United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

2008AB SNOMED CT Spanish Source Information

Attribute Name Description Count (MRSAT.RRF)
CHARACTERISTICTYPE SNOMED CT indication of whether a relationship specifies a defining characteristic of the source concept or a possible qualification of that Concept. 1357719
REFINABILITY Indicates whether it is possible or mandatory to refine the atom when this relationship is used as a template for clinical data entry. 1357719
DESCRIPTIONSTATUS SNOMED CT description status which indicates whether a description (concept name) is in active use and, if not, the reason it is inactive. 986282
DESCRIPTIONTYPE SNOMED CT term type, indicating whether the term is the Preferred Term, Synonym or the Fully Specified Name for the associated concept. 986282
INITIALCAPITALSTATUS SNOMED CT capital status, indicating whether the capitalization of the first character of the SNOMED CT term is significant. 986282
LANGUAGECODE SNOMED CT string identifying a language and, if appropriate, a dialect in which this description is valid. 986282
SUBSETMEMBER Indicates the subset(s) to which an atom belongs and its status (e.g., active, inactive) in the subset(s). 728470
CONCEPTSTATUS SNOMED CT status which indicates whether a concept is in active use and, if not, indicates the reason it is inactive. 378111
CTV3ID The Read Code for a SNOMED CT concept taken from the United Kingdom?s Clinical Terms Version 3 terminology. 378111
ISPRIMITIVE SNOMED CT indicator of whether concept is primitive or fully defined by its defining characteristics. 378111
SNOMEDID SNOMED RT identifier for a SNOMED CT concept 378111
AQ SNOMED CT "allowable qualifier" attribute for representing certain relationships (those having a characteristic type of "Qualifier" and a refinability of "Mandatory") which indicate one of several allowable types of qualifiers, such as laterality or severity, that a concept may have 311544
UMLSREL The UMLS Metathesaurus REL relationship (SY, CHD, NT, BT, RT) assigned to SNOMED CT relationship identifiers. 66
UMLSRELA UMLS relationship attribute 66
SUBSETCONTEXTID SNOMED CT identifier of a subset 1
SUBSETLANGUAGECODE SNOMED CT identifier of a language and, if appropriate, a dialect to which a subset applies. 1
SUBSETORIGINALID SNOMED CT identifier for the first version of the subset on which this subset is based. 1
SUBSETREALMID "Realm" or context in which a SNOMED CT subset is used, e.g., nation, speciality, institution, etc. to which it applies. A four-character ISO6523 identifier followed by an optional series of concatenated subdivisions codes defined by the registered organization. 1
SUBSETTYPE Single digit integer indicating the nature of a SNOMED CT subset and the type of SNOMED CT component that may be a member of the subset. The meaning of the non-zero values can be found in the SNOMED CT documentation; a value of 0 is not defined as a type. 1
SUBSETVERSION SNOMED CT identifier for the version of a subset. An integer increased for each revised release. 1

  • Each attribute in each source is assigned an Attribute Name (ATN) based on source documentation or NLMs understanding of the source.
  • Samples below are taken from MRSAT.RRF, although not every field is shown. Associated terms (str) from MRCONSO.RRF are also shown for clarity.
  • Sample data highlight examples of ATNs and Attribute Values (ATV) in MRSAT.RRF.
  • ATN abbreviations are contained in MRSAT, i.e., DID.
  • The corresponding ATVs, i.e., Descriptor Identifier, are listed in Appendix B.2 at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metab2.html#sb2_0.
  • See Section in UMLS Documentation Section 2, Metathesaurusfor more information on MRSAT.RRF.

cui metaui stype atn atv str
C0677612 R75259488 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 acto quirúrgico
C1171332 R74827677 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 requerimientos nutricionales
C0677612 R74394473 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 acto quirúrgico
C1292800 R74235310 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 incisión (acción)
C0564197 R74460202 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 capacidad para producir una cualidad de voz apropiada
C0457936 R74626731 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 estado clínico general
C0087086 R74915182 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 trombo
C0002940 R75785394 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 aneurisma
C0304550 R75132926 SRUI CHARACTERISTICTYPE 0 laxante de volumen
REFINABILITY  (return to top)
cui metaui stype atn atv str
C0001304 R74827660 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 absceso agudo
C0016125 R74189047 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 estructura de la articulación de un dedo
C0009938 R74210136 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 contusión - lesión
C0190979 R75108489 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 flebotomía
C0005903 R75303403 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 temperatura corporal
C0332900 R74617136 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 forma anormal de origen congénito
C0010957 R74628007 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 daño
C1744681 R75258398 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 congénito
C0000833 R75285685 SRUI REFINABILITY 1 absceso
DESCRIPTIONSTATUS  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0311741 A5283575 L3841829 S4525299 SAUI 33695000 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 alcanfor 1, 2 - monooxigenasa
C0333921 A5378084 L3933965 S4617438 SAUI 89935008 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 bajo nivel de efecto estrogénico
C0347459 A5931808 L4474431 S5157901 SAUI 189030004 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 6 neoplasia benigna de tejido conectivo y partes blandas de mano, no clasificada en otra parte
C0393646 A5993073 L4534317 S5217787 SAUI 192799006 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 6 otras degeneraciones cerebrales en la niñez, SAI
C0187489 A6125518 L4662921 S5346391 SAUI 27106001 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 reconstrucción de la tróclea de un tendón para un procedimiento de oponenplastia de la mano
C0580560 A5954017 L4496087 S5179555 SAUI 166745009 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 nivel de magnesio en sangre, anormal (hallazgo)
C1265816 A5487832 L4040477 S4723949 SAUI 129262003 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 cuerpo suelto osteocartilaginoso
C0689635 A5908208 L4451775 S5135244 SAUI 318657000 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 minoxidil, 10 mg, comprimido (producto)
C0321695 A5201981 L3760946 S4444417 SAUI 88536009 DESCRIPTIONSTATUS 0 Stephanofilaria okinawaensis (organismo)
DESCRIPTIONTYPE  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0224272 A5924844 L4467765 S5151235 SAUI 113227003 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 2 músculo extensor cubital del carpo
C0000880 A6097098 L4635642 S5319111 SAUI 231896005 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 3 queratitis por acantamoeba (trastorno)
C0230052 A5344570 L3901610 S4585080 SAUI 46117001 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 2 apófisis clinoidea posterior
C0433053 A5741916 L4289497 S4972965 SAUI 262554006 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 3 herida superficial por mordedura de mamífero (trastorno)
C0225249 A5621045 L4170857 S4854329 SAUI 43598009 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 1 estructura de la fascia palmar del tercer dedo de la mano
C0278214 A5569592 L4120472 S4803943 SAUI 46835007 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 1 encandilamiento
C1289374 A6009685 L4550595 S5234068 SAUI 368941004 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 2 pared inferior de la cavidad timpánica
C0043499 A6103970 L4642314 S5325783 SAUI 57273000 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 3 radioisótopo de cinc (sustancia)
C0413853 A6117467 L4655163 S5338635 SAUI 292334000 DESCRIPTIONTYPE 1 reacción adversa a la clormezanona
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1285886 A5362814 L3918895 S4602368 SAUI 364154000 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 aspecto del ano
C1290503 A5314000 L3871605 S4555073 SAUI 109435002 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 anomalía congénita de la formación de la corona y la raíz del diente (trastorno)
C0266520 A6221132 L4756547 S5440016 SAUI 8657003 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 síndrome de Key - Gaskell
C0448116 A5484328 L4037170 S4720639 SAUI 181990003 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 cuello de la falange proximal de dedo de la mano (estructura corporal)
C0452231 A5400884 L3956011 S4639484 SAUI 226020001 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 camisola
C0318372 A6302425 L4835074 S5518543 SAUI 1293004 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 virus Coxsackie humano A8
C1305448 A5344969 L3901947 S4585419 SAUI 280731001 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 apófisis transversa de vértebra dorsal
C0272014 A5306400 L3864255 S4547725 SAUI 51667002 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 anemia por déficit de riboflavina
C0521535 A5438231 L3992269 S4675736 SAUI 95443002 INITIALCAPITALSTATUS 0 claudicación venosa intermitente (trastorno)
LANGUAGECODE  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0346832 A5938850 L4481397 S5164864 SAUI 187996001 LANGUAGECODE es neoplasia maligna de partes blandas y tejido conjuntivo de dedo de la mano (trastorno)
C0588875 A5464755 L4018056 S4701524 SAUI 311298005 LANGUAGECODE es conductor de transporte mecánico - fuerza aérea británica
C1268905 A5605971 L4155953 S4839422 SAUI 108860003 LANGUAGECODE es estabilizador de mastocitos (producto)
C0225529 A5595856 L4146083 S4829554 SAUI 34841000 LANGUAGECODE es escotadura tiroidea
C0348394 A5854661 L4399423 S5082891 SAUI 109962001 LANGUAGECODE es linfoma no hodgkiniano difuso (trastorno)
C0190547 A5847180 L4392762 S5076230 SAUI 15589001 LANGUAGECODE es ligadura de una arteria mayor del cuello (procedimiento)
C0521969 A6005095 L4546215 S5229686 SAUI 96389002 LANGUAGECODE es pamidronato de tecnecio Tc^99c^
C1290456 A5314352 L3871953 S4555425 SAUI 128223002 LANGUAGECODE es anomalía congénita del maxilar
C0439464 A5205677 L3764628 S4448099 SAUI 258902004 LANGUAGECODE es UI/h
SUBSETMEMBER  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0402806 A6152575 L4689475 S5372948 SAUI 159892003 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~1~ repostero
C0565697 A5956552 L4498610 S5182080 SAUI 288359002 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~1~ no lanza objetos
C0337441 A5892709 L4436807 S5120278 SAUI 80628009 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~1~ medición de prealbúmina
C0573770 A6201093 L4737012 S5420482 SAUI 296908004 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~1~ sobredosis de estrógeno, con intención indeterminada
C1261121 A6156819 L4693702 S5377173 SAUI 290017007 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~1~ resección de prolapso mucoso anterior de recto
C0304112 A7853613 L5406866 S6190216 SAUI 411375003 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~3~ aceite de agujas de pino (producto)
C1027775 A8288169 L5503675 S6296943 SAUI 414636002 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~3~ Macrococcus carouselicus (organismo)
C0222752 A5616471 L4166286 S4849758 SAUI 124002 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~1~ estructura de la apófisis coronoides de la mandíbula
C1285409 A6058378 L4597473 S5280941 SAUI 363275008 SUBSETMEMBER 806038~3~ procedimiento radiográfico en extremidad inferior (procedimiento)
CONCEPTSTATUS  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0523720 A5797070 L4343468 S5026939 SCUI 104753009 CONCEPTSTATUS 0 insulina, medición libre
C0203084 A5449045 L4002763 S4686230 SCUI 113101005 CONCEPTSTATUS 2 colangiografía posoperatoria (concepto no activo)
C0234601 A5700063 L4248685 S4932157 SCUI 11118004 CONCEPTSTATUS 0 función esofágica autónoma
C0401944 A13204483 L6786268 S7931170 SCUI 134382006 CONCEPTSTATUS 2 Family caseworker
C0554168 A13127822 L6858854 S7919727 SCUI 133957007 CONCEPTSTATUS 4 Business - top men
C1291141 A5371439 L3927415 S4610886 SCUI 124047009 CONCEPTSTATUS 0 aumento de los niveles de esfingomielina
C1291643 A5715863 L4263874 S4947344 SCUI 124706000 CONCEPTSTATUS 0 glutatión sintasa - deficiencia
C1268697 A5858737 L4403347 S5086817 SCUI 129773009 CONCEPTSTATUS 0 localización en hora 2 en la mamografía
C0229888 A6292964 L4826243 S5509713 SCUI 14033005 CONCEPTSTATUS 0 vasos linfáticos profundos [como un todo]
CTV3ID  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0701975 A6997190 L0342303 S0450608 SCUI 100444008 CTV3ID XU07m DURSBAN
C0522947 A6244520 L4778981 S5462451 SCUI 103924006 CTV3ID XU129 tipificación de grupo sanguíneo Xg^a^
C1276427 A5465323 L4018612 S4702082 SCUI 369744005 CTV3ID XUUCP configuración tumoral anular
C0224304 A5635746 L4185538 S4869010 SCUI 10921009 CTV3ID XU2J1 estructura del músculo iliocostal torácico
C1291061 A5965619 L4507356 S5190827 SCUI 110324009 CTV3ID XU2ak oclusión del plano terminal en la dentición primaria
C1295619 A5544131 L4095602 S4779076 SCUI 131035008 CTV3ID XUQCk disminución del nivel de epinefrina
C0138968 A6073909 L4612850 S5296321 SCUI 130465001 CTV3ID XUQ3f proteína - tirosina sulfotransferasa
C1277841 A13250291 L6787170 S7938265 SCUI 143575000 CTV3ID .43dG Influenza B antibody level
C1295688 A5371633 L3927605 S4611080 SCUI 131130000 CTV3ID XUQEH aumento del nivel de biotina
ISPRIMITIVE  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0085219 A10973947 L3895358 S4578828 SCUI 103093008 ISPRIMITIVE 1 antígeno p24 del VIH
C0309413 A7032354 L5197775 S5935199 SCUI 100970003 ISPRIMITIVE 1 LIQUAMYCIN 100
C0085149 A6225550 L4760841 S5444342 SCUI 109129008 ISPRIMITIVE 1 tacrolimus
C0275324 A5810541 L4356867 S5040338 SCUI 111788000 ISPRIMITIVE 0 intoxicación por Juglans nigra
C1267343 A6106127 L4644379 S5327849 SCUI 113266006 ISPRIMITIVE 1 rama del segmento posterior de la arteria renal [como un todo]
C1268499 A5875966 L4420145 S5103615 SCUI 116155002 ISPRIMITIVE 1 material citológico de la ampolla de Vater
C0200815 A6062059 L4601147 S5284616 SCUI 12297000 ISPRIMITIVE 1 procedimiento retirado - RETIRADO - (concepto no activo) [P3-44050]
C1295431 A6073891 L4612832 S5296303 SCUI 130476002 ISPRIMITIVE 1 proteína - glutamato metilesterasa
C0421031 A13127948 L6795641 S7921806 SCUI 147348009 ISPRIMITIVE 1 Child 6 week examination not attended
SNOMEDID  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0522752 A5657118 L4206697 S4890166 SCUI 102433005 SNOMEDID A-A3241 exposición al suelo contaminado, ocupacional
C0310222 A7037751 L5203173 S5940596 SCUI 101798004 SNOMEDID C-D5847 STRONGID T
C0309003 A7029143 L5194566 S5931989 SCUI 100541003 SNOMEDID C-D2917 EQUIVIM
C0326680 A5664401 L4213825 S4897296 SCUI 107191009 SNOMEDID L-A51F9 familia dulidae
C1292406 A5335921 L3893262 S4576731 SCUI 115930002 SNOMEDID F-DC654 antígeno de grupo sanguíneo MER2
C1265401 A5600655 L4150730 S4834202 SCUI 115999004 SNOMEDID L-44242 especies de Trichothecium
C1292201 A5337446 L3894782 S4578253 SCUI 115715000 SNOMEDID F-D1D22 antígeno en el grupo globósido
C0599874 A5539546 L4091145 S4774621 SCUI 129924007 SNOMEDID F-67921 dioxigenasa
C0370182 A5320413 L3877899 S4561369 SCUI 120786008 SNOMEDID F-C214A anticuerpo anti - Yersinia enterocolitica 08
AQ  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0274338 A5458244 L4011715 S4695184 SCUI 16411000 AQ severidad~severidad~1162972025~246112005~272141005~1~2~0 complicación mecánica de un dispositivo en el sistema nervioso, de un implante Y/O de un injerto
C0273192 A5827979 L4374001 S5057472 SCUI 3542000 AQ episodicidad~episodicidades~1142224025~246456000~288526004~1~2~0 laceración que se extiende al parénquima esplénico con herida abierta en la cavidad abdominal
C0263001 A5510929 L4062938 S4746408 SCUI 2940009 AQ episodicidad~episodicidades~1141166020~246456000~288526004~1~2~0 dermatitis vesicular intrabasal
C0273770 A5300392 L3858414 S4541884 SCUI 9068007 AQ severidad~severidad~1151333021~246112005~272141005~1~2~0 ampolla de la vagina, con infección
C0268368 A5584485 L4134975 S4818444 SCUI 434002 AQ severidad~severidad~1137162028~246112005~272141005~1~2~0 epidermólisis bullosa distrófica recesiva progresiva
C0520697 A6185885 L4722080 S5405552 SCUI 34134009 AQ severidad~severidad~1191721020~246112005~272141005~1~2~0 shenjing shuairuo
C0272504 A5693577 L4242259 S4925745 SCUI 42157000 AQ severidad~severidad~1204957024~246112005~272141005~1~2~0 fractura no expuesta de la columna vertebral
C0273510 A5842051 L4387806 S5071276 SCUI 42206007 AQ episodicidad~episodicidades~1205037025~246456000~288526004~1~2~0 lesión traumática a nivel de T1 - T6 con síndrome medular anterior Y sin lesión ósea
C0015734 A5763542 L4310469 S4993939 SCUI 44635007 AQ episodicidad~episodicidades~1208927021~246456000~288526004~1~2~0 impactación fecal del recto
UMLSREL  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0332437 A5914129 L4457529 S5141000 SCUI 116676008 UMLSREL RT morfología asociada
C1292718 A5589699 L4140002 S4823474 SCUI 116680003 UMLSREL CHD es un[a]
C1292722 A6241910 L4776456 S5459928 SCUI 116686009 UMLSREL RT tiene espécimen
C1292741 A5914271 L4457671 S5141142 SCUI 118168003 UMLSREL RT morfología del sitio de origen del espécimen
C1292742 A6248742 L4783120 S5466591 SCUI 118169006 UMLSREL RT topografía del sitio de origen del espécimen
C1292743 A5759282 L4306249 S4989721 SCUI 118170007 UMLSREL RT identidad del sitio de origen del espécimen
C1292744 A6054312 L4593437 S5276908 SCUI 118171006 UMLSREL RT procedimiento de obtención del espécimen
C1292711 A5589685 L4139988 S4823460 SCUI 123005000 UMLSREL NT es parte de
C1292749 A13215700 L6825682 S7993775 SCUI 127489000 UMLSREL RT tiene como componente activo
UMLSRELA  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C0332437 A5914129 L4457529 S5141000 SCUI 116676008 UMLSRELA has_associated_morphology morfología asociada
C1292718 A5589699 L4140002 S4823474 SCUI 116680003 UMLSRELA isa es un[a]
C1292722 A6241910 L4776456 S5459928 SCUI 116686009 UMLSRELA has_specimen tiene espécimen
C1292741 A5914271 L4457671 S5141142 SCUI 118168003 UMLSRELA has_specimen_source_morphology morfología del sitio de origen del espécimen
C1292742 A6248742 L4783120 S5466591 SCUI 118169006 UMLSRELA has_specimen_source_topography topografía del sitio de origen del espécimen
C1292743 A5759282 L4306249 S4989721 SCUI 118170007 UMLSRELA has_specimen_source_identity identidad del sitio de origen del espécimen
C1292744 A6054312 L4593437 S5276908 SCUI 118171006 UMLSRELA has_specimen_procedure procedimiento de obtención del espécimen
C1292711 A5589685 L4139988 S4823460 SCUI 123005000 UMLSRELA part_of es parte de
C1292749 A13215700 L6825682 S7993775 SCUI 127489000 UMLSRELA has_active_ingredient tiene como componente activo
SUBSETCONTEXTID  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1368722 A14415198 L5207550 S5944973 SAUI 806038 SUBSETCONTEXTID 0 Spanish Language Edition
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1368722 A14415198 L5207550 S5944973 SAUI 806038 SUBSETLANGUAGECODE es Spanish Language Edition
SUBSETORIGINALID  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1368722 A14415198 L5207550 S5944973 SAUI 806038 SUBSETORIGINALID 103030 Spanish Language Edition
SUBSETREALMID  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1368722 A14415198 L5207550 S5944973 SAUI 806038 SUBSETREALMID 0 Spanish Language Edition
SUBSETTYPE  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1368722 A14415198 L5207550 S5944973 SAUI 806038 SUBSETTYPE 1 Spanish Language Edition
SUBSETVERSION  (return to top)
cui metaui lui sui stype code atn atv str
C1368722 A14415198 L5207550 S5944973 SAUI 806038 SUBSETVERSION 14 Spanish Language Edition

Last reviewed: 26 November 2008
Last updated: 26 November 2008
First published: 26 November 2008
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed