21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation REV 00C, ICN 00 CAL-DSU-NU-000006 December 2004 1. PURPOSE The objective of this calculation is to evaluate the required minimum burnup as a function of initial pressurized water reactor (PWR) assembly enrichment that would permit loading of spent nuclear fuel into the 21 PWR waste package with absorber plates design as provided in Attachment IV. This calculation is an example of the application of the methodology presented in the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (YMP 2003). The scope of this calculation covers a range of enrichments from 0 through 5.0 weight percent U-235, and a burnup range of 0 through 45 GWd/MTU. Higher burnups were not necessary because 45 GWd/MTU was high enough for the loading curve determination. This activity supports the validation of the use of burnup credit for commercial spent nuclear fuel applications. The intended use of these results will be in establishing PWR waste package configuration loading specifications. Limitations of this evaluation are as follows: • The results are based on burnup credit for actinides and selected fission products as proposed in YMP (2003, Table 3-1) and referred to as the Principal Isotopes. Any change to the isotope listing will have a direct impact on the results of this report. • The results are based on 1.5 wt% Gd in the Ni-Gd Alloy material and having no tuff inside the waste package. If the Gd loading is reduced or a process to introduce tuff inside the waste package is defined, then this report would need to be reevaluated based on the alternative materials. This calculation is subject to the Quality Assurance Requirements and Description (QARD) (DOE 2004) because it concerns engineered barriers that are included in the Q-List (BSC 2004k, Appendix A) as items important to safety and waste isolation. 2. METHOD The method used to perform the reactivity calculations involves the simulation of the burnup and decay of fuel assemblies, for various initial enrichments and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) burnups, and the calculation of keff (effective neutron multiplication factor) for the loaded waste package configuration. The isotopic compositions for SNF were calculated in Isotopic Generation and Confirmation of the PWR Application Model (BSC 2003b) and used as input to Software Code: MCNP (CRWMS M&O 1998e) to calculate keff for the waste package loaded with various burnup/enrichment pairs. The keff calculations are based on taking credit for burnup with a subset of the total isotopes present in commercial SNF known as the Principal Isotopes (YMP 2003, Table 3-1). The keff calculations were performed using continuous-energy neutron cross-section libraries as selected in Selection of MCNP Cross Section Libraries report (CRWMS M&O 1998b, pp. 61-68). The SNF from the various burnup/enrichment pairs were simulated, and the results reported from the MCNP calculations were the combined average values of keff from three estimates (collision, absorption, and track length) listed in the final generation summary in the MCNP output. Each of the waste package configurations was represented in detail using specifications for the Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) 15x15 assembly design (Summary Report of Commercial Reactor Criticality Data for Crystal River Unit 3 [Punatar 2001, Section 2]), and waste package dimensions provided in Attachment IV from the following references: Design and Engineering, 21 PWR A, B, D & E Fuel Plates (BSC 2004a), Design and Engineering, 21 PWR C Fuel Plate (BSC 2004b), Design and Engineering, 21 PWR Corner Guide (BSC 2004c), Design and Engineering, 21 PWR End Side Guide (BSC 2004d), Design and Engineering, 21 PWR Side Guide (BSC 2004e), Design and Engineering, 21-PWR Waste Package Configuration (BSC 2004f), Design and Engineering, 21PWR Waste Package Configuration (BSC 2004g), and Design and Engineering, Fuel Tube (BSC 2004h). 3. ASSUMPTIONS 3.1 ASSEMBLY DESIGN Assumption: It is assumed that the B&W 15x15 assembly design is the most limiting PWR fuel assembly design. Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that a previous analysis for the BR-100 transportation cask established the B&W 15x15 fuel assembly as one of the most reactive fuel assembly designs (B&W Fuel Company 1991, p. II 6-6). In addition, several assembly designs were evaluated in Attachment II and the results show the B&W 15x15 design to be the most reactive. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption was used in Section 5. 3.2 MATERIAL DEGRADATION PRODUCTS Assumption: It was assumed that all of the iron within the waste package internal components turns into hematite (Fe2O3) or goethite (FeOOH) as it oxidizes and hydrates, and all of the aluminum turns into gibbsite (Al[OH]3). Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that these are considered the primary minerals that iron and aluminum will form, and are substantiated by Geochemistry Model Abstraction and Sensitivity Studies for the 21 PWR CSNF Waste Packages (BSC 2004i, Sections 6.3.2 and 6.4.2). Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in the sensitivity studies in Attachment I and the postclosure bounding configuration cases in Section 5. 3.3 RANGE OF APPLICABILITY VERSUS RANGE OF PARAMETERS Assumption: It is assumed that range of parameters (ROP) for the configurations evaluated in this report match the range of applicability (ROA) of the benchmarks used to establish the lower bound tolerance limits provided by Framatome ANP (2003). Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that the ROP concerning materials, geometry, and neutron spectrum for the given configurations are considered sufficiently similar to the benchmark experiment parameters. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Section 6 and Attachment I. 3.4 CROSS SECTION SUBSTITUTION Assumption: Since the zinc cross section libraries are unavailable, it was assumed that representing the zinc material composition in SB-209 A96061 T4 as aluminum would maintain the same neutronic characteristics. Rationale: The rationale for this assumption is that the nuclear cross-sections for these two elements are sufficiently similar (Parrington et al. 1996, pp. 20 and 24). Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption was used in Section 5.2.1. 3.5 RADIAL PROFILE EFFECTS Assumption: It was assumed that the radial variation in burnup within the spent fuel assemblies is accounted for during the depletion calculations for BSC (2003b). Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that BSC (2003b) uses inserted burnable absorbers and other parameters during the depletion to harden the neutron spectrum and represent heterogeneous effects, which increases the buildup of plutonium and thus increases the fuel assembly's reactivity worth. This method of depletion is confirmed in BSC (2003b) to provide conservative results with comparisons against measured values. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Section 5. 3.6 DUST MASS COLLECTED ON WASTE PACKAGE OUTER BARRIER Assumption: It is assumed that up to 20 kg of dust per waste package will collect on the outer barrier following closure of the repository. Rationale: During the ventilation period prior to sealing the primary entrances to the repository, dust will accumulate on the waste package outer barrier surfaces (Total Dust Settling on Naval Long Waste Packages in 100 Years [BSC 2004l, Section 1]). The source of a majority of this dust is expected to be from the outside air being used for the ventilation. Rock dust from construction activities is expected to be removed prior to waste package emplacement. Preliminary results BSC (2004l, Table 4) indicate that the maximum mass of dust per waste package accumulated in 100 years is approximately 18.2 kg. Thus, the assumption is conservative. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Attachment I. 3.7 HYDRAULIC FLUID COMPOSITION Assumption: It was assumed that the hydraulic fluid used as an alternative moderator material was a conventional silicone fluid (polysiloxane fluid) with a viscosity of 10cSt with a degree of polymerization of four (which is necessary for a viscosity of 10 cSt at 25°C (Gelest Inc. 2004, p.11). Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that this material is a common hydraulic fluid (Gelest Inc. 2004, p. 7). Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation based on the stated rationale. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Attachment I. 3.8 IRON AND ALUMINUM OXIDE VOLUME EXPANSION Assumption: It was assumed that the volume expansion from the oxidation and hydration of the iron in carbon steel and aluminum in SB-209 A96061 T4 components followed the ratio of theoretical densities. Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that the internal components can degrade over time and the amount present and volume will vary as the exposed region oxidizes and hydrides before flaking off. This assumption is used in representations to capture these effects on system reactivity for various degrees of degradation with retention of various amounts of corrosion products. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation since an adequate range for various amounts of degradation and volume occupied have been evaluated in Attachment I. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Attachment IV. 3.9 DIMENSIONAL SCALING FACTORS Assumption: The following scaling factors were assumed for purposes of scaling dimensions from the drawings in Characteristics of Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and Other Radioactive Wastes Which May Require Long-Term Isolation (DOE 1987): 1) 5 mm is equal to 0.937 in. for the Combustion Engineering (CE) 14x14 assembly design. 2) 12.5 mm is equal to 1.8125 in. for the CE 15x15 assembly design. 3) 5 mm is equal to 0.891 in. for the CE 16x16 assembly design. Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that the dimensions were scaled from DOE (1987, Figures 1-4, 1-1, and 1-9, respectively). Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation since minor variations in the scaled dimensions will have a negligible effect on system reactivity. The effect is considered negligible as long as the materials for the scaled regions are represented in some capacity. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Attachment II. 3.10 CE 15X15 ASSEMBLY DESIGN INSTRUMENT TUBE Assumption: It was assumed that the instrument tube outer diameter and cladding thickness in the CE 15x15 assembly design was the same as that listed for the CE 16x16 assembly design. Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that the designs are similar and manufactured by the same vendor. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation since minor variations in the dimensions will have a negligible effect on system reactivity. The effect is considered negligible as long as the instrument tube is represented. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Attachment II. 3.11 CE NICKEL ALLOY Assumption: It was assumed that CE nickel alloy is similar to Inconel 718. Rationale: The basis for this assumption is that fuel assembly design information for Babcock & Wilcox and Westinghouse assemblies typically use Inconel 718 in the end-fittings. Confirmation Status: This assumption requires no further confirmation since axial reflection from the end-fitting region has a negligible effect on system reactivity. The effect is considered negligible as long as a similar type of material is represented in this region. Use in the Calculation: This assumption is used in Attachment II. 4. USE OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND MODELS 4.1 MCNP The baselined MCNP code (CRWMS M&O 1998e) was used to calculate the neutron multiplication factor for the various spent fuel compositions. The software specifications are as follows: • Software Title: MCNP • Version/Revision Number: Version 4B2LV • Status/Operating System: Qualified/HP-UX B.10.20 • Software Tracking Number: 30033 V4B2LV (Computer Software Configuration Item Number) • Computer Type: Hewlett Packard 9000 Series Workstations • Computer Processing Unit number: 700887 The input and output files for the MCNP calculations are contained on a compact disc attachment to this calculation report (Attachment IV) as described in Sections 5 and 8, such that an independent repetition of the software use may be performed. The MCNP software used was (1) appropriate for the application of multiplication factor calculations, (2) used only within the range of validation as documented throughout Briesmeister (1997) and Software Qualification Report for MCNP Version 4B2, A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (CRWMS M&O 1998a), and (3) obtained from Software Configuration Management in accordance with appropriate procedures. 4.2 EXCEL • Software Title: Excel • Version/Revision number: Microsoft® Excel 97 SR-2 . • Computer Environment: Software is installed on a DELL OptiPlex GX240 personal computer, Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) Management and Operating Contractor (M&O) tag number 150527, running Microsoft Windows 2000, Service Pack 4. Microsoft Excel for Windows, Version 1997 SR-2, is used in calculations and analysis to manipulate the inputs using standard mathematical expressions and operations. It is also used to tabulate and chart results. The user-defined formulas, inputs, and results are documented in sufficient detail to allow an independent repetition of computations. Thus, Microsoft Excel is used only as a worksheet and not as a software routine. Microsoft Excel 1997 SR-2 is an exempt software product in accordance with Software Management (LP-SI.11Q-BSC, Subsection 2). The spreadsheet files for the Excel calculations are documented in Attachment IV. 5. CALCULATION This report evaluates the minimum required burnup of an assembly, for a specific initial enrichment, at which the calculated keff is equal to the critical limit (CL). The CL is the value of keff at which the configuration is potentially critical, and accounts for the criticality analysis methodology bias and uncertainty. In equation notation the CL is represented as shown in Equation 1. CL(x) = f(x) -.kEROA -.kISO -.km (Eq. 1) where x = a neutronic parameter used for trending f(x) = the lower bound tolerance limit function accounting for biases and uncertainties that cause the calculation results to deviate from the true value of keff for a critical experiment, as reflected over an appropriate set of critical experiments .kEROA = penalty for extending the range of applicability .kISO = penalty for isotopic composition bias and uncertainty .km = an arbitrary margin to ensure subcriticality for preclosure and turns the CL function into an upper subcritical limit (USL) function (it is not applicable for use in postclosure analyses because there is no risk associated with a subcritical event) A more detailed discussion of the CL calculation is provided in YMP (2003, Section 3.5.3). A series of computer calculations were performed in order to develop a set of curves which show keff versus burnup for different initial enrichments, and the minimum burnup required to reach the CL or USL. A burnup credit loading curve depicts the relationship between the initial enrichment of a fuel assembly and the required minimum burnup needed to suppress the reactivity of that fuel assembly sufficiently to allow it to be safely loaded into the waste package. Any assembly whose burnup exceeds the required minimum burnup, given the initial enrichment of the fuel assembly, may be loaded into the waste package. There are two time periods to consider for applicability of a loading curve - preclosure and postclosure. The preclosure time-period is the period before permanent closure of the repository and includes the operations involving handling, loading, and sealing of the waste packages. During the preclosure time period it is currently required that the system be designed such that the calculated keff be sufficiently below unity to show at least a five percent margin after allowance for the bias in the method of calculation, and the uncertainty in the experiments used to validate the method of calculation (Project Design Criteria Document [Doraswamy 2004, Section]). The postclosure time-period is the period after permanent closure of the repository throughout the 10,000-year regulatory period (10 CFR 63.2). During the postclosure time-period a variety of conditions may affect the waste package internal configurations. A process to identify configuration classes that have the potential for criticality is provided in YMP (2003, Section 3.6). YMP (2003) is the source for the postclosure methodology (Project Requirements Document [Canori and Leitner 2003, PRD-013/T-016 and PRD-013/T-038]). This report provides a limited search for potential configurations that provide the highest keff values. Licensing Originator: Checker: Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00C Page 16 of 60 5.1 PARAMETER DESCRIPTION 5.1.1 Burnup Profiles A bounding profile is defined as one that would maximize fuel assembly reactivity. Thus, a truly bounding profile would be where the fuel has not been irradiated, which is referred to as the “fresh fuel” assumption. This “fresh fuel” assumption is very conservative in calculations of criticality potential. As fuel is burned in a reactor, the burnup of the fuel becomes distributed axially and the reactivity of the fuel decreases. The profile of this axial distribution attains a flattened cosine shape with time, although the exact profile will vary significantly with operating history and other effects unique to the individual reactor. An axial profile database has been composed for various PWR fuel assembly designs, which included variations in enrichment, burnup, and burnable absorbers (Cacciapouti and Van Volkinburg, 1997). To develop a waste package loading curve, which would encompass the isotopic axial variations caused by different assembly irradiation histories, requires the development of a limiting axial profile that takes credit for fuel burnup. The axial profiles used in this calculation were developed from an axial profile database (Cacciapouti and Van Volkinburg 1997). Limiting axial profiles were developed for a set of eight burnup groups in PWR Axial Burnup Profile Analysis (BSC 2003a, Table 32) as listed in Table 1. Radial profiles are accounted for during the fuel depletion calculations (see Assumption 3.5). Table 1. Seven-Node Limiting Axial Burnup Profiles by Group Axial Pos.a Group 1b 10 = x < 15 Group 2b 15 = x < 20 Group 3b 20 = x < 25 Group 4b 25 = x < 30 Group 5b 30 = x < 35 Group 6b 35 = x < 40 Group 7b 40 = x < 45 Group 8b 45 = x 0.028 0.497 0.554 0.525 0.587 0.599 0.619 0.635 0.640 0.083 0.837 0.882 0.882 0.903 0.907 0.914 0.923 0.926 0.139 1.009 1.021 0.986 1.016 1.028 1.027 1.024 1.023 0.194 – 0.806 1.150 1.126 1.122 1.113 1.104 1.094 1.094 1.086 0.861 0.859 0.920 0.934 0.950 0.971 0.988 0.991 0.998 0.917 0.664 0.694 0.766 0.738 0.778 0.822 0.800 0.841 0.972 0.333 0.416 0.440 0.454 0.471 0.506 0.502 0.541 NOTES: ab Axial Pos. is percent of core height from bottom to top Burnup ranges are in units of GWd/MTU 5.2 INPUT PARAMETER DESCRIPTION Sensitivity studies provided in Attachment I were used as the basis for the selection of parameters that maximize the resultant keff values. 5.3 MATERIALS This section provides an overview of the materials that were selected for use in the MCNP inputs. 5.3.1 Tuff Material Description Waste package configurations were represented with a tuff reflector since this is the composition of the drift material. The base components of the tuff composition used for the loading curve determinations is presented in Table 2 with the derived material specifications for the input files presented in Attachment IV (workbook Tuff composition.xls, sheet Latest_Tuff). Table 2. Tuff Material Composition Compound Wt% SiO2 76.29 Al2O3 12.55 FeO 0.14 Fe2O3 0.97 MgO 0.13 CaO 0.5 Na2O 3.52 K2O 4.83 TiO2 0.11 P2O5 0.05 MnO 0.07 Source: DTN:GS000308313211.001, mean values from file zz_sep_249138.txt NOTE: Derived elemental/isotopic number densities for MCNP inputs are provided in Attachment IV, spreadsheet Tuff composition.xls, sheet Latest_Tuff 5.3.2 Waste Package MCNP Material Descriptions The waste package representation for the MCNP calculations follows the description as that shown in Attachment IV. The outer barrier of the waste package was represented as SB-575 N06022, which is a specific type of nickel-based alloy as described in Table 3. The inner barrier was represented as SA-240 S31600, which is nuclear grade 316 stainless steel (SS) with tightened control on carbon and nitrogen content (ASM International 1987, p. 931; and ASME 2001, Section II, SA-240, Table 1) as described in Table 4. The fuel basket plates were represented as Ni-Gd Alloy (Unified Numbering System [UNS] designation is UNS N06464) with 1.5 wt% Gd as described in Table 5, and the thermal shunts were represented as SB-209 A96061 T4 (aluminum 6061) as described in Table 6. The basket side and corner guides, and the basket stiffeners were represented as Grade 70 A 516 carbon steel as described in Table 7. Stiffeners were placed equidistant along the length of the basket in eight axial locations. Waste package basket material thicknesses were taken from the PWR drawings in Attachment IV. The chromium, nickel, and iron elemental weight percents obtained from the references were expanded into their constituent natural isotopic weight percents for use in MCNP. This expansion was performed by: (1) calculating a natural weight fraction of each isotope in the elemental state, and (2) multiplying the elemental weight percent in the material of interest by the natural weight fraction of the isotope in the elemental state to obtain the weight percent of the isotope in the material of interest. This process is described mathematically in Equations 2 and 3. The atomic mass values and atom percent of natural element values for these calculations are from Parrington et al. (1996). WFi = IA ( At% ) (Eq. 2) ii . A (At% ) ii i =1 where WFi = the weight fraction of isotopei in the natural element Ai = the atomic mass of isotopei At%i = the atom percent of isotopei in the natural element I = the total number of isotopes in the natural element Wt%i = WF (E ) (Eq. 3) i wt % where Wt%i = the weight percent of isotopei in the material composition WFi = the weight fraction of isotopei from Equation 2 Ewt% = the referenced weight percent of the element in the material composition Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 19 of 60 Table 3. SB-575 N06022 Material Composition Element/ Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/ Isotope ZAID Wt% C-nat 6000.50c 0.0150 Co-59 27059.50c 2.5000 Mn-55 25055.50c 0.5000 W-182b 74182.55c 0.7877 Si-nat 14000.50c 0.0800 W-183b 74183.55c 0.4278 Cr-50 24050.60c 0.8879 W-184b 74184.55c 0.9209 Cr-52 24052.60c 17.7863 W-186b 74186.55c 0.8636 Cr-53 24053.60c 2.0554 V 23000.50c 0.3500 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.5202 Fe-54 26054.60c 0.2260 Ni-58 28058.60c 36.8024 Fe-56 26056.60c 3.6759 Ni-60 28060.60c 14.6621 Fe-57 26057.60c 0.0865 Ni-61 28061.60c 0.6481 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.0116 Ni-62 28062.60c 2.0975 S-32 16032.50c 0.0200 Ni-64 28064.60c 0.5547 P-31 15031.50c 0.0200 Mo-nat 42000.50c 13.5000 Density = 8.69 g/cm3 Source: DTN: MO0003RIB00071.000 a NOTES: ZAID = MCNP material identifier b W-180 cross section libraries are not available so the atom percents of the remaining isotopes were used to renormalize the elemental weight and derive isotopic weight percents excluding the negligible 0.120 atom percent in nature contribution from W-180. Table 4. Material Specifications for SA-240 S31600 Element/Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/Isotope ZAID Wt% C-natb 6000.50c 0.0200 Fe-54 26054.60c 3.6911 N-14b 7014.50c 0.0800 Fe-56 26056.60c 60.0322 Si-nat 14000.50c 1.0000 Fe-57 26057.60c 1.4119 P-31 15031.50c 0.0450 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.1897 S-32 16032.50c 0.0300 Ni-58 28058.60c 8.0641 Cr-50 24050.60c 0.7103 Ni-60 28060.60c 3.2127 Cr-52 24052.60c 14.2291 Ni-61 28061.60c 0.1420 Cr-53 24053.60c 1.6443 Ni-62 28062.60c 0.4596 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.4162 Ni-64 28064.60c 0.1216 Mn-55 25055.50c 2.0000 Mo-nat 42000.50c 2.5000 Densityc = 7.98 g/cm3 NOTES: a ZAID = MCNP material identifier b Carbon and nitrogen specifications are from ASM International (1987, p. 931) and remaining material compositions are from ASM International (1990b p. 843) c Density is for stainless steel 316 from ASTM (G 1-90, p. 7, Table X1) Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 20 of 60 Table 5. Material Specifications for Ni-Gd Alloy (UNS N06464) with 1.5 wt% Gdb Element/Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/Isotope ZAID Wt% C-nat 6000.50c 0.0100 Gd-152 64152.50c 0.0029 Mn-55 25055.50c 0.5000 Gd-154 64154.50c 0.0320 Si-nat 14000.50c 0.0800 Gd-155 64155.50c 0.2187 Cr-50 24050.60c 0.6602 Gd-156 64156.50c 0.3045 Cr-52 24052.60c 13.2247 Gd-157 64157.50c 0.2343 Cr-53 24053.60c 1.5283 Gd-158 64158.50c 0.3742 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.3868 Gd-160 64160.50c 0.3335 Ni-58 28058.60c 43.3679 Fe-54 26054.60c 0.0565 Ni-60 28060.60c 17.2778 Fe-56 26056.60c 0.9190 Ni-61 28061.60c 0.7637 Fe-57 26057.60c 0.0216 Ni-62 28062.60c 2.4717 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.0029 Ni-64 28064.60c 0.6537 S-32 16032.50c 0.0050 Mo-nat 42000.50c 14.5500 P-31 15031.50c 0.0050 Co-59 27059.50c 2.0000 O-16 8016.50c 0.0050 Density = 8.76 g/cm3 Source: ASTM B 932-04, Table 1 and Section 8 a NOTE: ZAID = MCNP material identifier b 1.5wt% Gd is based on typical value of 75% credit (NRC 2000, p. 8-4) allowed for fixed neutron absorbers and a nominal Gd loading of 2.0 wt% for Ni-Gd Alloy Table 6. Material Specifications for SB-209 A96061 T4 Element/Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/Isotope ZAID Wt% Si-nat 14000.50c 0.6000 Mg-nat 12000.50c 1.0000 Fe-54 26054.60c 0.0396 Cr-50 24050.60c 0.0081 Fe-56 26056.60c 0.6433 Cr-52 24052.60c 0.1632 Fe-57 26057.60c 0.0151 Cr-53 24053.60c 0.0189 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.0020 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.0048 Cu-63 29063.60c 0.1884 Ti-nat 22000.50c 0.1500 Cu-65 29065.60c 0.0866 Al-27b 13027.50c 96.9300 Mn-55 25055.50c 0.1500 Densityc = 2.7065 g/cm3 Source: ASM International 1990a, p. 102 a NOTES: ZAID = MCNP material identifier. b Zn cross-section data unavailable; therefore, it was substituted as Al-27 (See Assumption 3.4). c ASTM G 1-90 1999, p. 7, Table X1 indicates 2.7 g/cm3; ASME 2001, Section II, Table NF-2 indicates a converted value from 0.098 lb/in3 of 2.713 g/cm3; therefore the midpoint was used. Table 7. Grade 70 A516 Carbon Steel Composition Element/Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/Isotope ZAID Wt% C-nat 6000.50c 0.2700 Fe-54 26054.60c 5.5558 Mn-55 25055.50c 1.0450 Fe-56 26056.60c 90.3584 P-31 15031.50c 0.0350 Fe-57 26057.60c 2.1252 S-32 16032.50c 0.0350 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.2856 Si-nat 14000.50c 0.2900 Density = 7.850 g/cm3 Source: ASTM A 516/A 516M-90 1991, p. 2, Table 1; density from ASME 2001, Sec II, Part A, SA-20, Section 14.1 NOTE: a ZAID = MCNP material identifier 5.3.3 Fuel Assembly MCNP Material Descriptions The fuel assembly materials listed in this section refer to the upper and lower end-fitting materials, the cladding, and fuel plenum materials. In order to simplify the geometry the spacer grids were omitted from the MCNP representations. This is considered conservative with respect to criticality calculations for under-moderated lattices because there is less moderator displacement thereby increasing the moderator effectiveness where the spacer grids would normally be. The cladding composition was Zircaloy-4 as presented in Table 8. Table 8. Zircaloy-4 Material Composition Element/Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/Isotope ZAID Wt% Cr-50 24050.60c 0.0042 Fe-57 26057.60c 0.0045 Cr-52 24052.60c 0.0837 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.0006 Cr-53 24053.60c 0.0097 O-16 8016.50c 0.1250 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.0024 Zr-nat 40000.60c 98.1150 Fe-54 26054.60c 0.0119 Sn-nat 50000.35c 1.4500 Fe-56 26056.60c 0.1930 Densityb = 6.56 g/cm3 Source: ASTM B 811-97 2000, p. 2, Table 2 NOTES: a ZAID = MCNP material identifier. b From ASM International 1990a, p. 666, Table 6. The primary material components in the upper and lower end-fitting regions are SS304 (Table 9), Inconel (represented as Inconel-718 as shown in Table 10), Zircaloy-4 as represented in Table 8, and moderator (represented as water at 1.0 g/cm3 density). Both the upper and lower end-fitting regions are represented with material compositions that represent the homogenization of all of the components in the regions for the B&W 15x15 assembly design. The homogenization of the base components into single homogenized material compositions is performed using Equations 4 through 6. Table 11 presents the component material volume fractions for the upper and lower end-fitting regions and Table 12 presents the base case upper and lower end-fitting homogenized material compositions. Table 13 presents the upper and lower fuel rod plenum material volume fractions and Table 14 presents the base case upper and lower fuel rod plenum homogenized material compositions. Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 22 of 60 M DensityMaterialdHomogenize =.[()( MaterialdHomogenizeinFractionVolume )] . mm m (Eq. 4) where m = a single component material of the homogenized material M = the total number of component materials in the homogenized material . = the mass density of the component material. . ComponentofFractionMass . .(.) ( MaterialdHomogenizeinFractionVolume ). ... mm . MaterialdHomogenizeinMaterial . . = . DensityMaterialdHomogenize .. (Eq. 5) . ofPercentWeight . . .. ofFractionMass .. ComponentofPercentWeight . . MaterialComponent .... . .=. inMaterialComponent .. tConstituenMaterial . .. . . . intConstituen .. . MaterialdHomogenize .. .. MaterialComponentin . . MaterialdHomogenize . (Eq. 6) Table 9. SS304 Material Composition Element Wt% Element Wt% Carbon 0.080 (0.030a) Chromium 19.000 Nitrogen 0.100 Manganese 2.000 Silicon 0.750 Iron Balance 68.745 (68.045a) Phosphorous 0.045 Nickel 9.250 (10.000a) Sulfur 0.030 Density = 7.94 g/cm3 Source: ASME (2001, Section II, SA-240, Table 1); Density from ASTM (1999, G 1-90, p. 7, Table X1) a NOTE: Carbon and Nickel composition corresponds to SS304L which yields a different iron balance Table 10. Inconel 718 Material Composition Element Wt% Element Wt% Element Wt% Nickel 52.500 Molybdenum 3.050 Silicon 0.180 Chromium 19.000 Titanium 0.900 Carbon 0.040 Iron 18.500 Aluminum 0.500 Sulfur 0.008 Niobiuma 5.130 Manganese 0.180 Density = 8.19 g/cm3 Source: Lynch 1989, p. 496 a NOTE: Reference identifies this material as “columbium,” which is actually the element niobium. Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 23 of 60 Table 11. End-Fitting Component Material Volume Fractions Assembly Design Stainless Steel Type 304 Inconel Zircaloy-4 Moderator Upper End-Fitting 0.2756 0.0441 0.0081 0.6722 Lower End-Fitting 0.1656 0.0306 0.0125 0.7913 Source: Punatar 2001, Table 2-3 Table 12. End-Fitting Homogenized Material Compositions Element/ Isotope ZAIDa Upper End-Fitting Wt%b Lower End-Fitting Wt%b C-nat 6000.50c 0.0245 0.0203 N-14 7014.50c 0.0668 0.0539 Si-nat 14000.50c 0.5210 0.4229 P-31 15031.50c 0.0301 0.0243 S-32 16032.50c 0.0209 0.0170 Cr-50 24050.60c 0.6181 0.5098 Cr-52 24052.60c 12.3822 10.2114 Cr-53 24053.60c 1.4309 1.1800 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.3622 0.2987 Mn-55 25055.50c 1.3563 1.0968 Fe-54 26054.60c 2.6847 2.1808 Fe-56 26056.60c 43.6633 35.4677 Fe-57 26057.60c 1.0269 0.8342 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.1380 0.1121 Ni-58 28058.60c 8.3820 7.2490 Ni-60 28060.60c 3.3394 2.8880 Ni-61 28061.60c 0.1476 0.1277 Ni-62 28062.60c 0.4777 0.4132 Ni-64 28064.60c 0.1263 0.1093 H-1 1001.50c 2.2972 3.6312 O-16 8016.50c 18.2314 28.8196 Al-27 13027.50c 0.0552 0.0514 Ti-nat 22000.50c 0.0993 0.0925 Nb-93 41093.50c 0.5659 0.5272 Mo-nat 42000.50c 0.3364 0.3135 Zr-nat 40000.60c 1.5920 3.2990 Sn-nat 50000.35c 0.0235 0.0488 Density (g/cm3) 3.2748 2.4388 a NOTES: ZAID = MCNP material identifier. b Homogenization used stainless steel 304L values for carbon, nickel, and iron Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 24 of 60 Table 13. Fuel Rod Plenum Material Volume Fractions Assembly Design Plenum Location Type 304 Stainless Steel Gas (modeled as void) Zircaloy-4 Babcock & Wilcox Upper 0.0811 0.7793 0.1396 15×15 Lower 0.1569 0.5973 0.2458 Source: Punatar 2001, Table 2-9 and Figures 2-3 and 2-7 NOTE: Volume fractions are renormalized to exclude the cladding, which is modeled explicitly in the input. Table 14. Fuel Rod Plenum Homogenized Material Compositions Element/Isotope ZAIDa Wt% of Element/Isotope in Material Composition Upper Fuel Rod Plenumb Lower Fuel Rod Plenumb C-nat 6000.50c 0.0124 0.0131 N-14 7014.50c 0.0413 0.0436 Si-nat 14000.50c 0.3096 0.3270 P-31 15031.50c 0.0186 0.0196 S-32 16032.50c 0.0124 0.0131 Cr-50 24050.60c 0.3302 0.3485 Cr-52 24052.60c 6.6148 6.9806 Cr-53 24053.60c 0.7644 0.8067 Cr-54 24054.60c 0.1935 0.2042 Mn-55 25055.50c 0.8257 0.8720 Fe-54 26054.60c 1.5943 1.6829 Fe-56 26056.60c 25.9299 27.3712 Fe-57 26057.60c 0.6099 0.6438 Fe-58 26058.60c 0.0820 0.0865 Ni-58 28058.60c 2.7744 2.9298 Ni-60 28060.60c 1.1053 1.1672 Ni-61 28061.60c 0.0489 0.0516 Ni-62 28062.60c 0.1581 0.1670 Ni-64 28064.60c 0.0418 0.0442 O-16 8016.50c 0.0734 0.0705 Zr-nat 40000.60c 57.6077 55.3392 Sn-nat 50000.35c 0.8514 0.8178 Density (g/cm3) 1.5597 2.8583 a NOTES: ZAID = MCNP material identifier. b Homogenization used stainless steel 304L values for carbon and nickel 5.3.4 Fuel Material The following information provides the details needed to duplicate the input file specifications. The uranium dioxide fresh fuel compositions for each U-235 enrichment used in this evaluation are specified in Table 15, and were calculated using Equation 7 (Bowman et al. 1995, p. 20) for each isotope based on the U-235 wt%. Table 15. Fresh Fuel Compositions Enrichment (wt% U-235) Wt% U-234 Wt% U-235 Wt% U-236 Wt% U-238 Wt% Oxygen 1.5 0.0106 1.3222 0.0061 86.8098 11.8513 2.0 0.0144 1.7630 0.0081 86.3625 11.8519 2.5 0.0184 2.2037 0.0101 85.9152 11.8526 3.0 0.0224 2.6444 0.0122 85.4677 11.8533 3.5 0.0265 3.0851 0.0142 85.0202 11.8540 4.0 0.0306 3.5258 0.0162 84.5727 11.8547 4.5 0.0348 3.9665 0.0182 84.1251 11.8553 5.0 0.0390 4.4072 0.0203 83.6775 11.8560 U 234 235 wt% )1.0837 wt%=*(0.007731) (U U 236 235 wt%=(0.0046)*(U wt%) (Eq. 7) U 238 234 235 wt%=-100 U - wt% U - wt% U 236 wt% The initial oxygen mass is calculated using Equations 8 through 10. In Equations 8 and 9 the atomic mass values (M) come from Audi and Wapstra (1995). . wt%i .-1 . Mass U =..100 .. (Eq. 8) UO mol 2 . i Mi . .. .. where the weight percentages (wt%i) of the uranium isotopes (U234, U236, and U238) in uranium for a given initial enrichment were calculated using Equation 7. Mass O =()( oxygen for M 2 ) (Eq. 9) UO mol 2 .Mass O . . UO in Mass O 2 = .. Mass U UO mol 2 .. (UO in Mass U ) (Eq. 10) 2 . . UO mol 2 . where U Mass in UO2 is the fresh fuel uranium mass The spent fuel isotopes used in the MCNP cases correspond to those of the Principal Isotope Set (YMP 2003, Table 3-1). The irradiated fuel material compositions were taken from BSC (2003b, Section 6). Each nodal-depleted fuel composition is contained in the MCNP input files provided in Attachment IV. The nodal fuel isotopic compositions are listed in the input files in terms of ZAIDs and atoms/b-cm. The spreadsheet used for deriving interpolated values and the axial profile isotopics is contained in Attachment IV (spreadsheet IDBinputs.xls). 5.4 MCNP GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTIONS The drawing for the 21-PWR waste package with absorber plates dimensions is contained electronically in Attachment IV. The MCNP representation of the 21-PWR waste package follows the same description as that shown in Attachment IV for the initial (at time of loading) configuration. When developing a loading curve, a configuration that results in the highest keff should be used in order to set an upper bounding limit that encompasses all other configurations. Therefore, the selection of a bounding configuration follows a linear progression based upon the results of other cases. Several potential configurations that could occur in the repository over a 10,000 year regulatory period were evaluated to determine which result in the highest keff values. The configurations are intended to investigate the effects on system reactivity as the waste package internal components degrade and the geometry changes. A series of configurations were evaluated with the descriptions and results provided in Attachment I. Based on the results, a combination of parameters was selected which will produce the most reactive representation for the generation of the loading curve. Based on the results of configurations presented in Attachment I, the preclosure bounding configuration is the as loaded representation with dry tuff surrounding the waste package. Dry tuff is used over saturated tuff due to the thermal load within the repository for the first 300 years precluding water from the surrounding drift area. The postclosure bounding configuration is represented by the intact fuel rods with saturated tuff surrounding the waste package and waste package internal hardware represented as in case3, from Attachment I, Section I.6. These configurations are the representative configurations for the loading curve evaluations. 5.4.1 Fuel Assembly The physical dimensions for the fuel assembly design represented in the MCNP inputs were obtained from Punatar (2001), and are presented in Table 16, and illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Table 16. B&W 15x15 Fuel Assembly Specifications Assembly Component Specification Fuel Pellet Outer Diameter 0.93980 cm Fuel Rod Cladding Inner Diameter 0.95758 cm Fuel Rod Cladding Outer Diameter 1.09220 cm Guide Tube Inner Diameter 1.26492 cm Guide Tube Outer Diameter 1.34620 cm Instrument Tube Inner Diameter 1.12014 cm Instrument Tube Outer Diameter 1.38193 cm Source: Punatar 2001, p. 2-5 Pin Pitch = 1.44272 cm IT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT Guide Tube Instrument Tube Fuel Pin This sketch is not to scale. Source: (Punatar 2001, p. 2-3) GT IT Figure 1. Fuel Pin, Guide Tube, and Instrument Tube Locations in Fuel Assembly Licensing Calculation Region 1: 14.12 cm Region 2: 3.18 cm CRGTa Flange Region 3: 7.62 cm Region 4: 5.08 cm Region 5: 8.731 cm Region 6; 8.573 cm Region 7: 14.741 cm 38.44 cm b 53.579 cm b 53.576 cm b53.579 cm 360.172 cm b 53.578 cm b 53.658 cm b 53.762 cm Region 9: 16.723 cm Region 10: 5.08 cm Region 11: 12.70 cm Region 12: 12.22 cm Upper Plenum Upper Core Grid Upper Pad Upper End fitting End Spacer Grid Upper Fuel Plenum Intermediate Spacer GridIntermediate Spacer GridIntermediate Spacer Grid Region 8: Active Fuel Intermediate Spacer GridIntermediate Spacer GridIntermediate Spacer GridLower Fuel Plenum Grid and End Fitting Lower Pad Lower Core Grid Region Between Grid and Plate Source: Punatar 2001, p. 2-11 NOTES: a Control Rod Guide Tube (CRGT) b Intermediate spacer grid height 3.81 cm Figure 2. Mark-B4 Fuel Assembly Axial Dimensions by Region 5.5 INPUT PARAMETER SUMMARY Based on the sensitivity studies presented in Attachment I, the following parameters listed in Table 17 were selected for use in the loading curve generation: Table 17. Loading Curve Parameters Parameter Value Selection Basis Applicability Fuel Material UO2 Typical commercial PWR fuel Preclosure and Postclosure Absorber 1.5 wt% Gd at nominal thickness Based on typical value of 75% credit (NRC 2000, p. 8-4) allowed for fixed neutron absorbers and a nominal Gd loading of 2.0 wt% for Ni-Gd Alloy. Thickness based on results from Attachment I, Section I.6 Preclosure and Postclosure Moderator Water at density of 1.0 g/cm3 Attachment I, Section I.3 Preclosure and Postclosure Fuel Density 10.741 g/cm3 [a] Attachment I, Section I.1 Preclosure and Postclosure Reflector Dry Tuff Attachment I, Section I.5 Preclosure 100% Saturated Tuff Attachment I, Section I.5 Postclosure Geometry Lattice array in Standard Vertical configuration (See Attachment I, Figure 36) Attachment I, Section I.3 Preclosure Lattice array in Standard Vertical configuration (See Attachment I, Figure 36) with aluminum and iron in plates oxidized Attachment I, Section I.6 (case3) and Section I.8 Postclosure a NOTE: Calculated based on 98% theoretical density value of 10.96 g/cm3 for UO2 (Todreas and Kazimi 1990, p. 296) 6. RESULTS The loading curves for the 21 PWR waste package are presented in this section. The keff results represent the average combined collision, absorption, and track-length estimator from the MCNP calculations. The standard deviation (s) represents the standard deviation of keff about the average combined collision, absorption, and track-length estimate due to the Monte Carlo calculation statistics. It should be noted that in the following sections, any reference to enrichment refers to assembly average initial enrichment, and burnup refers to assembly average burnup. The corresponding MCNP input and output files for the cases used in this evaluation are provided electronically in Attachment IV. 6.1 MAXIMUM FRESH FUEL ENRICHMENT This section presents the results of the maximum fresh fuel enrichments that can be loaded into the waste package with no burnup required. The determination of the maximum fresh fuel enrichment limit for the 21-PWR waste package with Ni-Gd Alloy absorber plates is determined by calculating keff for a range of initial enrichments and plotting them against the initial enrichments. The keff values plotted include a two-s allowance for computational uncertainty. The intersection of this curve and a line representing the critical limit (or USL) shows where the waste package has a potential for criticality. The results of the fresh fuel calculations are presented in Table 18 for the preclosure and postclosure bounding configurations, and are illustrated in Figure 3. Table 18. Fresh Fuel keff Results Configuration Preclosure Configuration Postclosure Configuration Enrichment (Wt % U-235) keff s keff + 2s keff s keff + 2s 1.5 0.85742 0.00049 0.85840 0.85504 0.00047 0.85598 2 0.94279 0.00051 0.94381 0.93989 0.0005 0.94089 2.5 1.00382 0.00048 1.00478 1.00146 0.00054 1.00254 3 1.04892 0.00051 1.04994 1.04666 0.00055 1.04776 3.5 1.08529 0.00053 1.08635 1.08269 0.00049 1.08367 4 1.11396 0.00055 1.11506 1.11283 0.00052 1.11387 4.5 1.13984 0.00046 1.14076 1.13819 0.00061 1.13941 5 1.16027 0.00055 1.16137 1.15837 0.00059 1.15955 Figure 3 shows that the maximum fresh fuel enrichment that would meet the loading curve criteria are 2.393 wt% U-235 for the postclosure bounding configuration, and 1.974 wt% U-235 for the preclosure bounding configuration. A CL = 0.9894 was taken from Framatome ANP (2003, Table 11) based on laboratory critical experiments. This CL was chosen because the fresh fuel configuration range of parameters (i.e., materials, geometry, spectrum) is subsumed by the laboratory critical experiment parameters, and since no burned fuel is present in these configurations, the commercial reactor critical benchmarks are not directly applicable. Using this CL with the five percent margin as described in Section 5 yields a preclosure USL = 0.9894. keff 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 iisfilisfilllMax. enrchment that sates Precosure USL = 1.974 Max. enrichment that sates Postcosure CL = 2.393 Postcosure CL = 0.9894 Precosure USL = 0.9394 0123456 Fuel Enrichment (Wt% U-235) lPreclosure Configuration Postcosure Configuration Figure 3. Fresh Fuel keff Results 6.2 BURNED FUEL 6.2.1 Preclosure The results for spent fuel with five-year decay time (the five-year decay time is based on the minimum cooling time required for the fuel assemblies to be classified as standard fuel [10 CFR 961.11]) isotopic compositions are presented in Table 20. During the preclosure time period, each waste package is to remain at or below the USL. The minimum burnup required for each initial enrichment is determined by plotting the calculated keff versus the burnup. The burnup value of the intersection of the plotted curve with the USL is the required minimum burnup and are illustrated in Figures 4 through 17 and summarized in Table 21 and Figure 18. The keff values plotted include a two-s allowance for computational uncertainty. Any burnup value greater than this will result in a keff less than the USL, and is acceptable to be loaded into the waste package. In Figures 4 through17, the USL is presented as a function of average energy of a neutron causing fission (AENCF). The reported USL intercept values correspond to those for the USL as a function of the most conservative trend parameter as prescribed by YMP 2003 (Section The USL equation is provided in Table 19. Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 32 of 60 Table 19. Spent Nuclear Fuel Upper Subcritical Limit Function Trend Parameter USL Equation AENCF USL (AENCF) = -0.06262*AENCF + 0.9920 - 0.05 NOTE: Framatome ANP (2003, Table 11) provides the CL function which is transformed into an USL function using .km = 0.05 (see Section 5 for details of USL transformation) Table 20. Preclosure Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results Initial 7 Node Fuel Zone 1 Node Fuel Zone .(keff + 2s)a Enrichment (Wt% U-235) (GWd/ MTU) Burnup keff s AENCF (MeV) keff s AENCF (MeV) 2.0 10 0.88508 0.0005 0.2096 0.8917 0.00049 0.2082 -0.0066 15 0.85593 0.00053 0.2204 0.86227 0.00051 0.2208 -0.0063 20 0.8308 0.00051 0.2304 0.83471 0.00049 0.2325 -0.0039 25 0.80964 0.00047 0.2388 0.81034 0.00045 0.2435 -0.0007 2.5 10 0.93053 0.0005 0.1967 0.93733 0.00053 0.1961 -0.0069 15 0.90045 0.00055 0.2068 0.90731 0.00047 0.2071 -0.0067 20 0.8717 0.00053 0.2170 0.87521 0.00047 0.2187 -0.0034 25 0.84898 0.0005 0.2248 0.84775 0.00052 0.2289 0.0012 30 0.82512 0.00046 0.2334 0.82298 0.0005 0.2390 0.0021 3.0 10 0.97102 0.00054 0.1874 0.97732 0.00053 0.1867 -0.0063 15 0.93966 0.00053 0.1969 0.94458 0.00053 0.1970 -0.0049 20 0.91068 0.00054 0.2050 0.91454 0.00049 0.2074 -0.0038 25 0.8859 0.00053 0.2131 0.88489 0.00057 0.2167 0.0009 30 0.86123 0.0005 0.2212 0.85886 0.00045 0.2270 0.0025 35 0.83547 0.00048 0.2300 0.83313 0.00043 0.2363 0.0024 40 0.81789 0.00051 0.2362 0.81343 0.00045 0.2451 0.0046 3.5 10 1.00571 0.00051 0.1802 1.01182 0.00055 0.1804 -0.0062 15 0.9743 0.00053 0.1898 0.97925 0.00053 0.1888 -0.0049 20 0.94354 0.0005 0.1973 0.94982 0.00051 0.1979 -0.0063 25 0.91901 0.00056 0.2035 0.92021 0.00049 0.2075 -0.0011 30 0.89495 0.00055 0.2097 0.89216 0.00054 0.2177 0.0028 35 0.86804 0.0005 0.2206 0.86561 0.00049 0.2259 0.0025 40 0.84834 0.00056 0.2253 0.84127 0.00051 0.2344 0.0072 45 0.82412 0.00053 0.2353 0.81916 0.00048 0.2439 0.0051 4.0 10 1.03478 0.00058 0.1758 1.0404 0.00055 0.1754 -0.0056 15 1.00411 0.00056 0.1832 1.00895 0.00048 0.1832 -0.0047 20 0.97336 0.00057 0.1904 0.97971 0.00051 0.1917 -0.0062 25 0.95 0.00058 0.1966 0.95062 0.00053 0.1999 -0.0005 30 0.92288 0.0006 0.2035 0.92289 0.0005 0.2073 0.0002 35 0.8966 0.00057 0.2117 0.89614 0.0005 0.2170 0.0006 40 0.87871 0.00053 0.2171 0.87118 0.00048 0.2247 0.0076 45 0.85171 0.00058 0.2251 0.84819 0.00048 0.2332 0.0037 Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 33 of 60 Table 20. Preclosure Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results Initial 7 Node Fuel Zone 1 Node Fuel Zone .(keff + 2s)a Enrichment (Wt% U-235) (GWd/ MTU) Burnup keff s AENCF (MeV) keff s AENCF (MeV) 4.5 10 1.05854 0.00055 0.1720 1.06668 0.00055 0.1713 -0.0081 15 1.0289 0.0006 0.1786 1.03462 0.00059 0.1780 -0.0057 20 1.00001 0.00056 0.1855 1.00663 0.0005 0.1855 -0.0065 25 0.97449 0.00061 0.1918 0.97767 0.00053 0.1940 -0.0030 30 0.94911 0.00061 0.1977 0.95165 0.00053 0.2004 -0.0024 35 0.92334 0.00053 0.2044 0.92505 0.00058 0.2092 -0.0018 40 0.90304 0.00054 0.2104 0.89899 0.00049 0.2167 0.0041 45 0.87742 0.00065 0.2188 0.8739 0.00052 0.2249 0.0038 5.0 10 1.08132 0.00055 0.1689 1.08738 0.00058 0.1681 -0.0061 15 1.05225 0.00056 0.1741 1.05803 0.00052 0.1751 -0.0057 20 1.02368 0.00055 0.1812 1.02929 0.00053 0.1810 -0.0056 25 1.00005 0.00052 0.1864 1.00312 0.00054 0.1884 -0.0031 30 0.9739 0.00056 0.1928 0.97666 0.00052 0.1954 -0.0027 35 0.94695 0.00055 0.1994 0.94965 0.00052 0.2026 -0.0026 40 0.9273 0.00046 0.2036 0.92413 0.00054 0.2105 0.0030 45 0.90526 0.00057 0.2101 0.89889 0.00046 0.2179 0.0066 a NOTE: .(keff + 2s) = (keff + 2s)7 Node - (keff + 2s)1 Node keff+2s 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 5 1015202530 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itilit ()Upper Subcrca LimAENCF Figure 4. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment keff+2s 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0 5 1015202530 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itilit ()Upper Subcrca LimAENCF Figure 5. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment keff+2s Mi/) 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 n. Burnup (GWdMTU7 Node = 10.315 0 5 101520253035 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 6. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment keff+2s Mi/) 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 n. Burnup (GWdMTU1 Node = 11.472 0 5 101520253035 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 7. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 0.98 Min. Burnup (GWd/MTU) 0.96 7 Node = 16.941 0.94 0.92 s 0.9 + 20.88 keff0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 8. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment Figure 9. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 0.98 Min. Burnup (GWd/MTU) 1 Node = 17.710 0.96 0.94 0.92 s 0.9 eff+20.88 k0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF 1 keff + 2s Mi/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 n. Burnup (GWdMTU7 Node = 23.100 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 10. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 n. Burnup (GWdMTU1 Node = 23.655 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 11. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff + 2s Mi/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 n. Burnup (GWdMTU7 Node = 29.028 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 12. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi (/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. BurnupGWdMTU1 Node = 29.062 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 13. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWdMTU7 Node = 34.059 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 14. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWdMTU1 Node = 34.482 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 15. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi() 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWd/MTU7 Node = 39.737 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 16. Preclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 5.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 1.15 n. Burnup (GWdMTU1 Node = 39.278 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 17. Preclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 5.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment Table 21. Minimum Required Burnups for Intercept of Upper Subcritical Limit Initial Enrichment 7 Node Fuel Zone 1 Node Fuel Zone (Wt% U-235) Burnup (GWd/MTU) 5% BU Unc.a Burnup (GWd/MTU) 5% BU Unc.a 1.974 0 0 0 0 2.5 10.315 10.831 11.472 12.046 3 16.941 17.788 17.710 18.596 3.5 23.100 24.255 23.655 24.838 4 29.028 30.479 29.062 30.515 4.5 34.059 35.762 34.482 36.206 5 39.737 41.724 39.278 41.242 a NOTE: Required minimum burnup including 5% uncertainty associated with assembly burnup records BSC (2003b, Section 6.2.2) states that the SNF isotopics (BSC 2003b, Section 6) in a single axial zone representation bound commercial PWR fuel assemblies at the same initial enrichment and burnup. Therefore, using a limiting axial profile in conjunction with the bounding isotopics would be adding additional conservatism that has already been bounded and is unnecessary. The seven axial zone representation results were provided for comparison purposes only, and to illustrate that for the selected bounding configurations, axial profile effects are negligible. ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 (Required Minimum BurnupGWd/MTU 0123456 Initial Enrichment (Wt% U-235) i1 Node Loading Curve 7 Node Loadng Curve Figure 18. Required Minimum Burnups for Intercept of Upper Subcritical Limit 6.2.2 Postclosure The results for spent fuel with five-year decay time (the five-year decay time is based on the minimum cooling time required for the fuel assemblies to be classified as standard fuel [10 CFR 961.11]) isotopic compositions are presented in Table 23. The five-year decay time isotopics are used because they bound fuel that is cooled longer with respect to reactivity. The minimum burnup required for each initial enrichment is determined by plotting the calculated keff versus the burnup. The burnup value of the intersection of the plotted curve with the CL is the required minimum burnup and are illustrated in Figures 19 through 32 and summarized in Table 24 and Figure 33. The keff values plotted include a two-s allowance for computational uncertainty. Any burnup value greater than this will result in a keff less than the CL, and is acceptable to be loaded into the waste package. In Figures 19 through 32, the CL is presented as a function of AENCF. The reported CL intercept values correspond to those for the CL as a function of the most conservative trend parameter as prescribed by YMP 2003 (Section The CL equation is provided in Table 22. Table 22. Spent Nuclear Fuel Critical Limit Function Trend Parameter CL Equation AENCF CL (AENCF) = -0.06262*AENCF + 0.9920 Source: Framatome ANP (2003, Table 11) Licensing Calculation Table 23. Postclosure Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results Initial Enrichment( Wt% U-235) Burnup (GWd/ MTU) 7 Node Fuel Zone 1 Node Fuel Zone .keff + 2sakeff s AENCF (MeV) keff s AENCF (MeV) 2.0 10 0.88261 0.0005 0.2106 0.88941 0.00044 0.2091 -0.0067 15 0.85428 0.0005 0.2215 0.85981 0.00051 0.2224 -0.0055 20 0.82789 0.00044 0.2326 0.83066 0.00052 0.2340 -0.0029 25 0.80912 0.00054 0.2395 0.80823 0.00048 0.2446 0.0010 2.5 10 0.92833 0.00051 0.1974 0.93462 0.00049 0.1968 -0.0062 15 0.89825 0.00057 0.2091 0.90268 0.00049 0.2095 -0.0043 20 0.87083 0.00057 0.2173 0.87386 0.00054 0.2198 -0.0030 25 0.84687 0.00049 0.2261 0.84572 0.00044 0.2300 0.0012 30 0.82326 0.00053 0.2331 0.82157 0.00049 0.2405 0.0018 3.0 10 0.96898 0.00053 0.1885 0.97382 0.00053 0.1880 -0.0048 15 0.93858 0.00058 0.1983 0.9431 0.00052 0.1981 -0.0044 20 0.90847 0.00051 0.2067 0.91238 0.00054 0.2080 -0.0040 25 0.88502 0.00053 0.2136 0.88339 0.00048 0.2182 0.0017 30 0.86038 0.00054 0.2215 0.85625 0.00051 0.2288 0.0042 35 0.83389 0.00052 0.2310 0.83187 0.00048 0.2384 0.0021 40 0.81595 0.00048 0.2379 0.80985 0.00047 0.2469 0.0061 3.5 10 1.00293 0.00053 0.1811 1.00762 0.00051 0.1809 -0.0046 15 0.97181 0.00055 0.1898 0.97687 0.00049 0.1902 -0.0049 20 0.94191 0.00055 0.1978 0.94679 0.00054 0.2003 -0.0049 25 0.9176 0.00058 0.2056 0.91784 0.00056 0.2086 -0.0002 30 0.89178 0.00051 0.2126 0.8896 0.00053 0.2178 0.0021 35 0.86684 0.00051 0.2205 0.86361 0.00048 0.2271 0.0033 40 0.84817 0.00054 0.2259 0.84012 0.00051 0.2360 0.0081 45 0.82228 0.00053 0.2366 0.81709 0.00049 0.2447 0.0053 4.0 10 1.03059 0.00054 0.1763 1.03738 0.00052 0.1760 -0.0068 15 1.00061 0.00056 0.1841 1.00734 0.00054 0.1843 -0.0067 20 0.97152 0.00058 0.1915 0.97721 0.00054 0.1922 -0.0056 25 0.94649 0.00051 0.1979 0.94867 0.00053 0.2009 -0.0022 30 0.92166 0.00055 0.2044 0.92043 0.00045 0.2091 0.0014 35 0.89509 0.00052 0.2126 0.89356 0.00053 0.2180 0.0015 40 0.87697 0.00053 0.2180 0.86873 0.0005 0.2262 0.0083 45 0.85105 0.00055 0.2257 0.8449 0.00048 0.2337 0.0063 4.5 10 1.05776 0.00051 0.1727 1.06256 0.00061 0.1722 -0.0050 15 1.02722 0.00055 0.1793 1.03281 0.00053 0.1798 -0.0055 20 0.99887 0.00052 0.1863 1.00513 0.0006 0.1867 -0.0064 25 0.97387 0.00054 0.1918 0.97668 0.00052 0.1945 -0.0028 30 0.94795 0.00054 0.1982 0.94905 0.00055 0.2018 -0.0011 35 0.92133 0.00055 0.2067 0.92157 0.00047 0.2093 -0.0001 40 0.9022 0.00054 0.2107 0.89641 0.00055 0.2177 0.0058 Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 43 of 60 Table 23. Postclosure Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results Initial Enrichment( Wt% U-235) Burnup (GWd/ MTU) 7 Node Fuel Zone 1 Node Fuel Zone .keff + 2sakeff s AENCF (MeV) keff s AENCF (MeV) 45 0.87778 0.00059 0.2187 0.87247 0.00051 0.2259 0.0055 5.0 10 1.07938 0.00058 0.1689 1.08386 0.00055 0.1689 -0.0044 15 1.05009 0.00058 0.1755 1.05647 0.00053 0.1755 -0.0063 20 1.01987 0.00054 0.1824 1.02724 0.00053 0.1829 -0.0073 25 0.99812 0.00058 0.1874 1.00018 0.00054 0.1890 -0.0020 30 0.97272 0.00063 0.1936 0.97296 0.00055 0.1964 -0.0001 35 0.94438 0.00056 0.2004 0.94592 0.00049 0.2041 -0.0014 40 0.9287 0.0006 0.2047 0.92162 0.00051 0.2106 0.0073 45 0.90086 0.00053 0.2125 0.89623 0.00046 0.2178 0.0048 a NOTE: .keff + 2s = (keff + 2s)7 Node - (keff + 2s)1 Node keff+2s 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 5 1015202530 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 19. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 0 5 1015202530 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 20. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 0 5 101520253035 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 21. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 0 5 101520253035 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 22. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 2.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff + 2s 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 0 5 1015202530354045 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 23. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 0 5 1015202530354045 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 24. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff + 2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 n. Burnup GWdMTU7 Node = 13.820 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 25. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 keff+2s Mi/) 1.05 n. Burnup (GWdMTU1 Node = 14.629 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itiit ()Upper Subcrcal LimAENCF Figure 26. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 3.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff + 2s Mi/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 n. Burnup (GWdMTU7 Node = 18.718 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 27. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWdMTU1 Node = 19.717 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 28. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWdMTU7 Node = 23.976 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 29. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWdMTU1 Node = 24.627 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 30. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 4.5 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi(/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup GWdMTU7 Node = 28.817 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 31. Postclosure 7 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 5.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment 1 keff+2s Mi/) 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.05 1.1 n. Burnup (GWdMTU1 Node = 28.945 0 5 101520253035404550 Burnup (GWd/MTU) itil Limit ()Upper SubcrcaAENCF Figure 32. Postclosure 1 Node Spent Nuclear Fuel keff Results for 5.0 Wt% U-235 Initial Enrichment Table 24. Minimum Required Burnups for Intercept of Critical Limit Initial Enrichment (Wt% U-235) 7 Node Fuel Zone 1 Node Fuel Zone Burnup (GWd/MTU) 5% BU Unc.a Burnup (GWd/MTU) 5% BU Unc.a 2.393 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.5b 1.398 1.468 2.924 3.070 3.0b 8.290 8.705 9.112 9.568 3.5 13.820 14.511 14.629 15.360 4.0 18.718 19.654 19.717 20.703 4.5 23.976 25.175 24.627 25.858 5.0 28.817 30.258 28.945 30.392 a NOTES: Required minimum burnup including 5% uncertainty associated with assembly burnup records b Where the intercept was below 10 GW/MTU the values were extrapolated BSC (2003b) states that the SNF isotopics (BSC 2003b, Section 6) in a single axial zone representation bound commercial PWR fuel assemblies at the same initial enrichment and burnup. Therefore, using a limiting axial profile in conjunction with the bounding isotopics would be adding additional conservatism that has already been bounded and is unnecessary. The seven axial zone representation results were provided for comparison purposes only, and to illustrate that for the selected bounding configurations, axial profile effects are negligible. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (/)Required Minimum BurnupGWdMTU Initial Enrichment (Wt% U-235) 1 Node Loading Curve 7 Node Loading Curve Figure 33. Required Minimum Burnups for Intercept of Critical Limit 6.2.3 Waste Stream Comparison The waste stream inventory in terms of number of fuel assemblies at given burnups and enrichments was taken from Waste Packages and Source Terms for the Commercial 1999 Design Basis Waste Streams (CRWMS M&O 2000, Attachment III) using the "Case A" arrival forecast. "Case A" refers to 10-year-old youngest fuel first for 63,000 MTU. This arrival forecast was selected based on Licensing Position LP-009, Waste Stream Parameters (Williams 2003, Section 3.4). The results of the loading curve compared against the waste stream inventory are presented in Figure 34. This curve is based on the selection of the minimum required burnups using a single axial zone representation including a 5% burnup uncertainty associated with assembly burnup records. The squares in the legend indicate number groupings of assemblies at a particular burnup and enrichment (e.g., 100-199 indicates that there are 100 to 199 assemblies at a listed burnup and enrichment); Base LC is the loading curve based on the nominal required minimum burnup; and Fitted Polynomial is the quintic polynomial fitted to the loading curve adjusted for a five percent uncertainty associated with the reported assembly burnups. The waste stream information that was extracted and sorted is provided in Attachment IV as the workbook wstreamplot.xls. Burnup (GWd/MTU) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0123 456 y5432R2 = 1 Filial A = 0.451x - 8.7061x + 66.281x - 249.22x + 475.35x - 358.38 1-99 100-199 200-299 300+ Base LC tted Poynomcceptable Unacceptable Initial Enrichment (Wt% U-235) NOTE: The fitted polynomial represents the loading curve based on a five percent burnup uncertainty of the bounding curve (Base LC) Figure 34. Loading Curve and Projected Waste Stream Waste stream population comparisons are provided in Table 25 for the 21-PWR waste package with absorber plates. Assemblies that are considered "unacceptable" do not meet the requirements for loading into the 21-PWR waste package with absorber plates, and will need to be disposed of in a different waste package design. Table 25. Loading Curve Waste Stream Acceptability Comparison Loading Curve # Assemblies Below Configuration Minimum Required Burnup Acceptable (%) Unacceptable (%) Base LC 1194 98.73 1.27 Fitted Polynomial 1524 98.37 1.63 6.2.4 Misloaded Assembly Since there is a possibility of inserting a single SNF assembly into a waste package during loading that does not meet the requirements of the design basis loading curve (Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Package Misload Analysis [BSC 2003c, p. 26]), the impact of a misloaded assembly was evaluated. A comparison for the burnup/enrichment pairs that make up the loading curve was made against configurations involving a misloaded assembly. For the comparisons, the misloaded assembly used was an assembly that was 10 GWd/MTU and 20 GWd/MTU below the design basis required burnup for a given enrichment. The isotopic material compositions were interpolated from BSC (2003b, Section 6). For conservative purposes with respect to criticality, the misloaded assembly was placed in the most reactive position within the waste package (center position). The Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page 53 of 60 results of the comparisons are provided in Tables 26 and 27 and illustrated in Figure 35, with the nominal cases using the design basis required burnup based on the equation presented in Figure 34. Table 26. Misloaded Assembly Results for 10 GWd/MTU Underburned Assembly Enrichment Misloaded Waste Package Nominally Loaded Waste Package (Wt% U-235)/ Design Basis Required Burnup AENCF AENCF (GWd/MTU) keff s (MeV) keff s (MeV) .keff + 2s 2.5 / 11.472 0.93871 0.00050 0.1951 0.92799 0.00054 0.2000 0.01064 3.0 / 17.710 0.93884 0.00049 0.1999 0.92807 0.00046 0.2033 0.01083 3.5 / 23.655 0.93769 0.00049 0.2021 0.92808 0.00052 0.2047 0.00955 4.0 / 29.062 0.93760 0.00052 0.2041 0.92839 0.00050 0.2062 0.00925 4.5 / 34.482 0.93517 0.00051 0.2061 0.92663 0.00055 0.2079 0.00846 5.0 / 39.278 0.93673 0.00058 0.2065 0.92796 0.00054 0.2087 0.00885 Table 27. Misloaded Assembly Results for 20 GWd/MTU Underburned Assembly Enrichment (Wt% U-235)/ Design Basis Required Burnup (GWd/MTU) Misloaded Waste Package Nominally Loaded Waste Package keff s AENCF (MeV) keff s AENCF (MeV) .keff + 2s 3.5 / 23.953 0.95487 0.00053 0.1983 0.92808 0.00052 0.2047 0.02681 4.0 / 29.511 0.95327 0.00050 0.2005 0.92839 0.00050 0.2062 0.02488 4.5 / 34.645 0.94999 0.00053 0.2022 0.92663 0.00055 0.2079 0.02332 5.0 / 39.567 0.94812 0.00057 0.2037 0.92796 0.00054 0.2087 0.02022 0 .k + 2s .km0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 eff = 0.05 0123456 Initial Enrichment (Wt% U-235) //10 GWdMTU Below 20 GWdMTU Below Figure 35. Misloaded Assembly Results Figure 35 shows that the preclosure reactivity effect of misloading underburned commercial SNF into an intact, flooded 21-PWR waste package, with absorber plates, is about one percent for fuel underburned by 10 GWd/MTU, and two to three percent for SNF underburned by 20 GWd/MTU. Since the arbitrary margin imposed to ensure subcriticality (.km) is five percent, the misloading of even grossly underburned SNF will not actually result in a critical configuration. Note that no credit is being taken for the fact that not all SNF will be at the design basis required minimum burnup value - most SNF will actually be at higher burnups that will reduce the reactivity of the waste package and compensate for the positive reactivity caused by a misloaded, underburned SNF assembly. 6.3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Results presented in Attachment I (Table 32) illustrate that the 21-PWR waste package with absorber plates will not go critical with commercial SNF if there is no moderator present within the waste package (i.e., dry criticality is not possible). A misloaded, underburned assembly is considered probable (BSC 2003c, p. 26), but since the preclosure administrative margin is large enough to subsume the increase in reactivity associated with a substantially underburned assembly, the waste package will not go critical during the preclosure time period. Note that these calculations are conservatively based on a fully flooded waste package, although the waste packages are expected to exclude water moderation. It is expected that loaded waste packages will have enough assemblies sufficiently above the design basis minimum required burnup to compensate for a misloaded assembly during the preclosure or postclosure time period. This report recommends that the 21-PWR waste package with Ni-Gd Alloy absorber plates be loaded using the loading curve with the five percent uncertainty assessed to the burnup values. The loading curve is described by the quintic polynomial presented in Equation 11. y(x) = 0.451x5 - 8.7061x4 + 66.281x3 - 249.22x2 + 475.35x - 358.38 (Eq. 11) where x = the initial enrichment of the fuel assembly in wt% U-235 y(x) = the required minimum burnup (GWd/MTU) for an assembly with enrichment x This recommendation is made based on the expectation that the probability of selecting enough assemblies with sufficient burnups above the design basis value to compensate for a single misloaded assembly is adequate for keeping the waste package criticality probability below the threshold criterion. Using this loading curve allows 98.28 percent of the current PWR projected waste stream to be disposed of in the 21-PWR waste package with Ni-Gd Alloy absorber plates waste package. A different waste package design could be used for disposing of the remaining 1.72 percent of the projected PWR waste stream or predetermined loading patterns could be used to blend assemblies that are below the design basis minimum burnup with assemblies that have high enough burnups to compensate. All outputs are reasonable compared to the inputs and the results of this calculation are suitable for their intended use. 7. REFERENCES 7.1 DOCUMENTS CITED ASM International. 1987. Corrosion. Volume 13 of Metals Handbook. 9th Edition. Metals Park, Ohio: ASM International. TIC: 209807. ASM International 1990a. Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Special-Purpose Materials. Volume 2 of ASM Handbook. Formerly 10th Edition, Metals Handbook. 5th Printing 1998. [Materials Park, Ohio]: ASM International. TIC: 241059. ASM International 1990b. Properties and Selection: Irons, Steels, and High-Performance Alloys. Volume 1 of Metals Handbook. 10th Edition. 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Las Vegas, Nevada: CRWMS M&O. ACC: MOL.20000214.0479. DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 1987. Appendix 2A. Physical Descriptions of LWR Fuel Assemblies. Volume 3 of Characteristics of Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and Other Radioactive Wastes Which May Require Long-Term Isolation. DOE/RW-0184. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: HQX.19880405.0024. DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 2004. Quality Assurance Requirements and Description. DOE/RW-0333P, Rev. 16. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20040907.0002. Doraswamy, N. 2004. Project Design Criteria Document. 000-3DR-MGR0-00100-000-002. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20040721.0003. Einziger, R.E. 1991. "Effects of an Oxidizing Atmosphere in a Spent Fuel Packaging Facility." Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Nuclear Waste Packaging, FOCUS '91, September 29– October 2, 1991, Las Vegas, Nevada. Pages 88-99. La Grange Park, Illinois: American Nuclear Society. TIC: 231173. Framatome ANP 2003. Critical Limit Development for 21 PWR Waste Package. 32-5029773-00. [Lynchburg, Virginia]: Framatome ANP. ACC: DOC.20031212.0004. Gelest, Inc. 2004. Gelest Silicone Fluids: Stable, Inert Media. Morrisville, Pennsylvania: Gelest, Inc. TIC: 256122. Inco Alloys International. 1998. INCONEL Alloy 625. Huntington, West Virginia: Inco Alloys International. TIC: 240361. Lide, D.R., ed. 2002. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 83rd Edition. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. TIC: 253582 Lynch, C.T., ed. 1989. Practical Handbook of Materials Science. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. TIC: 240577. Parrington, J.R.; Knox, H.D.; Breneman, S.L.; Baum, E.M.; and Feiner, F. 1996. Nuclides and Isotopes, Chart of the Nuclides. 15th Edition. San Jose, California: General Electric Company and KAPL, Inc. TIC: 233705. Punatar, M.K. 2001. Summary Report of Commercial Reactor Criticality Data for Crystal River Unit 3. TDR-UDC-NU-000001 REV 02. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: MOL.20010702.0087. Roberts, W.L.; Campbell, T.J.; and Rapp, G.R., Jr. 1990. Encyclopedia of Minerals. 2nd Edition. New York, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. TIC: 242976. Stout, R.B. and Leider, H.R., eds. 1997. Waste Form Characteristics Report Revision 1. UCRL-ID- 108314. Version 1.2. Livermore, California: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980512.0133. Todreas, N.E. and Kazimi, M.S. 1990. Nuclear Systems I, Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals. New York, New York: Hemisphere Publishing. TIC: 226511. Williams, N.H. 2003. "Contract No. DE-AC28-01RW12101 - Licensing Position-009, Waste Stream Parameters." Letter from N.H. Williams (BSC) to J.D. Ziegler (DOE/ORD), November 13, 2003, 1105039412, with enclosure. ACC: MOL.20031215.0076. Williams, N.H. 2004. Decision Proposal, Technical Decision, Statement for Consideration: Change the Current Neutron Absorber Material in the CSNF Waste Packages from Borated Stainless Steel to a Nickel-Gadolinium Alloy. Tracking No. TMRB-2004-009. [Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company]. ACC: MOL.20040622.0307. YMP (Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project) 2003. Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report. YMP/TR-004Q, Rev. 02. Las Vegas, Nevada: Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office. ACC: DOC.20031110.0005. 7.2 CODES, REGULATIONS, STANDARDS , AND PROCEDURES 10 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 63. Energy: Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Readily available. 10 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 961. Energy: Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste. Readily Available. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 2001. 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (includes 2002 addenda). New York, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. TIC: 251425. ASTM A 516/A 516M-90. 1991. Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate-and Lower-Temperature Service. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials. TIC: 240032. ASTM B 811-97. 2000. Standard Specification for Wrought Zirconium Alloy Seamless Tubes for Nuclear Reactor Fuel Cladding. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials. TIC: 247245. ASTM B 932-04. 2004. Standard Specification for Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- Gadolinium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials. TIC: 255846. ASTM G 1-90 (Reapproved 1999). 1999. Standard Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimens. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials. TIC: 238771. LP-SI.11Q-BSC, Rev. 0, ICN 0. Software Management. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20040225.0007. NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) 2000. Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facilities. NUREG-1567. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TIC: 247929. 7.3 SOURCE DATA LISTED BY DATA TRACKING NUMBER GS000308313211.001. Geochemistry of Repository Block. Submittal date: 03/27/2000. MO0003RIB00071.000. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Alloy 22. Submittal date: 03/13/2000. MO0109HYMXPROP.001. Matrix Hydrologic Properties Data. Submittal date: 09/17/2001. LB990501233129.001. Fracture Properties for the UZ Model Grids and Uncalibrated Fracture and Matrix Properties for the UZ Model Layers for AMR U0090, "Analysis of Hydrologic Properties Data". Submittal date: 08/25/1999. 7.4 SOFTWARE CODES CRWMS M&O 1998e. Software Code: MCNP. V4B2LV. HP, HPUX 9.07 and 10.20; PC, Windows 95; Sun, Solaris 2.6. 30033 V4B2LV. 8. ATTACHMENTS Table 28 presents the attachment specifications for this calculation file. Table 28. Attachment Listing Attachment # # of Pages Date Created Description I 12 N/A Sensitivity Studies II 6 N/A PWR Assembly Lattice Design Sensitivity III 2 N/A Listing of contents on Attachment IV IV N/A 09/20/2004 Compact Disc attachment containing information listed in Attachment III Attachment I: Sensitivity Studies I. DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS Sensitivity studies were performed to observe the waste package as it behaves over time in the repository and to determine which material characteristics result in the highest keff values. A brief description of the sensitivity studies performed and their results is provided in the following sections. In each of the sensitivity cases, the waste package dimensions correspond to those provided in Attachment IV (21PWRWP.zip) with any irradiated fuel compositions taken from BSC (2003b, Section 6). Each configuration is represented with dry tuff surrounding the waste package. The dry tuff composition for each of the sensitivity cases is represented as listed in Table 29. Table 29. Tuff Composition for Sensitivity Cases Compound Wt% SiO2 76.29 Al2O3 12.55 FeO 0.14 Fe2O3 0.97 MgO 0.13 CaO 0.5 Na2O 3.52 K2O 4.83 TiO2 0.11 P2O5 0.05 MnO 0.07 Source: DTN:GS000308313211.001, mean values from file zz_sep_249138.txt. NOTE: Derived elemental/isotopic number densities for MCNP inputs are provided in Attachment IV, workbook Tuff composition.xls, sheet Latest_Tuff I.1 FUEL DENSITY EFFECTS Variations in fuel density were evaluated. This set of cases was performed in order to assess the fuel density that would result in the highest keff values given the fixed lattice dimensions of the B&W 15x15 fuel assembly. Fuel density values were varied from 9.8 g/cm3 through 10.8 g/cm3 for a representative assembly with 3.0 wt% U-235 fresh fuel and 3.0 wt% U-235 initial enriched fuel with a burnup of 30 GWd/MTU. The results of this set of cases are presented in Table 30. Table 30. Spent Nuclear Fuel Density keff Resultsa Fuel Density (g/cm3) Fresh Burned keff s Filenameb keff s Filenameb 9.8 1.03949 0.0005 case1 0.852 0.00053 case1 10 1.0411 0.00053 case2 0.85357 0.00057 case2 10.2 1.04304 0.00059 case3 0.85398 0.00051 case3 10.4 1.04491 0.00051 case4 0.8568 0.00048 case4 10.6 1.04783 0.00053 case5 0.85785 0.00049 case5 10.8 1.04955 0.00052 case6 0.85906 0.00048 case6 a NOTES: Homogenized end-fitting regions used a water density of 0.1 g/cm3 in the homogenization. Since these cases only evaluate the trend of keff with different fuel densities, and the end-fitting regions are outside the active fuel region and constant in all the cases, there is no impact on the trend. b Filenames are the same but are contained in a unique directory structure in Attachment IV as explained in Attachment III. The results show that an increase in fuel density, which effectively increases the fissile mass in a fixed geometry, causes keff to increase. I.2 WASTE PACKAGE FUEL ASSEMBLY GEOMETRY Variations in fuel assembly geometries were evaluated. This set of cases investigated the effects of different positioning of the fuel assemblies within the waste package. Three configurations where evaluated. One where the assembly was centered within the waste package basket cell as could occur when the waste package is in a vertical position during loading operations, and two where the fuel assemblies are resting against the basket plates which occurs when the waste package is in a horizontal position. The three different geometric representations are provided in Figures 36through 38 and the results presented in Table 31. Base case compositions correspond to a fuel assembly with 3.0 wt% U-235 fresh fuel and density of 10.741 g/cm3. Figure 36. Standard Vertical Position Waste Package Geometry Figure 37. Standard Horizontal Position Waste Package Geometry Figure 38. Rotated Horizontal Position Waste Package Geometry Table 31. Fuel Assembly Geometry keff Results Configuration keff s Base Filename Standard Vertical 1.04892 0.00051 vert Standard Horizontal 1.04100 0.00053 horiz1 Rotated Horizontal 1.03346 0.00049 horiz2 The results show that a standard vertical geometry representation produces the highest keff. I.3 OPTIMUM MODERATOR DENSITY A search for optimum moderator density was performed. This set of cases was used to show that the fuel assemblies placed into a waste package configuration is an under-moderated system. Moderator density values were varied from 0.0 g/cm3 through 1.0 g/cm3. Base case values correspond to a fresh fuel assembly with 3.0 wt% U-235 initial enrichment. The results of this set of cases are presented in Table 32 and are illustrated in Figure 39. Table 32. Moderator Density Sensitivity Results Moderator Density (g/cm3) keff s Filename 0.0a 0.45169 0.00021 Case0a 0.0 0.34835 0.00020 Case0 0.1 0.56110 0.00039 Case1 0.2 0.68843 0.00045 Case2 0.3 0.77881 0.00051 Case3 0.4 0.85103 0.00054 Case4 0.5 0.90441 0.00053 Case5 0.6 0.94797 0.00054 Case6 0.7 0.98167 0.00050 Case7 0.8 1.00983 0.00053 Case8 0.9 1.03076 0.00061 Case9 1.0 1.04892 0.00051 vert NOTE: a Case used 5.0 wt% U-235 enriched fuel to evaluate maximum dry fuel reactivity keff 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Water Density (g/cm3) Figure 39. Moderator Density Sensitivity Results Another moderator material instead of water was also evaluated. Hydraulic fluid/oil that may leak from a handling crane. Estimates indicate that a 100 ton or 200 ton crane, which could be utilized by the handling facility, would contain approximately 100 to 135 gallons of fluid/oil. The representative hydraulic fluid follows the description provided in Gelest, inc. (2004) and the material safety data sheet contained in Attachment IV (0130223.pdf) and has a chemical form as follows: CH3CH3 CH3 SiO SiCH3 CH3 SiO CH3 CH3 CH3 4 Source: Gelest Inc. 2004, p. 11 For the event of this fluid/oil getting into the waste package several cases were evaluated to observe the effects on system reactivity. The cases were as follows: Case1 - the entire waste package is filled with fluid/oil at a density of 0.9 g/cm3 (quantity indicates this is non-mechanistic, but will bound all other configurations (keff = 0.97892, s = 0.00053) In order to assess whether the hydraulic fluid results in an over- or under-moderation of the system, the density of the material was lowered in these cases to observe the effects on keff: Case2 - used a density of 0.85 g/cm3 (keff = 0.96779, s = 0.00051) Case3 - used a density of 0.8 g/cm3 (keff = 0.95510, s = 0.00054) Since the resulting keff values decreased with decreased density, the system is under-moderated and no further evaluations are warranted. Water is a better moderator than the representative hydraulic fluid. I.4 SIMPLIFIED GEOMETRY Several geometric simplifications were evaluated in order to determine the impact on system reactivity. An external trunion region and basket stiffeners are present on the drawings presented in Attachment IV (21PWRWP.zip). A comparison was made between cases with and without the trunion region with or without the stiffeners being represented, as well as with the trunions, stiffeners, and representative hardware material on the axial ends (accounts for various for barrier lids). The configurations were evaluated with 3.0 wt% U-235 fresh fuel. The results of this set of cases are presented in Table 33. Table 33. Simplified Geometry Results Case Description keff s Filename Base case with no trunion region and basket stiffeners present 1.04892 0.00051 vert Base case with trunion region, basket stiffeners present, and axial hardware outside inner region represented 1.04892 0.00051 wtsends Base case with no trunion region and no stiffeners present 1.04921 0.00055 wostif Base case with trunion region and stiffeners present 1.04892 0.00051 wtands These results indicate that the presence of trunions, stiffeners, or both in the representation have an insignificant impact on system reactivity. I.5 TUFF EVALUATIONS Variations for tuff present in and around the waste package were evaluated. This set of cases was performed in order to assess the impact tuff could have on system reactivity. Various levels of saturation were evaluated, as well as geometric arrangements. Configurations were evaluated using the 15x15 assembly design with 3.0 wt% U-235 fresh fuel. The results for the external reflector tuff cases are presented in Table 34. Cases where the tuff material was uniformly dispersed within the waste package are presented in Table 35. This set of cases is very unlikely since the basket plates would serve as a barrier to prevent tuff from getting into the internal regions of the basket geometry. Cases where the tuff would most likely be able to enter the waste package and be mobile would be in solution, and were evaluated with the results presented in Table 36. Two solution sets were evaluated, one where the solution is in all void regions, and one where it accumulates external to the fuel basket tubes over the active fuel region. Derivations of the tuff material compositions were performed in Attachment IV (spreadsheet Tuff composition.xls). Table 34. External Waste Package Reflector Evaluation Results Case Description keff s Filename Dry tuff outside waste package 1.04892 0.00051 vert 100% saturated tuff outside waste package 1.04895 0.00055 tuffsat Water outside waste package 1.04962 0.00055 water Void outside waste package 1.04882 0.00055 void Table 35. Waste Package Tuff Internal Configuration Solid Results Case Description keff s Filename Dry tuff in all void regions 0.39419 0.00021 t0all 100% saturated tuff in all void regions 0.59427 0.00039 t100all Table 36. Waste Package Tuff Internal Configuration Solution Results Case Description Solution in All Void Solution in Void Outside FBTa Filenameb keff s keff s 10 volume percent of available saturated tuff in solution 1.04873 0.00053 1.04914 0.00052 t10 20 volume percent of available saturated tuff in solution 1.04896 0.00058 1.04956 0.00047 t20 30 volume percent of available saturated tuff in solution 1.04863 0.00056 1.04808 0.00048 t30 40 volume percent of available saturated tuff in solution 1.04897 0.00051 1.04902 0.00053 t40 50 volume percent of available saturated tuff in solution 1.05047 0.00052 1.04972 0.00057 t50 100 volume percent of available saturated tuff in solution 1.04880 0.00053 1.04882 0.00048 t100 a NOTES: FBT = fuel basket tube b Filenames are the same but are contained in a unique directory structure in Attachment IV as explained in Attachment III. These results indicate that the 50 volume percent case distributing the tuff mixture over all void regions produces the highest keff value. This is based on having 50% of the original assumed 20 kg of tuff (see Assumption 3.6) that could get into the waste package entering and being in solution. Since this is an assumed amount of tuff that can get inside the waste package, and the results (varied from 10% though 100%) are statistically equivalent keff values at the 95 percent confidence level as using pure water for moderator and reflector, having 20 kg of tuff or less in the waste package is considered to produce equivalent reactivity levels as pure water. I.6 INTERNAL COMPONENT DEGRADATION A set of sensitivity cases was performed to evaluate effects of changing conditions as waste package internal components degrade. These cases are based on the waste package internal structures degrading before the waste form and is representative of configuration class IP-3 from YMP (2003, Figure 3-2). The cases used a 3.0 wt% U-235 fresh fuel composition for each of the runs. Variations were made to the amount of corrosion product retained within the basket cells to observe the sensitivity of neutron spectrum. The corrosion product mixture composition was derived in Attachment IV (spreadsheet misc.xls, sheet degraded_sens) based on the amounts of iron and aluminum contained within the basket cells. Iron was assumed to form the mineral Hematite (Fe2O3) or Goethite (FeOOH), and aluminum was assumed to form into the mineral Gibbsite (Al[OH]3). The results and a brief description of the cases are provided in Table 37. Table 37. keff Results for Degraded Internal Component Cases Filename Case Description keff s case1 Nominal with carbon steel as Hematite and Al as Gibbsite in original locations, fully flooded 1.03613 0.00046 case2 Nominal with carbon steel as Goethite and Al as Gibbsite in original locations, fully flooded 1.02445 0.00053 case3 Same as case1 but oxidized plates in expanded volume 1.04614 0.00055 case4 Same as case2 but oxidized plates in expanded volume 1.02547 0.00051 case5 Al and steel removed from system, fully flooded 1.03121 0.00056 case6g All corrosion product (CP) distributed uniformly throughout package (all Fe represented as goethite), fully flooded 0.9156 0.0005 case6h All CP distributed uniformly throughout package (all Fe represented as hematite), fully flooded 0.90662 0.00053 case7g Same as case6g but at 33% CP retention level 0.99090 0.00051 case7h Same as case6h but at 33% CP retention level 0.98819 0.00048 case8g Same as case6g but at 66% CP retention level 0.95247 0.00051 case8h Same as case6h but at 66% CP retention level 0.94640 0.00053 case9 Same as case3 but absorber plates at 5mm thickness 1.04351 0.00053 The results indicate that a fully flooded system with the oxidized aluminum and iron remaining in place (case3) produces the highest system reactivity. The iron mineral hematite produces higher keff values for this configuration. Corrosion products mixed in solution displace moderator, which reduces neutron thermalization within the assemblies and thus results in lower keff values. I.7 ABSORBER PLATE DEGRADATION A series of cases were evaluated in order to determine the effects of the absorber plate as it degrades over time. Variations were made to the amount of corrosion product retained within the basket cells to observe the sensitivity of neutron spectrum. The corrosion product mixture composition was derived in Attachment IV (spreadsheet misc.xls, sheet degraded_sens) based on the amounts of iron and aluminum contained within the basket cells. Iron was assumed to form the mineral Hematite (Fe2O3), and aluminum was assumed to form into the mineral Gibbsite (Al[OH]3). Current degradation rate information (Williams 2004) for the Ni-Gd alloy indicate that the maximum amount of degradation will be less than 1 mm per side, resulting in a minimum of 5 mm of Ni-Gd absorber. Since geochemistry calculations for this material and waste package configuration are not available, varied amounts of estimated corrosion product composition were evaluated. The amounts varied from 0% to 100%. The results for this set of cases are presented in Table 38. Table 38. keff Results for 5mm Thick Absorber Plate Cases Corrosion Product Retained keff s Filename 0% 1.03421 0.00057 5m0cp 33% 0.99101 0.00053 5m33cp 66% 0.95058 0.00046 5m66cp 100% 0.91264 0.00053 5m100cp These results indicate that the configuration is more reactive without corrosion product composition represented in the basket cells, as was also indicated in Table 37. Table 39 illustrates results as a function of absorber plate (Ni-Gd Alloy) thickness, with 0% and 100% corrosion product retention. Table 39. keff Results as a function of Absorber Plate Thickness % Absorber Plate Removed Remaining Plate Thickness (mm) 100% Corrosion Product Retention 0% Corrosion Product Retention Filenameakeff s keff s 0 7.25 0.90687 0.0005 1.03130 0.00061 0d 10 6.525 0.90669 0.00052 1.03043 0.00057 10d 20 5.8 0.90855 0.00051 1.03248 0.00057 20d 30 5.075 0.9117 0.00055 1.03382 0.00051 30d 40 4.35 0.91411 0.00053 1.03451 0.00055 40d a NOTE: Filenames are the same but are contained in a unique directory structure in Attachment IV as explained in Attachment III These results indicate that the 0% corrosion product retention cases produce higher keff values than the 100% corrosion product retention cases, and the system keff increases for a fully flooded system as the absorber plates become thinner. I.8 COMPROMISED FUEL RODS This configuration class is based on the waste form degrading before or at the same rate as the waste package internal structures and is representative of configuration classes IP-1 and IP-2 from YMP (2003, Figure 3-2). Seismic studies have determined that a peak ground velocity of 1.067 m/s or greater results in fuel cladding failure (BSC 2004j, Table 30) which results in exposure of the spent nuclear fuel to an oxidizing atmosphere. Once the fuel cladding is breached, oxidation of the fuel material can occur and cause clad breach propagation (unzipping). Therefore, a set of cases was evaluated that involved oxidized fuel. The thermodynamically stable state for oxidized uranium is UO3 (Einziger 1991, p. 88). If moisture is present in the atmosphere hydration may also occur (Einziger 1991, p. 88) and form the compound UO3(H2O)2 (Einziger 1991, Figure 1) otherwise known as the mineral schoepite (BSC 2004i, Attachment I, file data0 files.zip, file data0.ymf). A set of sensitivity studies was performed in order to evaluate various configurations. The cases used a 3.0 wt% U-235 fresh fuel schoepite composition for each of the runs except case0 and case0nw which are provided for fresh fuel base case k8 values to compare against. The compositions were derived in Attachment IV (spreadsheet misc.xls, sheet schoepite) for the fuel material. The results and a brief description of the cases are provided in Table 40. It should be noted that the sensitivity runs were for an infinite two-dimensional lattice configuration in a representative waste package basket geometry, which is the reason for the high eigenvalues. Table 40. Compromised Fuel Assembly Sensitivity Cases Filename Case Description k8 s case0 Fresh fuel base case for comparison, fully flooded in nominal geometry. 1.08436 0.00093 case0nw Same as case0 but dry conditions. 0.46317 0.00037 case1 Schoepite expanded around clad; nominal standard vertical geometry; dry conditions; Schoepite block at theoretical density. 1.02388 0.00095 case2 Schoepite expanded around clad; aluminum shunts and fuel basket tube have corroded into gibbsite and goethite, respectively, occupying original volumes; nominal standard vertical geometry, dry conditions, Schoepite block at theoretical density. 0.95172 0.00111 case3 Same as Case2 but the gibbsite and goethite volume is expanded and applied to the thickness along the active fuel length. 0.92806 0.00104 case4 Same as Case1 but the system is compressed to the point where the basket plates are in contact with the fuel basket tubes. 1.02551 0.00099 case5 Same configuration as Case4 but the basket plate materials and fuel basket tube have oxidized into gibbsite and goethite. 0.95743 0.00098 case6 Same as Case5 but the waste package compression is in the vertical direction with expansion in the x direction. 0.95389 0.00105 case7 Like Case2 but fuel basket tube is represented as hematite instead of goethite. 0.96238 0.00099 case8 Same as Case5 but the fuel basket tube is hematite instead of goethite. 0.96785 0.00107 Engineered Systems Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page I-11 of 12 Table 40. Compromised Fuel Assembly Sensitivity Cases Filename Case Description k8 s case9 Same conditions as Case1 but system is fully collapsed so there is no spacing between fuel basket tube, schoepite, and basket. Nominal pin pitch used. 1.02997 0.00096 case9a Same conditions as Case1 but system is fully collapsed so there is no spacing between fuel basket tube and schoepite. Pin pitch adjusted so schoepite has no spaces around it in unit cell. Also, surrounds guide tubes and instrument tubes. 1.03559 0.00094 case9b Same as case9a with schoepite at theoretical density with all clad, guide tubes, and instrument tubes removed from system. Basket materials collapsed around schoepite block. 1.0776 0.00092 case10 Same as Case1 but water fills all void space. 1.02817 0.00097 case11 Same as Case3 but the fuel basket tube corrosion product 0.94719 0.00102 g and h composition has settled within the basket cell and assembly is in standard horizontal position geometry (See Figure 37); g designates goethite as the primary iron mineral and h denotes hematite as the primary iron mineral, CP in solution. 0.95350 0.00099 case12 Same as Case11 but CP oxide is uniformly distributed 0.94269 0.00097 g and h throughout basket cell; g designates goethite as the primary iron mineral and h denotes hematite as the primary iron mineral. 0.94577 0.00103 case13 Same as Case12 but only water in basket cell. 0.98394 0.001 case14 Same as Case10 but the water and schoepite are homogenized throughout FBT region. 1.08035 0.00097 case15 g and h Like case12 but CP and schoepite are uniformly mixed as dry CP occupying space throughout basket cell; g designates goethite as the primary iron mineral and h denotes hematite as the primary iron mineral, CP in solution. 1.00210 0.00080 0.98491 0.00086 The results indicate that a nominal configuration with schoepite uniformly dispersed in solution in a fully flooded system that can result from a seismic event produces the highest reactivity (case14) for ruptured fuel rods. The case0 configuration resulted in a higher reactivity, and is representative of the preclosure intact fuel rod nominal configuration. I.9 WASTE PACKAGE INTERACTION A set of cases was evaluated to assess the impact of package-to-package interaction during preclosure operations. Variations were made in the spacing and interstitial material between packages to observe the sensitivity to such parameters. The interstitial material was represented as void and water, and the spacing was varied from 0 to 1 cm. A brief description of each case and the results are presented in Table 41. Engineered Systems Calculation Table 41. Waste Package Interaction Results Case Description keff s Filename Single WP with no others, filled with water and void outside 1.04882 0.00055 c0 Infinite array of WP touching water inside and void outside 1.04947 0.00052 c1 Infinite array of WP touching void inside and water outside 0.33384 0.00022 c2 Infinite array of WP touching water inside and water outside 1.04808 0.00051 c3 Infinite array of WP 1 cm spacing water inside and void outside 1.04930 0.00054 c4 Infinite array of WP 1 cm spacing void inside and water outside 0.33111 0.00022 c5 Infinite array of WP 1 cm spacing water inside and water outside 1.04779 0.00051 c6 These results indicate that waste packages have a negligible neutronic influence on other waste packages. Without water, the waste packages have no criticality concern, and with water represented in different areas, the eigenvalues are within two sigma of the single waste package. Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page II-1 of 6 Attachment II: PWR Assembly Lattice Design Sensitivity Variations in fuel assembly lattice design were evaluated. This set of cases was performed in order to assess which fuel assembly lattice design would result in the highest keff values when loaded in a waste package configuration and confirm Assumption 3.1. Fuel assembly lattices were varied using Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), Westinghouse (W), and Combustion Engineering (CE) geometric arrangements in pure water. These cases were evaluated using a fresh fuel enrichment of 5.0 wt% U-235 in a nominal waste package configuration and 5.0 wt% U-235 initial fresh fuel enrichment at 30 GWd/MTU burnup isotopic compositions. Pertinent assembly design parameters for the representations are provided in Table 42. Although spacer grid information is presented in Table 42, the MCNP representations did not represent them in order to maximize system reactivity. Throughout this section STD refers to standard, and OFA refers to optimized fuel assembly designs. Table 42. Fuel Assembly Parameters Assembly Design / Parametera B&W 15x15b W 17x17 (STD)c W 17x17 (OFA)d CE 14x14e CE 15x15e CE 16x16e W 15x15e W 15x15 (OFA)e Rod pitch 1.44272 1.25984 1.25984 1.4732 1.397 1.28524 1.43002 1.43002 (cm [in.]) (0.580) (0.550) (0.506) (0.563) (0.563) Assembly pitch 21.81098 21.50364 21.50364 20.574 20.828 20.574 21.42236 21.39696 (cm [in.]) (8.1) (8.2) (8.1) (8.434) (8.424) Rod outer 1.0922 0.94996 0.91440 1.1176 1.06172 0.97028 1.07188 1.07188 diameter (OD) (cm (0.44) (0.418) (0.382) (0.422) (0.422) [in.]) Cladding thickness 0.06731 0.05715 0.05715 0.07112 0.06604 0.0635 0.061468 0.061468 (cm [in.]) (0.028) (0.026) (0.025) (0.0242) (0.0242) Rod length 390.366 385.1534 384.704 373.38 355.6 408.94 385.7752 385.699 (cm [in.]) (147) (140) (161) (151.88) (151.85) Active fuel length 360.172 365.76 365.76 347.98 335.28 381 363.22 365.76 (cm [in.]) (137) (132) (150) (143) (144) U mass per 463.63 458.88 423.12 386 kg 412.769 426 kg 469 kg 462.7 kg assembly kg kg kg (0.386 kg (910 (0.426 (0.469 (0.4627 MT) lbs) MT) MT) MT) Plenum spring SS304 SS302f SS302f SS302 SS302 SS302 SS302 SS302 material Plenum spring N/A N/A N/A 45.359 22.6796 45.359 18.5973 11.3398 mass per (0.10) (0.050) (0.10) (0.041) (0.025) assembly (g [lb]) Plenum length 28.766 17.9654 17.516 21.2725 N/A 24.19858 20.828 20.828 (cm [in.]) (8.375) (9.527) (8.2) (8.2) Upper end-fiting 8.731 15.506 15.506 16.8402 7.9756 24.69642 8.8773 9.017 length (cm [in.]) (6.63) (3.140) (9.723) (3.495) (3.550) Lower end-fitting 16.723 11.951 11.951 7.9375 8.2296 9.68248 6.95452 6.95452 length (cm [in.]) (3.125) (3.24) (3.812) (2.738) (2.738) Intermediate Inconel-Inconelg Zircaloy Zircaloy-Zircaloy-Zircaloy-Inconel-Zircaloyspacer grid 718 4 4 4 718 4 material Upper spacer grid Inconel-Inconelg Inconelg Zircaloy-Zircaloy-Zircaloy-Inconel-Inconelmaterial 718 4 4 4 718 718 Bottom spacer grid Inconel-Inconelg Inconelg Inconel-Inconel-Inconel-N/A Inconel Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page II-2 of 6 Table 42. Fuel Assembly Parameters Assembly Design / Parametera B&W 15x15b W 17x17 (STD)c W 17x17 (OFA)d CE 14x14e CE 15x15e CE 16x16e W 15x15e W 15x15 (OFA)e material 718 625 625 625 718 Intermediate grid length (cm) 3.81 3.35788 5.71500 4.284h 2.946h 5.432h 3.81 5.715 Upper grid length 8.573 14.656 14.656 4.284h 2.946h 5.432h 3.81 3.81 (cm) Bottom grid length N/A 3.35788 3.35788 9.044h 6.63h 10.3188 N/A 3.81 (cm) Total number of 7 8 8 9 10 11 7 7 spacer grids Number of guide 16 24 24 5 8k 5 20 20 tubes Guide tube OD (cm) 1.3462 1.22428 1.08966 1.20396 1.08966 2.832i 1.1978 2.832i 1.382i 1.382i Guide tube wall thickness (cm [in.]) 0.04064 0.04064 0.04064 0.091i N/A 0.091i 0.043i 0.043i Instrument tube OD (cm) 1.38193 1.22428 1.20396 2.832i 1.059j 1.059i 1.382i 1.382i Instrument tube 0.130895 0.04064 0.04064 0.091i 0.069j 0.069i 0.043i 0.043i wall thickness (cm) NOTES: a b c d e Referenced dimensions in inches provided in parentheses and converted to cm where applicable. Parameters from Punatar (2001, Section 2 and Table 3-1). Parameters from CRWMS-M&O (1998c, Section 2 and Table 3-1). Parameters from CRWMS-M&O (1998d, Section 2 and Table 3-1). Parameters from DOE (1987, pp. 2A-55 to 2A-58 and Figure 1-4 for the CE 14x14 design; pp. 2A-67 to 2A70 and Figure 1-1 for the CE 15x15 design; pp. 2A-73 to 2A-76 and Figure 1-9 for the CE 16x16 design; pp. 2A-319 to 2A-322 and drawing 1598E32 for the W 15x15 design; and pp. 2A-325 to 2A-328 and drawing f g h i 1607E93 for the W 15x15 OFA design. Material from DOE (1987, pp. 2A-352 and 2A-346) References did not specify type, therefore Inconel-718 was used in the representations. Values based on Assumption 3.9 Parameters from Stout and Leider (1997, pp. and; not used in representation due to lack j k of information regarding location. Based on Assumption 3.10 There are eight Zircaloy-4 guide bars (DOE 1987, p. 2A-68) in this design which were not represented in order to maximize reactivity The assembly materials listed here refer to the upper and lower end-fitting materials and the spacer grid materials. The primary material components in the upper and lower end-fitting regions are SS304 (see Table9), Inconel (represented as Inconel-718 as shown in Table 10 or Inconel-625 asshown in Table 43), Zircaloy-4 as represented in Table 8, and moderator (represented as water at 1.0 g/cm3 density). Both the upper and lower end-fitting regions are represented with material compositions that represent the homogenization of the components in the regions for each assembly design. The homogenization of the base components into single homogenized material compositions is performed using Equations 4 through 6. Table 43 presents the material composition for Inconel625 spacer grids constituent natural isotopic weight percents for use in MCNP using Equations 2 and 3. Each of the homogenized material compositions is derived in Attachment IV (Workbook homog_mats.xls). Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page II-3 of 6 Table 43. Inconel 625 Material Composition Element/ Isotope ZAIDa Wt% Element/ Isotope ZAIDa Wt% C-nat 6000.50c 0.1000 Fe-58b 26058.60c 0.0145 Si-nat 14000.50c 0.5000 Ni-58b 28058.60c 39.0889 P-31 15031.50c 0.0150 Ni-60b 28060.60c 15.4562 S-32 16032.50c 0.0150 Ni-61b 28061.60c 0.6835 Cr-50b 24050.60c 0.8973 Ni-62b 28062.60c 2.1946 Cr-52b 24052.60c 17.9955 Ni-64b 28064.60c 0.5769 Cr-53b 24053.60c 2.0798 Ti-nat 22000.50c 0.4000 Cr-54b 24054.60c 0.5273 Al-27 13027.50c 0.4000 Mn-55 25055.50c 0.5000 Co-59 27059.50c 1.0000 Fe-54b 26054.60c 0.2850 Mo-nat 42000.50c 9.0000 Fe-56b 26056.60c 4.5934 Nbc 73181.50c 3.6500 Fe-57b 26057.60c 0.1071 Density = 8.44 g/cm3 Source: Inco Alloys International 1998, pp. 1 and 2 a NOTE: ZAID = MCNP material identifier. b Expanded constituent natural isotopic weight percents derived using Equations 2 and 3. c Reference identifies this material as “columbium,” which is actually the element niobium. Table 44 presents the assembly hardware component masses and Tables 45 and 46 present the component material volume fractions for the upper and lower end-fitting regions. Since the spacer grids are not being represented in the spacer grid homogenization parameters are not being listed. Each of the homogenized material compositions is derived in Attachment IV (Workbook homog_mats.xls) along with the volume fractions for components that were not available. Table 44. Assembly End-Fitting Hardware Component Masses Hardware Part Name Upper End-Fitting CE 14x14 CE 15x15 CE 16x16 W 15x15 W 15x15 OFA Locking posts (kg/assembly) 2.63 (SS304) N/A 7.3 (SS304) N/A N/A Hold-down spring (kg/assembly) 1.1 (Inconel 718)a N/A 4.5 (Inconel 718)a 1.14 (Inconel 718)a 0.96 (Inconel 718)a Flow plate (kg/assembly) 1.45 (SS304) N/A 3.2 (SS304) N/A N/A Hold-down plate 1.0 (SS304) N/A 1.8 (SS304) N/A N/A (kg/assembly) Top nozzle (kg/assembly) N/A 4.5 (SS304) N/A 10.7 (SS304) 6.89 (SS304) Lower End-Fitting Bottom nozzle (kg/assembly) 5.0 (SS304) 5.4 (SS304) 5.4 (SS304) 5.44 (SS304) 5.44 (SS304) Source: DOE 1987, pp. 2A-56, 2A-68, 2A-74, 2A-320, and 2A-326 a NOTE: DOE 1987 lists this material as CE nickel alloy. No information is available for this material so it was represented as Inconel 718 (See Assumption 3.11). Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page II-4 of 6 Table 45. Upper End-Fitting Component Material Volume Fractions Assembly Design Volume Fractions in Upper End-Fitting Region SS304 Inconel Zircaloy-4 Moderator B&W 15x15a 0.2756 0.0441 0.0081 0.6722 W 17x17 STDb 0.1243 0.0168 0.0 0.8589 W 17x17 OFAc 0.1303 0.0178 0.0051 0.8469 CE 14x14d 9.0209E-02 1.884E-02 N/A 0.8910 CE 15x15d 0.1646 N/A N/A 0.8354 CE 16x16d 0.1489 0.0526 N/A 0.7985 W 15x15d 0.3325 0.0342 N/A 0.6333 W 15x15 OFAd 0.2113 0.0284 N/A 0.7603 a NOTES: Values from Punatar (2001, Table 2-6) b Values from CRWMS M&O (1998c, p. 9) C Values from CRWMS M&O (1998d, p. 15) d Values derived from information provided in Tables 42 and 44 based on conservation of mass and volume Table 46. Lower End-Fitting Component Material Volume Fractions Assembly Design Volume Fractions in Lower End-Fitting Region SS304 Inconel Zircaloy-4 Moderator B&W 15x15a 0.1656 0.0306 0.0125 0.7913 W 17x17 STDb 0.1625 0.0 0.0 0.8375 W 17x17 OFAc 0.1439 0.0 0.0137 0.8424 CE 14x14d 0.1884 0.0 0.0 0.8116 CE 15x15d 0.1915 0.0 0.0 0.8085 CE 16x16d 0.1668 0.0 0.0 0.8332 W 15x15d 0.2158 0.0 0.0 0.7842 W 15x15 OFAd 0.2194 0.0 0.0 0.7806 a NOTES: Values from Punatar (2001, Table 2-3) b Values from CRWMS-M&O (1998c, p. 9) C Values from CRWMS-M&O (1998d, p. 15) d Values derived from information provided in Tables 42 and 44 based on conservation of mass and volume Table 47 presents the upper and lower fuel rod plenum material volume fractions. Licensing Calculation Title: 21-PWR Waste Package with Absorber Plates Loading Curve Evaluation Document Identifier: CAL-DSU-NU-000006 REV 00B Page II-5 of 6 Table 47. Fuel Rod Plenum Material Volume Fractions Assembly Design Plenum Location Stainless Steel Gas (represented as void) Zircaloy-4 B&W 15x15a Upper 0.0811 0.7793 0.1396 Lower 0.1569 0.5973 0.2458 W 17x17 STDa Upper 0.0976 0.8368 0.0655 Lower 0.1532 0.6389 0.2080 W 17x17 OFAa Upper 0.1753 0.8247 0.0000 Lower 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 CE 14x14b Upper 0.0162 0.9838 0.0000 Lowerc 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 CE 15x15b Upper 0.0012 0.9988 0.0000 Lower 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 CE 16x16b Upper 0.0142 0.9858 0.0000 Lower 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 W 15x15b Upper 0.0006 0.9994 0.0000 Lower 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 W 15x15 OFAb Upper 0.0003 0.9997 0.0000 Lower 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 a NOTES: Values derived in Attachment IV, workbook homog_mats.xls b Upper plenum region represented as spring and void based on conservation of mass and volume from dimensions listed in Table 42 c Represented as solid Al2O3 spacer at density of 3.97 g/cm3 (Lide, p. 4-39) Each of the fuel assembly designs were represented in MCNP using a fuel density of 10.741 g/cm3 in order to minimize on linear mass loading differences, which are inherent based on the design differences. Based on this density and the referenced active fuel lengths, the total mass per assembly is greater than its nominal loading, and is based on the design parameters. Therefore trying to keep the total mass per assembly constant is not appropriate here. The results for the PWR assembly lattice design sensitivity cases are presented in Table 48 and indicate that the B&W 15x15 assembly design is the most reactive, but is statistically equivalent at the 95% confidence limit to the W 17x17 OFA. Table 48. Fuel Assembly Lattice Design keff Results Assembly Filename keff s B&W 15x15 BW15 1.16167 0.00055 W 17x17 OFA W17OFA 1.16147 0.00055 W 17x17 STD W17STD 1.15613 0.00058 W 15x15 OFA W15OFA 1.1593 0.00064 W 15x15 W15 1.16082 0.00057 CE 14x14 CE14 1.11257 0.00058 CE 15x15 CE15 1.11695 0.00059 CE 16x16 CE16 1.11273 0.00056 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Attachment III: Attachment CD Listing This attachment contains a listing and description of the files contained on the attachment CD of this report (Attachment IV). The CD was written using ROXIO Easy CD Creator 5 Basic installed on CRWMS M&O tag number 150527 central processing unit, and can be viewed on most standard CD-ROM drives. The zip archive was created using WINZIP 8.1. The file attributes on the CD are as follows: Filename File Size (bytes) File Date File Time Description 21PWRWP.zip 1,204,743 8/24/2004 08:24a 21-PWR Waste Package Configuration Design Drawings 0130223.pdf 68,126 6/10/2004 10:03a MSDS for representative hydraulic fluid cases.zip 51,010,067 9/20/2004 10:58a Archive containing MCNP files misc.xls 1,114,112 9/10/2004 08:24a Excel spreadsheet containing various geometry and material derivations Tuff composition.xls 59,904 9/09/2004 01:02p Excel spreadsheet containing tuff composition derivations homog_mats.xls 438,784 9/01/2004 11:17a Excel spreadsheet containing fuel assembly hardware component derivations wstreamplot.xls 710,656 9/20/2004 12:59p Excel spreadsheet containing sorted waste stream information IDBinputs.xls 265,728 9/10/2004 03:43p Excel spreadsheet containing irradiated fuel isotopic compositions There are 8 total files for the archive file 21PWRWP.zip with no particular naming system. The files contain the dimensions for the 21-PWR waste package configuration. There are 672 total files (not including folders) contained in a unique directory structure for the archive file cases.zip. Files without on "o" at the end are input files, and files with an "o" at the end are output files. The following extracted directory structure corresponds as follows: /temp3/PWRLC01CD/temp/*: where * corresponds as follows: /I.1/ - Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.1 with subdirectories burned and fresh corresponding to burned fuel isotopic composition and fresh fuel isotopic composition cases, respectively. /I.2/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.2 /I.3/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.3 with subdirectories Hyd_Fluid and Water_density corresponding to hydraulic fluid and water density cases, respectively. /I.4/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.4 /I.5/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.5 with subdirectories Tuff_External, InWPVoid, ExtFBT, and Tsol corresponding to the tabulated results in Attachment I, Tables 34, 35, and 36, respectively. /I.6/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.6 /I.7/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.7 with subdirectories 5mm, 100cp, and Water corresponding to the tabulated results in Attachment I, Tables 38 and 39, respectively. /I.8/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.8 /I.9/ -Contains files listed in Attachment I, Section I.9 /Fresh_Fuel/ - Contains files used for the determination of the maximum fresh fuel enrichment that can be loaded into the waste package with two lower level directories denoted /Post_config/ and /Pre_config/ for postclosure and preclosure bounding configurations, respectively. The file naming system is as follows: X.X that represents the enrichment in wt% U-235 (ranging from 1.5 to 5.0). /LC/ - Contains files used for developing the loading curve as a function of burnup, with four lower level directories /7Post/, /7Pre/, /Post/, and /Pre/ representing the postclosure bounding representation using a seven zone axial burnup profile, the preclosure bounding representation using a seven zone axial burnup profile, the postclosure bounding representation using a single zone axial burnup profile, and the preclosure bounding representation using a single zone axial burnup profile, respectively. The file naming system is as follows: where the X.X represents the initial enrichment in wt% U-235 (i.e., 3.5 is 3.5 wt% U-235 [range from 2.0 to 5.0 wt% U-235]), the YY represents the burnup in GWd/MTU (range from 10 to 45 GWd/MTU), and the Z is either a 1 or a 7 denoting a single zone axial burnup profile or a seven zone axial burnup profile, respectively. /Misload/ - which contains the subdirectories /Nominal/, /Sub10/, and /Sub20/ representing cases loaded with fuel assemblies at the design basis loading curve value, cases with a 10 GWd/MTU underburned assembly from the design basis required burnup in the central basket location, and cases with a 20 GWd/MTU underburned assembly from the design basis required burnup in the central basket location. The file naming system is as follows: X.X for the /Nominal/ subdirectory cases representing the initial enrichment in wt% U-235 (i.e., 3.5 is 3.5 wt% U-235 [range from 2.5 to 5.0 wt% U-235]); and X.XmYY in /Sub10/ and /Sub20/ subdirectories with X.X representing the initial enrichment in wt% U-235, and the YY is either a 10 or a 20 representing a 10 or 20 GWd/MTU underburned assembly. /II/ - Contains files listed in Attachment II.