Judge Bibliography Information

Frank, Jerome New

U. S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (1941-1957)

American National Biography.

Dictionary of American Biography.

Ackerman, Bruce A. "Law and the Modern Mind by Jerome Frank." Daedalus 103 (1974): 119-27.

Duxbury, Neil. "Jerome Frank and the Legacy of Legal Realism." Journal of Law and Society [Great Britain] 18 (1991): 175-205.

Glennon, Robert J. The Iconoclast as Reformer: Jerome Frank`s Impact on American Law. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985.

Glennon, Robert J. "Portrait of the Judge as an Activist: Jerome Frank and the Supreme Court." Cornell Law Review 61 (1976): 950-84.

Rosenberg, J. Mitchell. Jerome Frank: Jurist and Philosopher. New York: Philosophical Library, 1970.

Volkomer, Walter E. The Passionate Liberal: The Political and Legal Ideas of Jerome Frank. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1970.

Wrigley, Linda. "The Jerome N. Frank Papers." Yale University Library Gazette 48 (1974): 163-77.