2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC3674
Submitter : Ms. Dana Williams Date & Time: 12/19/2006 09:12:20
Organization : Ms. Dana Williams
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
The proposed use of human fetal tissue for vaccine development sickens me. Its use would be a collusion between government and industry that would be coercive to persons of conscience, inviting the danger that many people would not want to be immunized with such products. Therefore, the entire population would be placed at greater risk, especially during a pandemic.

For once, the politics of abortion must not be the yardstick by which to measure the taxpaying public's best interest, the obligations of government agencies and the ethics of the pharmaceutical industry. Both industry and government should choose the preference of the majority of Americans, who oppose unlimited abortion.

The use of fetal tissue derived from abortions would generate profits that would have the same deleterious effects as the profits law enforcement derives from drug seizures -- such profits become institutionalized and drive the odious practice from which they are derived deeper into our culture. It would truly turn the already thriving personal abortion industry into a rapaciously exploitive marketplace.

How can we hold the exterminations and medical experiments of the European Holocaust up as an example of evil, yet turn a blind eye to the more than a million abortions performed in our nation each year? How can we let our government leaders paralyze Congress with fighting over the voluntary sacrifice of approximately 750 U.S. troops in Iraq per year, when young girls are already destroying more than a million lives each year through abortion?

There can be no appropriate use of the term 'ethical medicine' in connection with harvested abortion tissue. FDA guidelines indicate that there are viable alternatives that could be used to develop vaccines other than cell lines from aborted human fetuses. To all those who are reading this, please do everything in your power as an individual and in your role within a public agency to stop this proposed use of aborted fetuses in the United States. Thank you.