Table of contents for Designing and drawing for the theatre / Lynn Pecktal.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

Information from electronic data provided by the publisher. May be incomplete or contain other coding.


1. The Stage Designer and Designing: A Conversation with Tony Walton
2. Theatres: Conversation with Robert O'Hearn
3. Theatrical Drawing: A Conversation with Douglas W. Schmidt
4. Creating Designs and Sketches with Models: A Conversation with Ming Cho Lee
5. Designing Multiset Productions: A Conversation with Tony Straiges
6. Interior and Exterior Scenery: A Conversation with David Mitchell
7. Portals, Framed Hangers, and Ground Rows: A Conversation with Robin Wagner
8. Three-Dimensional Set Details: A Conversation with Santo Loquasto
9. Soft Scenery and Drapery: A Conversation with David Jenkins
10. Openwork Scenery, Surrounds, Suspended Scenery & Foliage: A Conversation with Joh
11. Properties, Scenic and Prop Details & Minimal Scenery: A Conversation with John Le
12. Furniture: A Conversation with John Napier
Index of Drawings and Illustrations

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Theaters Stage-setting and scenery