77¦¦¦:¦• 11 7,777- ket. It is a treasure. It will enable thee to find thy mother again. Thou carriest thy mother about thy neck.' The Egyptian foretold it, you see." The recluse again clasped her daughter in her arms. "Come, let me kiss thee ! how sweetly thou saidstthat! When we go into the country we will give those little shoes to an infant Jesus in the church. We certainly owe so much as that to the kind Holy Virgin. But, what a charming voice thou hast ! When thou wert speaking to me iust now, it was like music. Ah! I have found my child again! And yet who would believe the story ! Surely nothing can kill one, since I have not died of joy." She then began to clap her hands, laughing and exclaiming : " How happy we shall be ! " At that moment the cell rang with the clank of arms and the tramp of horses, which seemed to be advancing from the bridge of Notre Dame along the quay. The Egyptian threw herself in un- utterable anguish into the arms of the recluse "Save me!" she shrieked; "save me, mother' they are coming ! " The recluse turned pale. " 0 heavens ' what say'st thou ! I had forgotten ! they are searching for thee ! What hast thou done, then ? " " I know not," answered the un- fortunate girl; "but I am con- demned to die." "Die!" cried Gudule reeling, as if stricken by a thunderbolt. " Die ! " she slowly repeated, fixing her glazed eye upon her daughter. "Yes, mother," replied the af- frighted girl, "they mean to put me to death. They are coming to take me. That gibbet is for me. Save me ! save me ! They are com- ing! Save me !" For some moments the recluse remained motionless as a statue; she then shook her head doubtingly' and suddenly burst into a loW laugh, her old terrific laugh: "No no, thou must be dreaming. It can not be. To lose her for fifteen years, and then to find her for a single minute ! And they would take her from me again, now that she is grown up and handsome, and talks to me and loves me ! They would now come to devour her be- fore my face—mine, who am her mother! Oh no! Such things are not possible. God Almighty would not permit such doings." By this time the cavalcade had ap- parently halted. A distant voice was heard calling out : " This way, Messire Tristan F The priest says that we shall find her at the Trou- aux-Rats." The tramp of the horses began again. •hri? "?SIuse¦8tarted «P with a shriek of despair. "Away'begone my child! I now recollect ifau! Thou art right. 'Tis for thy death. Curses on them ! Away ! » She put her head outo'f the win- Si anlLqui?kly drew it back again "stay!" said she, in a low, «Ti' I01?'' convulsively grasping ier^ndw°Lthe %yPtian, who waf more dead than alive. " Stay ! hold !:L-breatlii The Place is full of feugThht!»ucanstnot«6t^ Po?f ,E Wf tdry and inflamed. bnf IS'?' ?hS remained silent : 2 anfdhUmld steP she Paced 5*J« her cell, stopping Eff,"d fth,en' aud tearing out she da h'f her £ray hair> which sne dashed upon the floor. nwilietaîketn°thing !'78,he Maimed all at once. They villi»° *T HlTde £yself in this corner. tte^rCtthL'h'cf-t x wiU tell them that I let Catchin^nr, ft U ^f* "in away-that I will ! » to a corner f^f'r'hF"1 ÎP hef 1rms-she carried her from without Ï.LCeF wh'ch could not be seen faking "are Lt^-f,8lle*m?deher crouch down frudebeyond the dà{r^ nor hand should pro k.r- "xt'iu ine dark shadrrar- innaaA hn. 1,1X1 S™NCHBACILOF_NOTRE DAME. tad.ftŒ«0^,oSSS,^f»alosk »of ai what you mean " ' ^^«red, "I know not ' Tete-Dieu ! » cried theother, Where ^didl^cra^rXcSt:ffikind °f is he? has^fcT/" 8aid °neof *» Midlers, "he ™S: "iëtVh^?htsrd the com- wr«v.otheetohoid • A sorceress What hast thou done thh'g srhtUmi^ateketes!,eSt-b^ denying e™y tone of affectersincCThv ,ndS? C r"' replied in a mean ayounggirihit f i ^ If you "IameTrisetann & uLT.Z™" rejoined he- a -wffltiK^at the pi- * If you were Satan the Hermit," replied Gudule, prësenl"rUe 6n°Ugh'" said an°«ier archer, "I was perPleeX^reSibeU°Utia-re 8Ur4to mee*™th ed tLtimSny ^meXwev vèdgih«hi8 unexpect- felt, during this interrompt i.Lhe reoLU8e' wh° cross an abyss on th^dge^ôf'a^nife^^ tî° aWnad8adla0r°r l° « <»^ Mffiftft WWad' ,^^a8J^e ara LnToKd."6 dmen ENTWINED HEB ABMS ABOUND HEB DAUGHTER'S WAIST. trade beyondthe 7f4 Ï, a1 nor hand should pro- hair, whfch le LrS 8hadïw' loosed her black WiX TlT¥ad over her white robe to con- flit and nlaceriP w u her white robe to con- PavingXiPe'.Te fej^? TfAH and I Bats. obscurity still pervaded the Trou-aux Wseiffidtv im! J)n.ly movables that she pos- hMeh'e? Tii "Z TH that they would helP to ,own,and prayed°VL7>fa. ™™ > y'-j a}, is the very contrary Kl8al,d ,th^ Provost- "Besides, tis not likely that she would have gone back to the city, where search was making for her. Thou liest, ' And then," added the first sol- dier, 'there is no boat either on other " Water or on the ,." She must have swum over," re- plied the recluse, defending the ground inch by inch. ';Who ever heard of women «TV* n,-s, , B™mmms? cried the soldier. «„J*«£*««/old woman; thou liest! thou liest!» exclaimed Tristan, with vehemence. "I have a good mind to let the young sorceress cro and â fake thee instead. A quartfr ofFan hours' tortoe sriSo^^n0^01 ^iiro,U Com» forfhSith P>amMreadyV-,Take ""»• iet us be gone te wîT/'hJ Mea"wh e, thought she, my daugh- ter wil have opportunity to escape. SWood ! 'cried the provost, 'f what greediness crftorture! The mad creature complete puzzles An old gray-headed sergeant of the watch ad- vanced from the ranks. "Mad indeed, Monseig- neur," said he, addressing the provost. "If she bas let loose the Egyptian, 'tis not her fault, for she is not fond of the Egyptians. Por these fif- teen years that I have belonged to the watch I nave heard her every night cursing the Bohemian women with bitter and endless execrations If the one we are seeking be, as I suppose, the danc- abovf 'all "" g°at' * kn°W that "he hates her Gudule made an effort, and repeated, "Above The unanimous testimonyof the men belonging- to the watch confirmed the representation ofthe old sergeant. Tristan the Hermit, despairing of being able to extract any information from thlre- cluse, turned his back upon her, and wUh ine^ A"'