IN THE EAST AND WEST INDIES. 395 enough to cultivate the fields ; and this muft occafion book adearnefs of provifions, which, while it raifes the price XIX- £ workmanfhip, will alio diminifh the number of' v trades. Where fertility of foil is wanting, manufadures re- quire, at leaft, as few men to be employed as poffible. A nation that fliould expend much on its mere fob- Mence, would abforb the whole profits of its induftry. When the gratifications of luxury are greater or more expenfive than the means of fupplying them, the fource from which they are derived is loft, and they can no longer be fupported. If the workman will feed and clothe himfelf like the manufadurer who employs him, the manufadure is foon ruined. The degree of fin- ality that republican nations adhere to from motives of virtue, the manufadurer ought to obferve from views of parfimony. This may be the reafon, perhaps, the arts, even thofe of luxury, are more adapted to republics than monarchies; for, under monarchical inftitutions, poverty is not always the fharpefi fpur with the people to induftry. Labour, proceeding from lunger, is narrow and confined, like the appetite it fprings from ; but the work that arifes from ambition Ipreads and increafes as naturally as the vice itfelf. National charader has confiderable influence over k progrefs or the arts of luxury and ornament. Some people are fitted for invention by that levity which na- turally inclines them to novelty. The fame nation is tted for the arts, by their vanity, which inclines them uhe ornament of drefs. Another nation, lefs lively, * lefs tafte for trivial matters, and is not fond of changing fafhions. Being of a more ferious turn, thefe people are more inclined to indulge in exceffes of the ii and in drinking, which relieves them from all 7 and apprehenfion. Of thefe nations, the one icceed better than its rival in the arts of deco- and muft have the preference over it among all pother nations which are fond ofthe fame arts. lie advantages which manufadures derive from na- l* are further feconded by the form of government.