c- '#** ' THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 ARTMENT OF GENETICS February ll, 1948. Dear dol- Would bu be kind enough to send me sane yea&$ strains that I may need for my work? I& requirements are of two types: Firstly, I need some differential fermenters for a microbiological t assay of enzyme-lactose mixtures, as a check on other methods. If you 3 7$ have strains with the following properties, I would appreciate transfers: -r. Secondly, I am getting a very bewildering picture on the genetic control of lactose-enzymes in E. coli, There are several loci mutation of which leads, specifically, to lac-; on the otheritand, there are a number of mutations which block simultaneously the utilization of a few sugars, with no rhyme or reason apparent as yet. E,a. maltose-,lactose-, gluconate- (but glucose, galactose, pentose plus)! I would be interested to look sometime for a swar bewilderment in yeast. ilhe genetic tests would be much easier, since one need examine only the diploid heterozygote to get a good line on allelism. You say that EbaB works with yea&$. Nould you care to send two opposite mating type, dispersely growing haploids that I could use for mutation-production? I'll send you whatever comes out, of course. As for producing them, I've got that down to a T-- and have accumulated, for example, about 50 mutations in coli. Have you and Reiner formulated your Best regards, independent occurrences of Lac- next-year 's plaas yet? ha t- - 7 , E- c 7 4- 5 Jett ? t- ,.. x\ . . . I i // .. -.t- -It-+-+- h