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ED215060 - Going to America, Going to School: The Immigrant-Public School Encounter in Turn-of-the-Century New York City. (A Work in Progress.)

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ERIC #:ED215060
Title:Going to America, Going to School: The Immigrant-Public School Encounter in Turn-of-the-Century New York City. (A Work in Progress.)
Authors:Brumberg, Stephan F.
Descriptors:Acculturation; Adjustment (to Environment); Cultural Pluralism; Educational Attitudes; Educational Change; Educational History; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Immigrants; Jews; Outcomes of Education; Political Influences; Public Education; School Role; Social Integration; Socioeconomic Influences; State Legislation; United States History
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Publication Date:1982-02-00
Pub Types:Historical Materials; Speeches/Meeting Papers
Abstract:This paper explores the effects on both immigrants and schools of the historical encounter between New York City's public schools and East European Jewish immigrants to the city. The immigrants' background, their reasons for migrating, and the lifestyles that emerged from their efforts to adapt to American life are described. The paper examines the educational experiences and expectations that the Jews brought with them, the factors that influenced them to send their children to public schools in overwhelming numbers, and immigrant students' perceptions of how schools changed them. It is suggested that with the incorporation of numerous Jewish immigrants into the New York City public schools, the schools increasingly took on the task of social transformation to Americanize the alien poor, and in the process underwent transformation themselves by broadening their scope, becoming more practical in orientation, and reflecting a culture that encouraged public conformity but generally tolerated private diversity. Within that culture, immigrant Jews are perceived to have emerged as a diverse group, comprising some who cut all ties to the traditional community, others who sought reaffirmation of tradition, and still others who sought to synthesize the secular world of the schools and the spiritual world of their past. (Author/MJL)
Reference Count:0

Note:Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New York, NY, March, 1982).
Identifiers:New York (New York)
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Education Level:Elementary Secondary Education