30304 19:1 Interviewer Carol Grahem Subject ~ --- Inlbortnatlon given by~__ Sarah Doug~.as ~ E]. Dorado, Arkan~s Mornin‘ honey. I thought you wuz cornin‘ back tuh see me ergin las‘ summer an‘ I looked fuh you the longes‘ time. I‘se ilum proud tuh see you ergin. Dis other lady ain‘t de one that wuz wid you las‘ suriner is she? Now jes lis‘en tuh that w111 yuh, she wants Aunt Sarah tuh tell huh sorrie more ‚ bout slave ‘y t unes . Jbhn Bufford wuz inah marster‘s name. I wuz bo‘n in Alabama an‘ brought to Louisiana by my marster‘s fembly. Aftuh de wah he freed us an‘ some of ‘ein mixed up in politics an‘ the white folks from the North fooled ‘em into rnakin speeches fth ‘em, but de~ soon learnt bettuh. I ain‘t been well lately. The doctuh said I had slamatory rheumatis. I‘m ol‘ now and don‘ have nobody tuh do nothin fuh me. My mistress witz rnanny in de ol‘ days. Aftuh I got up fum raah rheumatism I went down tuh that church you sees, I give de lan‘ fuh hit, me and Torn did and I jes felt good and wanted tuli praise the Lord. 1 wuz so glad the spent come once more, I got happy and I got up and went down tub de fron‘ and said; “I want to shake hand wid ever‘ body in dis house. I wanxia stroke yo nand. An‘ I stood down there at the front so happy an‘ duh yuh know one little chile and two women corne down an‘ shook hands wid me, I jes didn‘t know whut tuh think. Yoh know when I wuz young and a body got happy evuli body did an‘ dey made a noise but not so now.