MISSOURI‘ ~APE GIRABD~AU ~ Ex—SLA.VE STORIES ~ ~ Page 3. ~: 38 “One morning I‘d got out there real early, too early to go into de field and I thinks I‘ll rest awhile under de tree. I had my eyes shut for a while when something bothered nie. When I opened up my eyes there was a lot a strange hosses standing ‘round me in a ring. I jumped up and hollered, ‘git out‘ . Dey turned and ran and dey run right off a steep bank on the other side of de field. “Did you see them down there‘?“ he was asked. “Cose I never, nobody èlse never neither, dey wasn‘t dere, dat‘s why,“ he answered. “Lord, when I thinks of de way we used to woi~k. Out in de field before day and work till plumb dark. My boss would say, ‘George take two men, or maybe three men, and git dat field plow— ed, or dat woods patch cleared‘ . ~ knd he knowed if he tell me, de work would be done. “And I worked at anything. One time I steamboated for eight years . But what do dese young folks ~ ~iow ‚ bout work? i‘ I Look at dat grandson of mine, just crossed de porch~--why hets fourteen and he can‘ t even use • a ax. Too young? Go on with youl tt I tells you dese young folks just • don ‚ t know how to work .