The threeca.tar.gz contains the following files:

  README              --- the one you are reading now.
  ca/*.ca	      --- some *.ca files 
  hfu/*.dat	      --- some *.dat files of hydrophobic folding unit.
  hfu.threeca         --- an example of ".threeca" file to compare two HFU units.
  flib/*.f            --- a local fortran library
  flib/makefile       --- makefile of the fortran library
  threeca/*.f         --- all fortran 77 routines
  threeca/makefile    --- makefile of the threeca.exe
  threeca/.threeca    --- a file read by threeca in parameters setting.

How to install:

(0) Create a new directory and move the "threeca.tar.gz" there.

(1) Unpack the "threeca.tar.gz" by typing

  gzip -dc threeca.tar.gz | tar -vxf -

You should now see those files listed above.

(2) Build the "flib.a" library first

  cd flib

(3) Build "threeca.exe" by typing

  cd ../threeca

How to run threeca.exe:

(1) Edit the dot file, ".threeca" to modify the job or parameters.
    The default will compare the two proteins, "2hhbA" and "1ecd".

(2) Then, simply type the name, "threeca.exe" to run it.

To compare two hydrophobic folding units:

(1) Copy an example file, "hfu.threeca" by typing "cp ../hfu.threeca .threeca"

(2) Type "threeca.exe" to run it.

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Please send questions or suggestions to
Aug 8, 1997