FEBBTJABY, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 67 W&er. Berlin. S. Jahrgang. Jan., 1908. Mylius, G. Ueber Biien und Gewttter. p. 1-10. Lindemann, -. Die grijssten Tagesmengen des Nicderschlages Joester’, Karl. Die Fijhnerscheinungen iin Riesengebirge. p. 14-17. Freyde, Otto. Der Wetterdienst in Winter. p. 21-34. Hennig, R. Die jungste Ucberschwemmungskatastrophie. 266- Wendt, J. Die Drachenstation der Deutschen Seewarte 1907 und im Kijnigreich Sachsen von 1866 bis 1905. p. 10-13. Woche. Berlin. I S . Feb., lsW30n. Zeiteehrift j’iir Lqt’lechifahrt. Berlin. I S . Jahrgang. 10 Feb. 1909. 267; 372-275. [Illustrated]. 1908. REOENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. G. FITZHUQH TALMAN. Librarian. The following have been selected from among the titles of books recently received, as representing those most likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in their meteorological work and studies. Most of them can be lent for a limited time to officials and employees who make application for them. Anonymous publications are indicated by a -. Baden. Zentralbureau f i r Meteorologie und Hydrographie. Niederschlaasbeobachtunaen . . . dahrgang 1908. liarlsruhe. 1909. Batavia. K. magnetisch-en meteorolo&sch Observatorium. Observations. . .v. 29, 1906. Batavia. 1908. xxxvii, 163 p. fO. Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch Indie 1907. Batavia. 1908. 392, 19Op. 4O. Ein Beitrag zur Fijrderung des Uuterrichts in der Meteorologie. Greifswald. 1908. 42 p. 8O. (Beilage ziim Jahrbericht des Gym- nasiums und der Realschule zii Greifswald. Ostern 1908.) Bechtle, A. Klima, Boden und Obstbau. Frankfurt a. Oder. 1908. xs, 557 p. 8O. Belgium. Observatoire royal. Annales. Nouvelle s8rie. Physique du globe. Tome 4. Fasc. 1. Bruselles. 1908. 138 p. fo. Berliner Zweigverein der Deutschen meteorologischen Gesell- schaft. Besson, Louis. Burgel, Bruno H. Bauer, George. Jahresbericht. 1908. Berlin. 1909. 39 p. 80. Sur la thBorie des halos. Paris. 1909. 89 1’. (ThBse-Facult6 des Wetter-Kalender und krltischc Tarze.. .1909. Berlin. 1909. 96 n. 240. sciences de Paris.) _. .~ ~ - Calved, Philip P. Relations of the odonate fauna of Mexirm and Central dmerica to temperature, raiufall, vegetation areas and altitude. (Front Pro- ceedings of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, Oct., 1908. p. 473-491.) [Contains temperature chart of Mexico and Central America.] carnegie institution. Year book. No. 7, 1908. Washington. 1909. vii, 240 p. 8q. Congo. fitat independant. Cliniatologle. Diagramnies et cartes pluvioni6triques du Congo. (From Bulletin official de 1’Btat independant. N. 5, Mai 1908. p. 167-189. 8O.I Costaneo, G , & Negro, C. Sopra alcuni fenomeni di ionizxazione ottenuti con l’acqua piovaria. Rorna. 1908. 9 p. fo. (Estr. Meinorie della Pontiflcia accade- mia Romana dei nuovi lincei. Sulla fnrmazione della pioggia. Milano. l9@9. P2 p. 80. The climate of ancieut Palestine. Alexandria. 1909. 3 p. 40. Cairo scientific journal.” uo. 37, 1908.) A meteorological expedition to Addls Abhaba in 1907. v. 36.i Craig, J. I. (Reprinted from the Alexandria. 1909. 5 p. 40. (Reprinted from the “Cairo scientific journal,” no. 27, 1908.) Davis, W. Ab. Practical exercises in physical geography. Boston. 1908. s i , 148 p. la0. Diae, Severo. . . . Un temporal de invierno. Primeros pas06 en la meteorol6gla de precisibn. M8stco. 1908. lap. 8O. Djebaroff, Iw. As. Th. Ein Beitrag zur Wasserverdunstung des nackten und behauten Bo- dens. Halle a. S. 1907. 158 p. 8O. (1naug.-dies.-Halle. a. S.) Ebstein, [Wilhelm]. Eisenach, seine Heilfaktoren und seine medizinische Bedeutung. Jena. 1906. is, 104 p. 80. [ “Das Klinia,” p. 29-58.] Egypt. Survey department. Metmrological report. Parts 1-2. Cairo. 1908. 65; vii, 202 p. fo. 10-4 Ekholm, Nils. 0111 lufttryckets tindringar oeh diirmed sammanh&ng&nde fi3reteelsen. IUr Ynier, Tidskrift utaifven ai Svenska SiillskaDet far antroDoloni. . V . och geografi, Arg. 1908; H. 4.) Wissenschaftliche Egebnisse der Expedition Filchner nach Chine und Tibet 1903-1905. IS. Band. Barometrische Hahenmessun- gen und meteorologische Beobachtungen. Berlin. 1908. viii, 236 p. 4O. Fischli, Fritz. Das Verhalten der meteorologischen Elemente und Erscheinungen in der Vertikalen. Bern. 1908. 129 p. So. Fleming, J. A. An elementary manual of radiotelegraphy and radio- telephony. New Tork. 1908. xiv, 340 p. 80. Fortier, Samuel. (h Irrigation in the Sacra- mento valley, California. U. S. Office of esperiment stations. Bull. 207.) . . .On the coefficient of absorption of the atmospheric gases in die- tilled water and sea water. Part 2: Carbonic acid. Copenhagen. 1909. 31 p. 40. [Conseil permanent international pour l’explo- rations de la mer. Die mittlere Temperatur der Luft im Meeresnlveau, dargeetellt als Fuuktion der geograpliischen Llinge, Breite und Jahreszeit. Me- teorologische Publication 1. Riga. 1909. 144 p. 40. Deutsches meteorologisches Jahrbuch 1907. Hamburg. 1908. vi, Elementi di meteorologia.. . Livorno. 1909. x, 316 p. 80. Elsner, Georg von. Climate of Orland [Cal.] and vicinity. Fox, Chas. J. J. Publications de circonstance no. 44.) Fritsche, H. Germany. Deutsche Seewarte. 300 p. 10. Gerosa, Giuseppe. Grothe, Hugo. Meteorologische Shtionen in der asiatischeu Turkei. (8.-A. Bei- triige zur Kenntnis des Orients. Band 6, D. 149-154.) Hecker, -Alfred. Holland. Koninkljjk nederlandsch meteorologisch Instituut. . . . Die gestrengen Herren. (Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbiicher. Ber- lin. 1908. p. 711-729.) Jaarboek. 1907. Utrecht. 1908. xxxili, 256; 38 p. fo. (No. 97. Onweders, optlsche verschljnselen, Euz. in Nederland.. .1906. Ded Hungary. Magyar kiralyi orssagos meteorologlai 6s mldmag- Die Erdbelwn in Ungarn 1900, 1901, 1903. Budapest. 1909. 91, Die gegenwsrtigen Prohlenie nnd dufgahen welche mtt dem Studium der atinosphiirisclien Polarization verknupft sind. Riel. 1908. [ 1661-175 p. 4O. ( Abdruck am den Astr. Nachr. Nr. 4283. Bd. 179. November, 1908.) Jersey. Observatoire St. Louis. Bulletin des observations m6t6orologiques. 15 annee 1908. Jersey. 1908. 31 p. 40. Kntjrzer, Alb. Die Temperaturmfttel Wiirzhurgs 1880-1903. Eichstiitt. 1904. 16 p. 80. Krakau. Observatoryum. Nateryaly de klimetografli Galicyi zebrme przez Selicye meteorolo- giczna w roku 1907. [Krukow.] 1908. 77 p. 8O. Laflamme, C. Notes de m8t8orologie. Quebec. 1904. 15 p. 80. Lecornu, J. Les cerfs-volants. Paris. 1902. iv, 210 p. 8O. Leon, Luis Gc. Los fenomenos del aire. Mexico. 1900. 409 p. 120. Loanda. Observatoiro meteorologico. Resumo das observat;oes. 1905-1908. 4 sheets. 38 s 50 cm. (1907 - McAdie, A[lexander] Gc. Mountain sites fnr observatories. (In Publications of the Astronoml- Merzifhn (Asia Minor). Anatolia college. Meteoroloaical records. 1908. 1 sheet. 36 x 34 cm. 27. Amsterdam. 1908. 131 p. 80. (No. 82.) ness6gi intezet. . x, 1 p. 80. Jensen, Chr. 1908: 50x65 cm.) cal society of the Paciflc. v. 21. Feb., 1909. p. 13-18.) ~ .~ Muller-Pouiiiet . Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie. 10th ed. 2er Band. Braun- schweig. 1909. xxvfi, 1189 p. 8O. Mysore. Me~orologlcaldepa~ment. Navaro, Manuel Maria S. Nowack, Joe. Fried. Meteorology in Mysore. 1907. 15th annual report. Bangalore. Datos sobre 10s macrosismos espaiioles. (Boletin de la Real sode- . . . Den Zweiflern. Entgegung auf die Kritiken iiber meine Wet- 1908. xiii, 56 p. fo. dad espafiola de historla natural, octubre, 1908.) terpflanze.” 2d ed. Rorneuburg. 1905. 94 p. 80. 68 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. FE~RUABY, 1909 0- (Spain). Uolegio Madmo de la CompaSa de Jesus. Obeervdones meteorol6gicas. 1908. Ofla. 1909. 34 p. 80. Patxot y Jubert. Rafel. . . . Observmions de Sant Feliu Gulsols resultats del 1896 (partial) al 1905. Barcelona. 1908. 306 D. fo. fMeteorologia Catalana.) - Philippine weather Bureau. 40. Polis, P[eter . Annual report of the director, 1906. Part 1. Manila. 1908. 153 p. Funkente 11 egraphische Uebermittlung von Witterungsnachrichten auf dem atlantischen Ozean. Ergebnisse einer Studienreise im August 1908. (S.-A. Marinc+Rundschau.) Berlin. [ 1908.1 Pruseia. Kbnigl. preussisohes meteorologisohes Institut. Ergebnisse der Beobachtungen an den Stationen 11. und 111. Ord- nung.. .1903. Berlin. 1908. xvi, [193] -267 p. fo. Ergebnisse der magnetiechen Beobachtungen in Potsdam 1903 und 1904. Berlin. 1908. xxxxiv, 130 p. Io. Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen in Potsdam 1905. Berlin. 1908. vi, 107 p. fo. Same. 1906. Berlln. 1908. viii, 106 p. fo. Ergebnisse der Niederechlags-Beobachtungen im Jahre 1906. Ber- lin. 1908. xxxiv, 16s p. fo. Ergebnisse sehnjahriger Gewitterbeobacht,ungen in Nord- und Mit- teldeutschland. Von Th. Arendt. Berlin. 1008. 57, 153 p. fo. (Abhandlungen Bd. 2. Nr. 2.) Die Expedition des KiSniglich preussischen meteorologischen Insti- tute nach Burgos in Spanien aur Beohachtung der totalen Sonnen- 5nsternis am 30. August 1905. Von G. Liideling und A. Nippoldt. Berlin. 1908. 93 p. 10. (Abhandlungen Bd. ’I. Nr. 6.) Barometrische Teildepressionen und ihre wellenfBrmige Aufeinan- derfolge. Von W. Wundt. Berlin. 1904. 25 p. fo. (dbhand- lungen.. . Bd. 2. No. 5.) Riohaxdion, H. w. Relations of the U. S. Weather bureau to the railroad man. (In Duluth, Slinn. ofecial proceedings of the Northern railway ClUkJ. Jan., 1907. p. 9%3l.) 1908. 88 p. fo. rich. [1908] 39 p. 8O. 1907. 88 p. (1naug.-digs.-Gottingen.) Saxony. Kbnigl. saohsische Landes-Wetterwarte. Sohwere, S. Steinmetz, Helmuth. Timberg, h t a f . Yuriev, [Dorpat]. . . . Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen 1904. Dresden. Wetterinstrumente, Wetterkarten und die Wettervoraussage. Zu- De ventorum descriptionibus apud Grmms Romanosque. Gottingap. Popul&r meteorologi . . . Stockholm. 1908. viii, 206 p. 4O. Sammlung von Arbeiten, ausgefiihrt von Studenten ani Meteorolo- gischen Observatorium der UniversitRt zur Jurjew (Dorpat). Band 9, 1908. Yuriev. 1909. 183 p. 8”. AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EVAPORATION. By MBS, GRACE J. LIVINGSTON. Dated Washington, D. C., January 8, 190s. [ Coniinwd from the Monthly Wedher Review, November, 19M.1 1870-&nlintwd. Dufour, Uharles, and F. A. Forel. Recherche8 sur la condensation de la vapeur aqueuse de I’air au oontact de la glaeo et sur 1’6vaporation. Bul. SOC. valid. sci. nat., 1870, 10:621-84; Les mondes, 1871, 26:129-36, 183-9, 342-51. Abstracted in Arch. sci. phys. et net., 1871,40:239-73; Ann. chlm. et phys., 1871,25:80-1; Naturforscher, 1878, 5:59-60. A study of the hygrometric action of glaclem on the atmosphere and vice versa. Con- clusion% (1) With air having a vapor pressure less than 4.6 millimeters condensation or eva ration will take lace at the surface of the glacier according to the relativc pressures of t% water vapor otthe air and that of the ice. These actions tend to counterl,alance ewh other. (2) Condensation takes lace wheneverthe atmospheric vapor pressure is abuve 4.6 millimeters. (8) The total res& of condensation aud evaporatiou must l e very niuch i n favor of the latter. (4 ) The lacier by these counteracting lIIflllenCI3R tends to restorr the pressure ofthe water vaporso the air to 4.6 milljineters e y e t i n the case of conden- sation at temperatures lower than zero. (5) Since,ln the f a t d e s studied the averagc hygrometric ca acity of the air is above 4.6 millimetern pressure, the glaei& eremiaes a very powerful &yinginfluence on the atmos here. (6 ) Condensation tends to preveut the estenslon of the glaeier owing to the heat wfich it frees. Forel, F. A., aqd Charles Dufour. See Dufour, Charles,and F. A. Forel. Hajeoh, Uamillo. Ricemhe sperimentall sull’ evaporazione di un lago. Rend. r. ist. lomb., 1870, 3 (933785-90. Compared the evaporatlon from three similar instriiments exposing a free water surface 1 decimeter rquare one floating on the mnrfare of the lake the second on land near the the lake and the h r d on land but farther froin the lakh. The results obtained from Au st d l to October 7 show: (1: The maximum mean hourly evaporation occurred from all #kea on the same days viz September 16 and 17. (2) The uantities evaporated from the three in the daytime ’wed to each other as lOu:l40:149. w%en the sky was cloudy as 100150:180; after 8un8et &100:156:?25; and for the entire d i y as lOOlri0:180. Henry, D. Farrand. Tables of evaporation from observations of the survey of the northern and northwestern lakes. Tables showing comparative readings of evaporators in lake and river, open air, and water. Rpt. Chief Eng., 1870: 570-3. -\ table of results shows the difference between siniultaneoua readings of the evaporator at the ineleorological station and one placed in the water at Youngstown N. T.. from June 11 til September 2.3 1869. Evaporation was reatest on land, the ratio’between the two d i n g 0.558. Thenhometric oliservations ofthe air, of the surface of the water in the evaporators, and in the Iakeshowed no definite ratio lietween the water temperature and the rate of evaporation. Langsam Verdunstungdes Wassers in engen R6hren. Munch. Stern. Wochenbl., 1870, 1-):263. Lettera ai Signor de Saussure con la descriaione d’nn atmidometro e d‘altre macchine altinenti alla meteorologia. n. p. 1870. 4to. Ueber den Betrag der Verdnnstung einer Eiche wilhrend der ganzen Vegetationsperiode. Sitzher. k. bayer. Akad. Wise. math. phys. Kl.. 1870, 1 :27-45. Also Ber. Phys. h‘led. Soc.. 1870,2. Abstracted in Zeits. Oest. Ges. Met.. 1871, 6:lO-4. Also Naturforscher, 1871, 4235-7. Also Gaea, 1871, 7:347-9. Lamont, Johann von. Moscati, Pietro. Pfaff, A. B. I. F. See Ham, 1871, for the results of Pf:iR’s experinienta Risler, E. Evaporation du sol et des plantes. Arch. sci. phys. e t nat.. 1870, 37:214-38. Also Zeits. f. Naturw., 1874, 6:117-9. The inonthly evaporation during lRlj9 fmnu soil of ditlerent de ths is calculated from the difference between the amount of r ~i n f i l l and the amount artificfallv drained off the latter amount heing at least partially corrwted by a periodic determinatlh of the moisture con- tent of the soil. Somerville, Mary. Physical Geography. London. 1870. 6th ed. p. 923. The fart that the sea water nf the Southern Hemisphere contains innre balt than that of the Northeru is sop wed to be due to the greater evaporation in the former caused by the snutheaat trade winis blowing: over a greatrr espanse of water than the nbrtheast. It Is rnmpnted that 1RR.340 cubic nillea of water are evaporated (annually ?) from the surface ot the globe, chiefly froin intlatro~~lrnl seiis. This would cause a lowerlng of the sea level by 5 fcet annually. The equilibriiim in these seacl, thus disturbed, is restored Iiy means of mrreuts. Strachan, Robert. Lamont’s vaporimeter. Symons’s met. mag., 1870, 5:73-4. For a descriptiou of t.his instriiiuent see Lnniout. 1869. Symons, (3. J. On evaporation. Brit. rainf., 1870, (--):175-83, (app.). Experiments were carried on ;rt Stnthfield Turgigs with diffcrent evaporators, incliiding Hnward‘s, Miller’s (a tin vessel with overfuw. felt protectcd). Miller’s sand evaporator, a glared e;irthenware Jlrr set in the ground a glass cyllnder, Proctor’r, Sharples’, Fletcher’s r t c of varinus sizes. etc. Observations ‘on the teniperatiire of the water in each showed I d vends which absorb hent most readily allow milch more evaporation than othera A table gives the amount of evaporation for 1870 at various localities in Great Rritain with a description of the methods employed. The large tank used a t Strathtield Tur&ss is especially notable. Versuche iiber die Wasserverdunstung auf besiltem und unbesiitem Boden. Abh. k. Bnyer. Akad. Wis. math. phys. Kl., 1870, 10: From experiments similar to those of his previous paper (see 1868) i t is concluded that evaporatiou is greater froiu limestone soil than from clay soil; greater froom unplanted soil both clay aud limestone. than from planted; but greater from eat soil when planted t h a i when uuidanted Results obtained with the “atmidoiueter fsee Vogel aud Reischauer 1856). showed dikrerences similar to those observed i n the abshute humidity of the air ove; 1871. the different soils. Vogel, K. A. 331-55. Buchan, Alexander. Introductory Test-book of Meteorology. Edinburgh. 1871. See Bochan, 1868, for au account similar to that on p. $8-91 of this work. Casella, L. Catalogue of Bcientiflc Instruments. London. 1871. 8vo. p. 24, Two metal vessels are. described for measuring evaporation from a free wator surface, also a recording instrument, in which the changes i n the levcl of a water surface are. eommuni- cated to a recording cyllnrler bv meaus of a float and pullev. Doctor Babin ton’s “ atmi- dometer” for measuring evapdratiou froni water, ice, or show, is meutionei on page 21, but not described. Dines, G. met. mag., 1871. Symons’e met. mag.. 1871, 6:190-9. Reply t o “On Evaporation of Water,” by Henry Hudson in Symons’s -. -. The followin statemeuts mode in 3 previous article IS70 are reaffirmed: “ When the air is saturatefaith molstuk and the water is ofthe aahe tehperature as the air. neither eravoration nor condensation can take place.” ” Esuept as it a t k t s the dew-point, It is a matter of little come uence whether the air is saturated or not; other circumstancei being the same it is the di%erence between the temperature of the water and that of the dew- point wh:ch determines the amoiint both of evaporation and condensation.” The author’s experiments with the wet- and dry-bulb thermometera i n obtainin the dew-point lead him to think that they can never give more than an approximation k the moisture in the atmos here Hudson’s conclusion that water may evaporate at a temperature several de- grees fklow the dew-point when the air is nearly saturated Is refuted. Sur le siccimbtre. Ann. chim. et phys., 1871, 23: 78-80. Dufour, Louis. The siccimeter is designed to measure the differenre between evaporation aud rainfall (see Dufonr, 1869.) .. Hann, Julius. Ueber den Einfluss der Baume auf die Feuchtigkeit der AtmosphBre und des Bodens. Zefte. Oest. Ges. Met., 1871, 6 : 10-19.