1SEX P1RACAI P1RACAS P1RACBL P1RACNH P1RACWH P1RACUD PER1ETHN PER1MIL PER1PIOR PER1MAL1 PER1MAL2 PER1MAL3 PER1MAL4 PER2ID PER2REL PER2PRNT PER2CR PER2AGE PER2SEX P2RACAI P2RACAS P2RACBL P2RACNH P2RACWH P2RACUD PER2ETHN PER2MIL PER2PIOR PER2MAL1 PER2MAL2 PER2MAL3 PER2MAL4 PER3ID PER3REL PER3PRNT PER3CR PER3AGE PER3SEX P3RACAI P3RACAS P3RACBL P3RACNH P3RACWH P3RACUD PER3ETHN PER3MIL PER3PIOR PER3MAL1 PER3MAL2 PER3MAL3 PER3MAL4 AFCARSID INCIDDT CONVFLAG VERSION. freq staterr strtdate.