07/09/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov put back previously erased void changeCalibrationMode();// removed the contents of this one though static std::string getCalibrationMode(); static void setCalibrationMode(std::string newCalibrationMode); static std::string sCalibrationMode; static bool changedCalibrationMode; put back these two lines in src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp (right after usings) string SmtRawUnp2Data::sCalibrationMode="GENERIC"; bool SmtRawUnp2Data::changedCalibrationMode=false 06/28/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov did indentation, cleaning up, restructuring, removed unnecessary options, variables, functions, and dependencies * modified src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp * modified src/COMPONENTS * modified smtraw/SmtRawUnp2Data.hpp * modified rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_data_all.rcp 06/27/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov put lines that are compatible with Paul's new calibration code; * modified src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp * modified smtraw/SmtRawUnp2Data.hpp 05/19/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov changeed MinimumADC back to 8 in rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_data_all.rcp i.e undone the modification of 01/04/05 to be consistent with what is currently used in the production release 04/15/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov special treatment of L0 test modules: * temporarily oversimpify calibration (pedestal=0.;gain=1.) * modified src/SmtCalibMgr.cpp * modified src/SmtCalibDynamicOrFile.cpp * modifications are labelled "AM_L0testmodules_April_2005" 04/06/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov added code to print out the contents of the SmtDataChunk into * Print_SmtDataChunk_from_SmtData2RawUnp.txt * Print_SmtDataChunk_from_SmtRawUnp2Data.txt (dedicated chunk dump method doesn't work) Modifications are made in * modified src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp * modified smtraw/SmtRawUnp2Data.hpp * modified src/SmtData2RawUnp.cpp * modified smtraw/SmtData2RawUnp.hpp * This code is commented out by default and labelled "AM_print_out_chunk" 04/05/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov simplified MC calibration -- switched to STATIC mode and decoupled MC calibration from any code outside SmtRawUnp2Data component * modified src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp * modified smtraw/SmtRawUnp2Data.hpp * modified rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_mc.rcp * these modifications are labelled "AM_Simplify_MC_Calibration_April_2005" * RunIIa/RunIIb compatible * rcp defaulted to RunIIa 04/01/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov added L0 (!!! this is for MC only so far !!!); these additions are labelled "AM_L0_April_2005" * modified smtraw/SmtRawUnp2Data.hpp * modified src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp * modified rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_data_all.rcp * modified rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_mc.rcp * modified rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_test.rcp * modified src/SmtData2RawUnp.cpp * modified rcp/SmtData2RawUnp.rcp * RunIIa/RunIIb compatible * rcp defaulted to RunIIa 01/04/05 Alex Melnitchouk melnit@fnal.gov modifications are labelled "AMchipstatus_Dec2004" (to see added/modified lines/blocks, do e.g. .../smtraw> grep -rn AMchipstatus_Dec2004 * ) * modified src/SmtRawUnp2Data.cpp to create and fill SmtChipStatusChunk * smtraw/SmtRawUnp2Data.hpp added two private data members -- a string to hold the name svxlist.dat (SMT chip list) file and a map to hold the chip list to be used for filling SmtChipStatusChunk * rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_data_all.rcp added a string for svxlist.dat * rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_test.rcp added a string for svxlist.dat * rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_mc.rcp added a string for svxlist.dat * rcp/SmtRawUnp2Data_data_all.rcp changeed MinimumADC from 8 to 6 (Fu's studies) * created new (SMT chip list) file peds/svxlist.dat (it is published in rundata) * created this file smtraw/ChangeLog