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Heraldry: a Selected List of References :
Compendia and Indexes:

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United States

1.	American historical Company, Inc., _New York_. Colonial and
	revoluntionary lineages of America; a collection of genealogical
	studies, completely documented, and appropriately illustrated,
	bearing upon notable early American lines and their collateral
	connections.  New York, 1939-68.  25 v. col. coats of arms,
	facsims., geneal. tables, plates, ports.
	Includes bibliographies.

2.	Americana. v. 1-37; Jan. 1906-Dec. 1943.  New York, American
	Historical Co. 37 v. in 43. illus., col. coats of arms, facisms.,
	maps, plates (part col.)

	Bimonthly, 1906-May 1909; monthly June 1909-1915; quarterly, 1916-
	Publication suspended during 1917.
	Issues for 1906-May 1909 are entitled _American Histoircal

3.	Bolton, Charles K. Bolton's American armory; a record of cats of
	rems which have been in use within the present bounds of the United
	States.  Boston, F. W. Faxon Co., 1927. xxiii, 223 p. illus., coats
	of arms.  (Useful reference series, no. 33)

4.	Crowther, George R.  Surname index to sixty-five volumes of
	colonial and revolutionary pedigrees.  Foreword by Milton Rubincam. 
	Washington, National Genealogical Society, 1964.  143 p. (Special
	publications of the National Genealogical Society, no. 27)
	CS42.N43, no. 27

	"The surnames listed alphabetically... are those of all the
	families to be found in the 27 volumes of _Colonial Families of
	America_, 20 volumes of _Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of
	America_, and a dozen-and-a-half individual volumes."

5.	Lawrence, Ruth, ed.  Colonial families of America.  New York,
	National Americana Society [1928-48] 27 v. col. coats of arms,
	plates, ports.

6.	MacKenzie, George N., ed.  Colonial families of the United States
	of America, in which is given the history, genealogy, and armorial
	bearing of colonial families who settle in the American Colonies
	from the time of the settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to
	the Battle of Lexington, 19th April, 1775.  New York, Grafton
	Press, 1907-20. 7 v. coats of arms.

7.	New England Historic Genealogical Society. _Committee on Heraldry_. 
	A roll of arms, registered by the Committee on Heraldry of the New
	England Historic Genealogical Society.  Boston, New England
	Historic Genealogical Society, 1928-72. 8 v. coats of arms.
	Pts. 3-8 published by the Committee on Heraldry.
	Pts. 1-2 reprinted from the _New England Historical and
	Genealogical Register_, April 1928 and July 1932 issues.
8.	Spofford, Ernest.  Armorial families of America. 1st ser.
	Philadelphia, Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co., 1929. 402p. col. cots of
	CS69.S6 1929

9.	Valcourt-Vermont, Edgar de.  America heraldica, a compilation of
	coats of arms, crests, and mottoes of prominent American families
	settled in this country before 1800.  Illustrated by Henry Rykers. 
	New York, Brentano Bros. [1886-89] 2 v. in 1. illus., col. plates.

	Vol. 2 illustrated by Auguste Leroy.

British Isles

1.	The Armorial who is who. 1st+ ed.; 1961/62+ Edinburgh. coats of
	arms (part col.) biennial.

	"A register of armorial bearings in current use with the names and
	addresses of the bearers and the authority for their use."
2.	Burke, Sir John B.  The general armory of England, Scotland,
	Ireland, and Wales; comprising a registry of armorial bearings from
	the earliest to the present time.  With a suppl.  London, Harrison,
	1884. lxxix, [50], 1185 p. illus., coats of arms.
	CR1619.B73 1884

	First ed., by John Burke and Sir John B. Burke, was published in
	1842 as _A general Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland_. 
	Describes but does not illustrate about 60,000 coats of arms.

3.	Elvin, Charles N. A hand-book of mottoes borne by the nobility,
	gentry, cities, public companies, & c. With an added index and a
	suppl. Translated and illustrated with notes and quotations. 
	Baltimore, Genealogical pub. Co., 1971. 294 p.
	CR75.G7E5 1971

	"Originally published 1860."

4.	Fairbairn, James, comp.  Fairbairn's book of crests of the families
	of Great Britain and Ireland.  Being a 4th ed., rev. and enl.
	London, T.C.&E.C. Jack [1912] 2 v. plates.
	CR57.G7F2 1912

	Vol. 1, text; v. 2 plates.

5.	Fox-Davies, Arthur C. Armorial families; a directory of gentlemen
	of coat-armour.  7th ed. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1929. 2 v.
	(xxxviii, 2191 p.) coats of arms (part col.)
	CR1618.F6 1929

6.	Humphery-Smith, Cecil R.  General armory two; Alfred Morant's
	additions and corrections to Burke's General armory, edited and
	augmented by Cecil R. Humphery-Smith.  Baltimore, Genealogical Pub.
	Co., 1974 [c1973] 230 p. illus.
	CR1619.H86 1974

7.	Innes, Sir Thomas.  Scots heraldry; a practical handbook on the
	historical principles and modern application of the arts and
	science. [2d ed., rev. and enl.] Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd [1956]
	xxiv, 258 p. illus., coats of arms (part col.), facisms. (part
	CR1652.I5 1956

	Bibliographic reference included in "Guide to Further Study of
	Scottish Heraldry" (p. 234-238).  Bibliographic footnotes.

8.	MacLysght, Edward.  Irish families; their names, arms, and origins. 
	Illustrated by Myra Maguire.  [3d ed., rev.]  New York, Crown
	Publishers [1972] 365 p. illus.
	CS498.M3 1972

	Bibliography:  p. 316-336.

9.	-----More Irish families.  Galway [Ire.] O'Gorman, 1960.  320 p.
	col. coats of arms.
	Bibliography:  P285-290.

10.	-----Supplement to Irish families.  Baltimore, Genealogical Book
	Co.  [1964] 163 P.

	"Additional notes on names dealt with in [the author's] _Irish
	Families and More Irish Families_": p. 157-163.
11.	Papworth, John W. Ordinary of British armorials.  Introductions by
	G. D. Squibb [and] A. R. Wagner.  London, Tabard Publications
	[1961] xxii, 1125 p.  
	CR1619.P2 1961

	Reproduced form the original ed. of 1874.

12.	Paul, Sir James B.  An ordinary of arms, contained in the public
	register of all arms and bearings in Scotland.  2d ed.  Edinburgh,
	W. Green, 1903. xxiv, 428.

13.	Roll of Scottish arms.  Edited by Lt. Colonel Gayre of Gayre and
	Nigg and Reinold Gayre of Gayre and Nigg the Younger.  Edinburgh,,
	The Armorial, 1964 [i.e. 1965]+
	Contents: pt. 1. v. 1. A-G. --v. 2. H-Z.--

Other Countries

1.	Blanche, Pierre. Dictionaire et armorial des noms de famille de
	France.  [Paris] Fayard [1974] xlvi, 249 p. illus.

2.	Chassant, Alphonse A. L., and Henri Tausin.  Dictionaire des
	devises historiques et heraldiques.  Geneve, Slatkine, 1978.  754,
	xiv, 135 p. plates.
	CR73.C4 1978

	Reprint of the 1878 ed.

3.	----- ----- Supplement, par Henri Tausin.  Geneve, Slatkine, 1978. 
	xxxvi, 583, 152p.
	Reprint of the 1895 ed.

4.	Crollalanza, Giovanni B. di.  Dizionario storico-blasonico delle
	famiglie nobile e notablili italiane estinti e fiorenti.  Pisa,
	Presso la direczione del Geornale araldico, 1886-96. 3 v. col.
	coats of arms.

5.	Deutsche Wappenrolle.  Bd. 1+ Hrsg. vom "Herold," Verein Fur
	Heraldik, Genealogie und verwandte Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 
	Bearb. vom Herods-Ausschum der Deutschen Wappenrolle.  Neustadt an
	der Aisch, Degener, 1936+ coats of arms.

	LC holdings incomplete.

6.	Garcia Carraffa, Alberto, and Arturo Garcia Carraffa.  Enciclopedia
	heraldic y genealocia hispano-americana.  [Madrid, Impr. de A.
	Marzo, 1919-63] 88 v. illus., col. coats of arms.

	LC set incomplete

7.	Henning, Eckart.  Nachweise burgerlicher Wappen in Deutschland,
	1937-1973.  Neustadt an der Aisch, Degener, 1975.  132 p.
	(Genealogische Informationen, Bd. 2)

8.	Jager-Sunstenau, Hanns.  General-Index zu den Siebmacher'schen
	Wappenbchern, 1605-1961.  Graz, Akademische Druck- u.
	Verlagsanstalt, 1964.  47*, 586 p.

9.	"Abkurzungszeichen";  [2] p. inserted.
	Introduction includes bibliogrpahic history.
	----- ----- Nachtrag.  Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt,
	1969.  xxiii p.
	CR1179.S5J3 Suppl.

10.	Jougla de Morenas, Henri, ed.  Grand armorial de France; catalogue
	general des armoiries des familles nobles de France, comprenant les
	blasons des familles ayant possede dis charges dans le royaume et
	de cellesayant fait enregisterer leurs armoiries en 1696, de la
	noblesse de l'empire, des anoblissements de la restauration,
	donnant les tableaux genealogiques de familles comfirmees dans leur
	noblesse entree 1660 et 1830.  [Paris] Editions heraldiques, 1934-
	49. 6 v. coats of arms (part col.), geneal. tables

	Vols. 2, 4-6 published by Societe du Grand armorial de France.

11.	Kenfenheuer, Johann J.  Alphabetisches Namen register burgerlicher
	deutscher Wappenvorkommen.  Hoffnungsthal, E. Pilgram, 1937. 264 p.
	"Abkurzungs- und Quellen-Verzeichnis":  p. 11-24.

12.	Lukomskii, Vladislav K., and Sergei N. Troinitskii.  Ukazateli k
	Vysochaishe utverzhdennym Obshchemu Gerbovniku dvorianskikh rodov
	Tsarstva Pol'skago.  Sanktpeterburg, 1910.  151 p.

	Indexes the general armorial of the noble families of the Russian
	Empire and Niesiecki's Polish armorial.

13.	Neubecker, Ottfried, and Wilhelm Rentzmann.  wappen-Bilder-Lexikon. 
	Dictionnaire heraldique.  Encyclopaedia of heraldry.  Munchen,
	Battenberg [1974] 418 p. (chiefly illus.)
	Based in part on Rentzmann's _Numismatisches Wappen-Lexicon des
	Mittelalters und der Neuzeit_ (Berlin, H. Veit, 1876).
	A guide to the identification of coats of arms, arranged by the
	type of object displayed.

14.	Niesiecki, Kaspar.  Herbarz polski.  W Lipsku, Breitkopf i Haertel,
	1839-46. 10v. illus.

15.	Pama, C. Heraldry of South African families: coats of
	arms/crests/ancestry.  Capetown, A. A. Balkema, 1972. 365 p. coats
	of arms.

	Bibliography:  p. 345-358

16.	Piferrer, Francisco.  Nobiliario de los reinos y senorios de
	Espana.  Contiene las armas y blasonnes de los reinos, provincias,
	ciudades, villas y principales pueblos de Espana. 2. ed.  Madrid,
	1857-60. 6 v. col. coats of arms.
	CS947.P5 1857

17.	----- Archivo heraldico.  Armas, timbres y blasones de nuestra
	ilustre nobleza espanola:  apendice a todos los nobiliarios
	espanoles, antiguos blez espanola:  apendice a todo los nobiliarios
	espanoles, antiguos y modernos.  madrid, 1863-66. 2 v. in 1. col.
	coats of arms.
	CS947.P5 1857 App.

18.	Renesse, Theodore de, comte.  Dictionaire dis figures heraldiques. 
	Bruxelles, O. Schepens, 1894-1903. 7 v. coats of arms.
	Based on the descriptions of the armorial bearings in Rietstap's
	_Armorial general_.

19.	Rietstap, Johannes B.  Armorial general, precede de'un dictionnaire
	des termes du blason.  2. ed., refondue et augm.  Gouda, G. B. van
	Goor zonen [1884]-87. 2 v. plates.

	Contents: v. 1. A-K. --v. 2. L-Z.  Supplement. Appendice.

20.	----- ----- Supplement par V. H. [i.e. Victor et Henri] Rolland. 
	La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1926-54.  7 v. illus., coats of arms, fold.,
	geneal. tables, ports.
	CR1179.R52 Suppl.
	Vol. 1-2 issued in parts, 1904-26.

21.	----- ----- ----- Table du supplement, par Henri Rolland.  Lyon,
	Societe de sauvegarde historique, 1951. 1 v. (unpaged)
	CR1179.R52 Suppl. Index

22.	Rolland, Victor, and Henri Rolland.  General illustrated armorial.
	[3d ed.]  Lyon, Sauvegarde historique [1953?] 6 v. in 4. illus.,
	coats of arms.
	CR1179.R653 1953

	Translation of _Armoiries des familles contenues dans l'Armorial
	general de J. B. Rietstap_ originally published 1903-26.
	Illustrates the coats of arms described in Rietstap's _Armorial

23.	Russia. _Department gerol'dii_.  Obshchii Gerbovnik dvorianskikh
	rodov Vserossiiskiia Imperii, nachatyi v 1797m godu [S.-Peterburg,
	1798]- 1862. 11v. coatso f arms, geneal. tables.

	Of the 18 manuscript volumes, the first 10 were published in 1798-
	1836.  The part of v. 1 that was printed consists of the title
	page, dated 1862, and 30 color plates (coats of arms), some with
	explanatory text.  No more published.
	Vo. 11 in LC set incomplete; three plates wanting.

24.	----- ----- Alfavitnyi spisok familiiam. [S. Peterbug, 1840?]  16

25.	Scorza, Angelo M. G. Enciclopedia araldica italiana.  Genova,
	Studio ricerche storiche [1955]+ coats of arms (part col.), geneal.
	Issued in parts.

26.	Sibmacher, Johann.  Grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, in ieiner
	neuen, vollstandig geordneten und reich vermehrten Aufl., mit
	heraldischen und historisch-genealogischen Erlauterungen. 
	Nurnburg, Bauer und Raspe [1854]-1961. 7. in 101. illus., plates.
	CR1179. S5

	Issued in parts.
	LC set incomlete.
	First published in 1605 as _New Wapenbuch_.

	The volumes of this edition are being reprinted, in a different
	arrangement, by Bauer und Raspe in Neustadt an der Aisch

27.	Spreti, Vittorio, _marchese_. Enciclopedia storico-nobiliare
	italiana.  Familglie nobili e titolate viventi riconosciute dal R.
	o governo d'Italia compresi:  citta, comunita, mense vescovili,
	abazie, parrocchie ed enti nobili e titolati riconosciuti. 
	Minlano, 1928-35. 8 v. illus., col. coats of arms, ports.

28.	Tretiakoff, Igorr V. de. Armorial de la noblesse de Russie, avec
	notices genealogiques et biblographiques.  [Paris] Richard-Masse
	[1946] xxvii, 253 p. coatsof arms, fold. geneal. table.

	At head of title:  La Societe russe d'historie et de genealogie en
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