FEDLINK Advisory Council Meeting February 22, 2001 FAC Present: FLICC/FEDLINK Present: Bonnie Klein Lynn McDonald Judy Bullwinkle Joseph Banks Maxine Brown Robin Hatziyannis Louise LeTendre Fred Rettenmaier FLICC/FEDLINK Absent: Cheryl Thomas Susan Tarr Denise Lomax Maxine Brown FAC Absent: Sheila Riley Carla Pomager Agenda: 1. Approval of the January 18 FAC Meeting Minutes - FAC 2. FAC Issues and Topics - Bonnie Klein, Chair - FEDLINK Membership Meeting Agenda (April 17, 2000, 9am-12pm) 3. FLICC/FEDLINK Update Issues -Susan Tarr, FLICC Executive Director & Lynn McDonald, FEDLINK Network Coordinator a. Website redesign exercise results (Robin Hatziyannis) b. Revolving Fund options (Tarr) c. Cost/benefits calculator (Tarr) d. FY2001 Budget status (Joe Banks) e. FY2002 Budget process (Tarr/Rettenmaier) f. OCLC update, including deficits (McDonald) g. Consortium update (McDonald) The meeting convened at 12:30 pm. Due to a shortened meeting time, the agenda was reordered and items 3.f and g. were covered by written updates. The minutes of the January 18, 2001 meeting were approved. FAC Issues and Topics: FEDLINK Spring Membership Meeting Agenda (April 17, 2000, 9am- 12pm). Bonnie Klein reported that Anna Bohlin is coordinating the request from the FAC to Mrs. Bush asking her to speak at the Spring Membership Meeting. The request was channeled through Dr. Billington's office. There has not been a final answer yet. However, Donna Scheeder, President of SLA, is confirmed and will discuss librarian competencies. The FAC decided the following FLICC Working Groups should be asked to provide updates: Education, IT, Content Management and Policy (for a report on the NCLIS study and recommendations for NTIS). It was noted that the FLICC Performance Plan may need to be added to the April FAC agenda and/or the membership meeting as part of the Executive Director's report. Revolving Fund. Joe Banks distributed and sought comments from the FAC on three implementation models . Model 1 retains an Inter-Agency Agreement (IAG) essentially like the current one, but with language changed where necessary to reflect the new legislation instead of the Economy Act. Model 2 differed in that agencies would cut purchase orders to the FEDLINK program. Model 3 used the Model 2 method with the addition that purchase orders would cite a Memorandum of Understanding established between LC and each agency, . Model 1 was preferred because 1) it avoids the need for a lot of re-education at the agencies, 2) it involves the same personnel as now at the agencies, and 3) it avoids the need for involving general counsel offices for an MOU which generally takes a long lead time. FAC members said they wanted to take the models back to their agencies to see if local financial officers, general counsels and procurement staff had another viewpoint. (NOTE: Model 1 has subsequently been adopted.) FLICC Web Site Redesign: Robin Hatziyannis reported on the results of the FAC and FEDLINK Network Operations staff concept mapping exercises conducted in December. Vendors will also be asked to go through this exercise to better arrange information to meet their needs. Dave Pachter helped Robin tally results. Two categories distinguished themselves: quick links and secondary page links. For example, quick links might include: What's new, Calendar, Online registration, and Staff directory ("Who do I call?"). Cross links will be provided; for example, Education/Training will have a link to information on how to set up a FEDLINK account. Publications as a category is becoming obsolete as things are published electronically instead of on paper. Federal Library Resources is a catch-all that links to non-FLICC/FEDLINK information. Cheryl Thomas recommended having a link to Home on every page. Robin asked everyone to send to her their favorite and non-favorite web pages, especially the more odious ones. Robin is proceeding with an implementation phase, targeting October 1st as a provisional launch date for the redesign. Budget Status: Joe Banks reported that FEDLINK service dollars are 5 million below last year, but similar to other years where continuing resolutions affected the schedule. He expects it to pick up in the next quarter. Budget Working Group: Joe Banks and Lynn McDonald shared the draft schedule for the Working Group and noted that the next verbal report to the FAC will be at the April meeting since the March meeting has been cancelled. Next Meeting: April 12, 2001 The meeting adjourned at 3pm. Minutes prepared by Maxine Brown