Mammals of the Table Rocks

Black-tailed Deer

Black-tailed Deer
Black-tailed Deer
Odocoileus hemionus
Black-tailed Deer
Black-tailed Deer
Odocoileus hemionus

I have large ears that move independently and almost constantly, like a mule's. I am primarily active in morning, evening, and on moonlit nights.

I have a stiff-legged bounding gait, with back legs and front legs, moving together. I am also a good swimmer.

My summer forage is chiefly herbaceous plants, but also blackberry, salal, and thimbleberry. In winter, I browse on twigs of Douglas fir, cedar, yew, willow, serviceberry, juniper, and sage. I also eat acorns and apples.

Mountain Lions and wolves are my major natural predators. Bobcats and bears also take a few of us, and Coyotes take juveniles. Trains and automobiles may kill others.

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