IRS13 Scientific Report No. IRS-13 Information Storage and Retrieval Thesaurus, Phrase and Hierarchy Dictionaries chapter E. M. Keen Harvard University Gerard Salton Use, reproduction, or publication, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. VII-7 376 Emiss Emit Radiate 388 Effect Phenomen 423 Ultra-violet Ultraviolet X-ray 474 Solar 533 423 376 474 376 474 388 185 Axes Axial-force Axial Coaxial X-axis etc. 265 Regular Symmetric Sytrime try Uniform 264 Axially-symmetric Axial lysymme tric Axi-symmetric Axi symmetric 185 265 Excerpts from the Cran-2 Thesaurus-3 Dictionary with Phrases Showing the Grouping to Recognize the Phrases "Axial Symmetry", "Ultraviolet Radiation", "Solar Emission" and "Solar Effect" Fig. 3