Dear Jmk: Ar to tha m6., of Courb6 it l;s not ftjolfsh, though I am not orrtdn t&lot ofip)oerosomal chzmges can yut be exaluded for ths phenomna in soLjat4.c cells to uhich you %llude. The iha of seluative stiI.&tion and proUfaration of antibodpfordng calls is becorafng quite respectzbZ.e, thou$ %xm3 feals it is exq=gerabd. at thQ Qztllnbtlr$ fa!6stiflg there wa5 ~qAte 5 lot of Ilscua$tcm ,%ifiLy EnstL gated by JSghruaai can %cxml rtatiw@ of gunatic ~terial, and u6 e~olwd a s&m rather diffartnt from the eofwentionn]. thromso.~~ vs. cytoKl.esm& heredity. 1 mggastui fnstmd %rwl&P wd %pLnuclsiic~ for inforanstion which (presunrebly) moordad in tha nuclsotide asc;;uencs of a nucleic aaid or else~~hare respectively. It 5.6 raassom~ usrterln that in tha cytqllasea we hars both nuclsic and epinucleic fcrctcrr (e.g. kappa v~mt~, posaiblg, the seroQqm ay~tsm) and the earn probably holdr in the nwlau~, Q.g ., autmt genus oumua low& dates. I l#yself am rrtmw doubtful that Laml atatm, puffs, eta. are going to turn ont to hare davs3qad m 6Dtd.,f~ bUs0 (IIc)~UWCSIII, but !$LiM 6&6-l I aa a iae. that m&i ba pertinent to the present disuussion, we oould pat ffrm relimce on the evi&mcs fa! mutual sxcluaion vzhich I do bulieve we ah wild am gn, t.