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Triggering the RoIs produced by Zee events in the run 003014

Triggering the RoIs produced by Zee events

First, we look at the EM L1 RoIs multiplicity, which shows that, in average, less than 2 LVL1 EM RoIs are found per event (one electron can be lost out of the fiducial volume) :

There were no Jet RoI definition in the trigger menu, so we do not have any Jet RoI here.

The L1 EM RoIs Eta distribution :

It is interesting to see that peaks at the calorimeter cracks.

And their Phi distribution :

For the L1 EM RoIs we have, the energy in the RoI (an integer) was checked. The clusters which passed the E25i cut (Et>19 GeV, EM Isolation < 3GeV, Had Core <2GeV and Had Isolation <2GeV) in Red. Also, we noted the number of TT which had LVL2 clusters passing the LVL2 Calo e25i cut in Blue:

check the note com-daq-2004-010 for more details of these cuts. Also, we can note that the TT started to be considered above 7 GeV (without any isolation cuts).

In order to check the correct application of the isolation cuts by Level I, we provide here in MeV the three isolation variables. The first is the EM Isolation (which, in the default cuts should not be greater than 3 GeV) :

Also, one should look at the Hadronic Isolation (Should not be greater than 2 GeV):

And, finaly, the Hadronic Core energy (also should not be greater than 2 GeV) :

Also, it is interesting to check the isolation cut behavior. For that, we have the following plots, the E25i cut isolation variables with the L1 TT without any isolation :

Also, one should look at the Hadronic Isolation (Should not be greater than 2 GeV):

And, finaly, the Hadronic Core energy (also should not be greater than 2 GeV) :

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