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Families and Children

Resources for Crime Victims in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo

Attorney General’s Office
Type of Organization: Department of Assistance and Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse
Point of Contact: Sexual abuse cases can be directed to Mrs. Andreina Figueroa, coordinator of Sexual Abuse department. For Domestic Violence cases, the point of contact is Dra. Aracelis Peralta. They both have the same phone number and address.
Telephone number: 809-533-6668
Address: Avenida Rómulo Betancourt #301, Bella Vista, Santo Domingo, National District. In Santo Domingo Este, cases can be directed to Lic. Miriam Cordones, 809-593-7058.

Asociación Tú Mujer
Type of Organization: NGO
Goal: Main projects refer to health and legal assistance for women survivors from violence; education, adult female literacy and citizenship. They provide help during the legal process of a victim of crime, they help with all legal paperwork and accompany the victims to file their complains. Even though they give priority to women, the work with men and children as well. They are specialized in women domestic violence, sexual assault and violence in general. They also promote women’s participation in conditions of gender equity in all spaces in society.
Director: Cristina Altagracia Sánchez Martínez
Point of Contact: Erudina Burgos (Projects coordinator) 809 594-3775
E-mail address:
Telephone number (s): 809-535-3233 / 809-535-3234 / 809-236-8909 / 809-597-8089 / 809-543-4618
Fax: 809-532-5828 / 809-597-8088
Address: Administrative Office: Calle Huáscar Tejeda No. 56 (Altos), Zona Universitaria (al lado del Hotel Santo Domingo), Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Admission Center: Calle Pedro Benoit #49, Vietnam, Los Minas Norte, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Centro de Apoyo Aquelarre (CEAPA)
Type of Organization: NGO
Goal: CEAPA works promoting and supporting strategies to guarantee gender equity in Dominican society. They work primarily with women, children and adolescents and their priority subjects are domestic violence, sexual assault, children abuse, health, elderly, and social security among others. They provide legal and psychological assistance to victims of crimes and give orientation to the society about violence in general.
Director: Margot Tapia
Point of Contact: Margot Tapia
E-mail address:
Telephone number (s): (809) 534-3871
Fax: (809) 237-7478
Address: Calle San José, Edificio XVI (16), Apt. B-94, Complejo Habitacional Herrera, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Colectiva Mujer y Salud
Type of Organization: NGO
Goal: To promote education and help women and their families to know Dominican laws, especially those regarding women rights, HIV/Aids prevention, environment and health. They have a Health Center where they offer gynecologist services, perform and provide psychological assistance to mistreated/battered woman. In case that the victims needed any legal assistance they refer them to the appropriate persons/institution with whom they have very good connections.
Director: Sergia Galván Ortega
Health Center Director: María Luisa Romero
Point of Contact: Dinorah Santos (assistant) and Lic. Sarah Iglesias (Psychologist in charge of victims of violent cases)
E-mail address:
Telephone number (s): (809) 682-3128 – Office and (809) 476-7386 Health Center (Centro de Salud)
Fax: (809) 682-9041
Address: Administrative Office: Calle José Gabriel García #501 (esquina Cambronal), Ciudad Nueva, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

Health Center (Centro de Salud): Calle Socorro Sánchez #263, Gazcue, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Secretaría de Estado de la Mujer
Type of Organization: Government Office
Terms of Reference: Appointed by Executive Decree to serve as the governing body for public policies on gender issues to act nationally and take responsibility for coordinating all the programs implemented in both the public and private sectors.
Goal: State body responsible for devising and coordinating a policy that is consistent and compatible with all sectors and that enables women to develop all aspects of them and thereby participate at every level of national life.
Main Activities:

  • Initiatives to amend all legislation that discriminates against women; Implementation of the legal clinics project with the objective of offering free legal services to women so that they can exercise and defend their rights;
  • Training of specialists from the National Statistical Office in the use of census indicators capable of measuring the contribution made by women to the development process;
  • Research into the issue of sexual violence against women and girls; Initiatives to draw up policies, plans and strategies for the different sectors, such as the Ten-Year Plan for Education, the Project for the Modernization of the Health Sector, the National Plan for Food and Nutrition, the Project for Social Reform and the Development Guidelines;
  • Programs to strengthen institutional structures with a view to improving the management and service provision capabilities of the General Administration for the Advancement of Women;
  • In 1997, establishment of the National Rural Women’s Network pursuant to Law 55-97, according to which women are entitled to own land under the agrarian reform program;
  • In 1998, establishment of the network to support women victims of violence, which comprises government bodies and non-governmental organizations that support women;
  • In 1998, establishment of the watch committee for the prevention of child abuse and violence against women composed of representatives of civil society and members of the general public.

Director and Secretariat of State: Sra. Gladys Gutiérrez
Point of Contact: Licelotte Mejía or Violeta Quezada, assistants
E-mail address:
Telephone number (s): (809) 685-3755 / 687-4219
Fax: (809) 686-0911
Address: Ave. México esquina Calle 30 de Marzo, Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales, Bloque D, 2do. Piso, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Asociación Dominicana Pro-Bienestar de la Familia (PROFAMILIA)
Goal: Profamilia works constantly in assuring the right of every person/family to be protected against rape, assault, abuse and sexual harassment. They assist women, children and adolescents survivors from gender violence and have created an “Emotional Support Unit” (Unidad de Apoyo Emocional) who supports victims of domestic violence and other crimes and receive them at two different clinics: Rosa Cisneros in Santiago and Evangelina Rodriguez in Santo Domingo. They don’t deal with attackers or persons with any type of addiction.
Director: Magaly Caram
Point of Contact: Tanya Lembert (secretary) and Carolina Uribe(assistant)
E-mail address: or
Telephone number (s): (809) 689-0141
Fax: (809) 686-8276
Address: C/Socorro Sánchez #160, Gazcue, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Patronato de Ayuda a Casos de Mujeres Maltratadas (PACAM)
Goal: Assist Victims of Domestic violence, specially mistreated women and children.
Director: Rosa Hernández de Grullón
Vice Presidente: Evelyn Soraya Lara; Tesorera: Pilar Alviac
Point of Contact: Lic. Digna Matos (Coordinator)
Telephone number (s): (809) 533-1813
Address: Calle Los Robles #6, La Julia, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (Detrás de Vimenca en la Ave. Abraham Lincoln)

Centro de Orientación e Investigación Integral (COIN)
Goal: COIN provides psychological and legal assistance to battered and mistreated women but especially to those women who had been trafficked.
Director: María Esther Carbuccia
Point of Contact: Francisca Ferreira Genao or Juana Clase
Telephone number (s): (809) 681-1515 / 538-8535
Fax: (809) 681-4827
Physical address: Calle Aníbal de Espinoza #352, Villas Agrícolas, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

Unión Nacional de Servicios de Enfermería (UNASE)
Goal: This group of nurses provides health assistance to victims of crime and also helps them psychologically. They all work in different Hospitals and meet during the afternoons when they have to. There is someone at the office all the time.
Director: Rafaela Figuereo
Point of Contact: Juana Henriquez (Home tel: 568-0143)
Telephone number (s): 809-689-3875 /809-684-8034
Fax: 686-8602
Address: Calle Juan Erazo #39, Villa Juana, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana


Núcleo de Apoyo a la Mujer (NAM)
Type of Organization: NGO
Goal: To provide legal and psychological assistance to women, men, children and adolescents victims of crime. An appointment is necessary if it’s for counseling but if it’s an emergency they can go without previous appointment.
Director: Manuela Vargas
Point of Contact: Zobeyda Cepeda; Mildred D. Mata
E-mail address: :
Telephone number (s): (809) 581-8301
Fax: (809) 581-7678
Physical address: Calle General Cabrera #50 (entre Sánchez y Cuba), Apartado Postal 288, Santiago, República Dominicana


Centro de Ayuda a la Mujer
Type of Organization: NGO
Goal: They work with everything related to Law 24-97 regarding women, children and adolescents. They assist victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Director: Julissa Rosario
Point of Contact: Mercedes Espinal (lawyer)
Telephone number: (809) 577 7467
Physical address: Calle Rosario #39 (Altos), Moca, República Dominicana