Publication Citation

USGS Series Scientific Investigations Map
Report Number 3002
Title Geologic Map of the Eastern Three-Quarters of the Cuyama 30' x 60' Quadrangle, California
Edition Version 1.0
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Kellogg, Karl S.; Minor, Scott A.; Cossette, Pamela M.
Year 2008
Originating office Geological Survey (U.S.)
USGS Library Call Number
Physical description Report: iv, 24 p.; 2 Map Sheets: Plate 1 - 39 x 29 inches, Plate 2 - 39 x 33 inches; Downloads Directory
ISBN 9781411320895
Northernmost latitude 0350000
Southernmost latitude 0343000
Easternmost longitude -1190000
Westernmost longitude -1200000

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The map area encompasses a large part of the western Transverse Ranges and southern Coast Ranges of southern California. The San Andreas fault (SAF) cuts the northern part of the map. The area south of the SAF, about 80 percent of the map area, encompasses several distinct tectonic blocks bounded by major thrust or reverse faults, including the Santa Ynez fault, Big Pine fault (and structurally continuous Pine Mountain fault), Tule Creek fault, Nacimiento fault, Ozena fault, Munson Creek fault, Morales fault, and Frazier Mountain Thrust System. Movement on these faults is as old as Miocene and some faults may still be active. In addition, the Paleocene Sawmill Mountain Thrust south of the SAF and the Pastoria Thrust north of the SAF place Cretaceous and older crystalline rocks above Pelona Schist (south of the SAF) and Rand Schist (north of the SAF). South of the SAF, each tectonic block contains a unique stratigraphy, reflecting either large-scale movement on bounding faults or different depositional environments within each block. On Mount Pinos and Frazier Mountain, intrusive and metamorphic rocks as old as Mesoproterozoic, but including voluminous Cretaceous granitoid rocks, underlie or are thrust above non-marine sedimentary rocks as old as Miocene. Elsewhere, marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks are as old as Cretaceous, dominated by thick sequences of both Eocene and Cretaceous marine shales and sandstones. Middle Miocene to early Oligocene volcanic rocks crop out in the Caliente Hills (part of Caliente Formation) and south of Mount Pinos (part of the Plush Ranch Formation). Fault-bounded windows of Jurassic Franciscan Complex ophiolitic rocks are evident in the southwest corner of the area. North of the SAF, marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks as old as Eocene and Miocene volcanic rocks overlie a crystalline basement complex. Basement rocks include Cretaceous intrusive rocks that range from monzogranite to diorite, and Jurassic to late Paleozoic intrusive and metamorphic rocks. The Jurassic to late Paleozoic intrusive rocks include diorite, gabbro, and ultramafic rocks, and the metasedimentary rocks include marble, quartzite, schist, and gneiss.