GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL REVIEW OP SIBERIA. 23 In general, the temperature in the cultivable zone of Siberia, which in Western Siberia is +13-5°, in the Eastern part +14°, in the Transbaikal +13-5°, in the Amur Territory, -fl2° in its northern part and -1-16° on the south, PI. 27. Winter road in the northern taiga. +15° and +17° in the Ussuri-Littoral Territory, is almost the same as that of the corresponding latitudes of European Russia, during the five months period of vegetation, from May to October. Accordingly, the cultivable zone of Siberia is better adapted for agriculture than the regions of Euro- pean Russia situated be- tween the same 55° and 58° N. lat., being provided with a better soil of blackearth, with more fertile and extensive pas- tures, with abundant ri- vers, and a sufficient quantity of forest land. The population of Si- beria is not excessively affected by the sharp winters, owing to the pre- vailing Stillness Of the PI- 28. Harnessed reindeer. air, the absence of strong winds, and to a generally clear and cloudless sky which, taken together, temper the effect of the extreme cold. i'\ ' J ] ¦10 1 3x If " •Vf