Index. ii. PART II. Mexican Side of the Rio Grande. CHAPTER L—A Saint? The Whole Country Astir. Tatita the Impostor. A Sight. A dangerous interview. The Hypocrite tries to arouse the Multitude. The Mayor alarm- ed. Tumult. Armed protection necessary. Tatita killed. ... 43 CHAPTER II.—Ley es de Reforma. Exiles. The Bishop of San Luis Potosi. Mgr. Verea, Bishop of Monterey. Tu quoque Ramirez ! ! I A Bishop who never entered his Diocese. Sudden death. Buried on Sand-Hills.............. 50 CHAPTER III.—Between Two Fires. Bagdad. Oblate Fathers in Matamoros. A Hold-up. Quick Justice. Another Hold up. No money for you. Stage Robbery. Remarkable Con- versions. ... 55 CHAPTER IV.—Raid on Bagdad. A Pandemo- nium. St. Joseph's Protection. Bagdad is fallen. Troubled times. Victoria. Oblate Fathers victims of the Revolution. Civil War in Matamoros. Fall of the Maximilian.. 60 PART III. On the Texas Side of the Rio Grande. CHAPTER I.—Bishop Od'.n. Difficulties about the Boundary Line. His Honor the Mayor. A Crust of bread. Physical aspect. Reli- gious Ditto. Field of labor. B'irst House of Worship. First Residence. 79 CHAPTER H.—From the Archives of the Vati- can and Copenhagen. Interesting notes on America, Mexico and Texas. Correspond- ence between d'Alarconne and De la Harpe.. 9t