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BMJ. 2005 April 16; 330(7496): 909.
PMCID: PMC556211
Abul Faiz Ahmed Khalid
M A Wajed

Former general practitioner northeast London (b Bangladesh 1941; q Dhaka 1963; MRCPI), died from a heart attack on 15 February 2005.

Khalid joined the Pakistan Army Medical Corps in 1964, but left upon the death of his father. He was awarded a Commonwealth scholarship and came to the United Kingdom in 1967. But political unrest and subsequent civil war in East Pakistan (which led to the creation of Bangladesh) interrupted his studies, his scholarship was stopped, and he was forced to accept a paid job to support his widowed mother at home and his family in the United Kingdom. For a short period he was a general practitioner near Durham, moving to a singlehanded practice in northeast London until his retirement owing to ill health. He leaves a wife, Poly; three children; and six grandchildren.

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