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John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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03/11/09 - Prison for Picking Up a Rock?

Congressman Culberson speaks out against the the 2009 Omnibus Public Land Management Act. To view his remarks, please click on the photo below.



03/10/09 - House Democrats Guaranteed Secret Ballot But Seek To Deny Same Privilege For American Workers

Today, Democrats in the House plan to introduce “card check” legislation that would restrict workers’ rights by eliminating secret ballots for union organizing. The secret ballot is a hallmark of American democracy and protects workers from intimidation, coercion, and retribution. Card check is a blatant attempt by House Democrats to reward organized labor with its top priority.

Card check will invariably harm businesses and create further job loss when our economy is in peril and unemployment rates are soaring. Conservative estimates project the legislation would eliminate 765,000 jobs over the next seven years. A more recent study showed the bill would eliminate 1.2 million jobs over two years. Economist Dr. Anne Layne-Farrar, of the non-partisan firm LECG Consulting, found that America is likely to see a 1 percentage point rise in unemployment for every 3 percentage points gained in union membership through card checks and mandatory arbitration.

I have cosponsored legislation to guarantee workers’ rights to secret ballot elections. The Secret Ballot Protection Act (H.R. 1176), introduced February 25, 2009, ensures that no one – not unions or employers – can take away an employee’s right to vote in private using a secret ballot. If House Democratic Caucus Rule IV guarantees the majority party a secret ballot vote, shouldn’t American workers enjoy the same privileges?


03/06/09 - Spending Money America Does Not Have

The new majority in Congress and the White House are spending money America does not have.



Today I voted against the Democrats’ irresponsible housing legislation because it rewards bad behavior and gives judges the power to control the housing market.

This cram down legislation allows a judge to rewrite the amount of principal owed on a mortgage -- arbitrarily setting the price. One single judge now has the authority to allow someone who purchased a home they could not afford stay in that home without having to pay the price they agreed to when they bought it. This counterproductive bill will incentivize bankruptcy, raise interest rates and increase the cost of buying a home.

This irresponsible legislation will only add more uncertainty into the housing market. The Democrat-led Congress has already spent billions of dollars propping up the housing sector and this bill ensures that American taxpayers will have to spend billions more down the road.



Today President Obama released a blueprint of his budget that would push the federal deficit to $1.75 trillion for this year. The President’s budget also calls for a $1.4 trillion dollar tax increase. Herbert Hoover and history have shown us that raising taxes during a recession leads to record unemployment. Yesterday the Democrat-led Congress added an extra $32 billion dollars to the 2009 budget and last week they passed a $797 billion dollar “stimulus” bill. In just 21 working days, the Democrat-led Congress has already spent over $1.3 trillion dollars of your money. Federal spending has become like a drug in Washington these days and the government is hooked. Never before have so few, spent so much, in so little time. It is time to “just say no” to federal spending in Washington.


Cong. Culberson Supports H.Res.183—Expressing condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims of the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407

Today I supported a resolution expressing condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims of the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407.  I am extremely honored to represent members of the Continental family and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this unfortunate accident.

02/26/09 - Cong. Culberson Supports H.Res.183—Expressing condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims of the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407
Today I supported a resolution expressing condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims of the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407. I am extremely honored to represent members of the Continental family and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this unfortunate accident. more...
02/25/09 - Congress Should Follow Its Own Advice

Please click on photo below to view the video.


02/25/09 - Stop Spending Our Children's Future
Once again the Democrat-led Congress has rushed through another massive spending bill. Today’s bill costs the American tax payer $410 billion dollars. In just 20 working days, the Democrats controlling Congress have spent over $1.3 trillion dollars. I voted against this massive spending bill because it is the equivalent of paying for your mortgage with a credit card. Our national debt is currently $10.8 trillion and projected to reach $15.9 trillion in 10 years. This massive debt is being placed squarely on the shoulders of our children. Congress must stop spending our children’s future. more...
02/24/09 - Congressman Culberson speaks with CNN's Kate Bolduan about Twittering.

Click on the arrow below to watch Rep. Culberson's interview with CNN's Kate Bolduan.


02/24/09 - Cong. Culberson Calls for Fiscal Responsibility in Washington
I welcome President Obama’s call tonight for fiscal responsibility. It is disappointing that his noble words do not match reality. The Democrat Congress under his leadership has spent more money in less time than any Congress in American history. In just 19 working days, with virtually no public hearings and near zero transparency, they have increased annual spending by 80%, driven the deficit to unheard levels exceeding $1.3 trillion, and exploded our national debt to nearly $11 trillion. Never before in American history have so few people spent so much money in so little time with so little transparency. Every hard working, fiscally prudent American is doing their best to cut expenses and pay off debt. The federal government should do the same. I will always look for areas where I can work with the Administration, but as a fiscal conservative, I strenuously oppose these epic and unprecedented spending increases that have loaded down our children with a crushing debt. I will also fight hard to prevent the massive tax increases this Administration promises us by their refusal to reinstate the Bush tax cuts in 2011. The best way to stimulate the economy immediately is to cut taxes and spending drastically. It is time to start trusting and empowering individual Americans instead of the federal government. It is time to let Americans keep more of what they earn and for the government to spend less. I believe that by taking these steps, our economy will experience the growth and prosperity that have defined America for generations. more...

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