AmeriFlux eddycovariance data for CO2, water and energy exchange between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere

La Selve
Costa Rica
Tropical Wet Forest

  • Key Investigators/Institutional Affiliations:
      * Steven F. Oberbauer - Florida International University - DOE (TECO), NSF (Ecosystem Studies)
      * Deborah A. Clark - University of Missouri, St. Louis - DOE (TECO), NSF (Ecosystem Studies)
      * David B. Clark - University of Missouri, St. Louis - DOE (TECO), NSF (Ecosystem Studies)
      * Edzo Veldkamp - University of Gottenberg, Deutschland - DOE (TECO)

      * Web-Link
  • Location/Principal biome/main communities:
      * Located at: 10 degrees 26 min Latitude (N), 83 degrees 59 min Longitude (W)
      * Elevation: 100-300 m (above msl)
      * Precipitation: 4 m annually; Mean monthly temperature: 25.8 degrees C
      * Slope / Exposure
      * Canopy height: average 21 m
      * Canopy roughness
  • Since:
      * Start-up is January 5th 1998
  • Research topics:
      * Quantification of sources and sinks of CO2 in terrestrial ecosystems
      * Investigate cause of large annual variation in tree diameter growth
      * Extension of annual tree growth measurements to forest wide plots
  • Instrumentation:
      * Top of tower =
      * Eddy Covariance system-3d sonic anemometer (K-probe, ATI, Boulder, CO) and a closed path IRGA (model 6262, Li-Cor, Linclon, NE) Profile System-closed path IRGA (model 6262, Li-Cor, Lincon, NE), inlets at 6 heights (0.5, 6.8, 11.5, 16, 20.5, and 27m) with co-located RTD's. Automated switching is at 5 minute intervals. Both systems have span gases and zero air cycled through the IRGA's 4-times daily to check for drift.
  • Core Measurements:
      * CO2 flux units (g CO2 m-2 day-1)
      * sensible heat flux (W m-2)
      * latent heat flux (W m-2)
  • Ancillary Measurements:
      * Biomass (kg/ha)
      * Leaf Area Index (hemispherical photography (LAI-2000)
      * Litter collection
      * Soil carbon turnover
      * Soil respiration
      * Canopy sapflow
      * Coarse woody debris
      * Fine root production and turnover
      * Soil texture and NPK for the whole La Selva gridposts (1300+ samples)

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