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Brendt Wohlberg - Publications

by Katharine Chartrand last modified 2007-05-19 04:16
  1. Rick Chartrand, Kevin R Vixie, Brendt Wohlberg and Erik M Bollt (2007): A gradient descent solution to the Monge-Kantorovich problem. - submitted.
  2. Thomas J Asaki, Patrick R Campbell, Rick Chartrand, Collin E Powell, Kevin R Vixie and Brendt Wohlberg (2006): Abel inversion using total variation regularization: applications. - Inverse Probl. Sci. Eng. 14:873-885.
  3. Brendt Wohlberg, Daniel M Tartakovsky and Alberto Guadagnini (2006): Subsurface characterization with support vector machines. - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 44(1):47–57.
  4. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2006): The polyphase-with-advance representation and linear phase lifting factorizations. - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(6 part 1):2022–2034.
  5. T J Asaki, R Chartrand, K R Vixie and B Wohlberg (2005): Abel inversion using total-variation regularization. - Inverse Problems 21:1895–1903.
  6. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2004): Lifted linear phase filter banks and the polyphase-with-advance representation. - In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Taos, NM, USA, pages 29–33.
  7. K Borozdin, T Asaki, R Chartrand, N Hengartner, G Hogan, C Morris, W Priedhorsky, R Schirato, L Schultz, M Sottile, K Vixie, B Wohlberg and G Blanpied (2004): Information extraction from muon radiography data. - In: ISAS/CITSA 2004: International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications and 10th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, Vol 2, Proceedings : Communications, Information and Control Systems, Technologies and Applications. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, pages 27–30.
  8. Andy Fraser, Nick Hengartner, Kevin Vixie and Brendt Wohlberg (2003): Incorporating invariants in Mahalanobis distance based classifiers: Application to Face Recognition. - In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IJCNN, Portland, OR, USA.
  9. Brendt Wohlberg and Chris Brislawn (2003): Reversible integer-to-integer transforms and symmetric extension of even-length filter banks. - In: Proceedings of Visual Communication and Image Processing (VCIP) 2003. Proceedings of Visual Communication and Image Processing (VCIP) 2003, Lugano, Switzerland, pages 1709–1714.
  10. Chris Brislawn, Brendt Wohlberg and Allon Percus (2003): Resolution scalability for arbitrary wavelet transforms in the JPEG-2000 standard. - In: Proceedings of Visual Communication and Image Processing (VCIP) 2003. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lugano, Switzerland, pages 774–784.
  11. Andy Fraser, Nick Hengartner, Kevin Vixie and Brendt Wohlberg (2003): Classification modulo invariance, with application to face recognition. - Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 12(4):829–852.
  12. Brendt Wohlberg (2003): Noise Sensitivity of Sparse Signal Representations: Reconstruction Error Bounds for the Inverse Problem. - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 51(12):3053–3060.
  13. Brendt Wohlberg and Chris Brislawn (2003): Extending the JPEG 2000 image coding standard to support floating point data. - ISO/IEC, (WG1N3020), .
  14. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2001): Boundary extensions and reversible implementation for half-sample symmetric filter banks. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (WG1N2119), .
  15. Chris Brislawn, Brendt Wohlberg and Michelle Pal (2001): Interleaved Extensions for Half-Sample Symmetric Filter Banks. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (WG1N2148), .
  16. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2001): Reversible lifted implementation of half-sample symmetric filter banks. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (L32-01-014), .
  17. Chris Brislawn, Sue Mniszewski, Michelle Pal, Allon Percus, Brendt Wohlberg, Tinku Acharya, Ping-Sing Tsai and Margaret Lepley (2001): Even-Length Filter Bank Option. - , (WG1N2209), .
  18. George Zweig and Brendt Wohlberg (2000): Application of a super-resolution Fast Fourier Transform to ISAR imaging and EXAFS crystal-structure determination. - In: Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. IEEE, Pocono Manor, PA, USA, pages 458–462.
  19. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2000): Canon Research's Proposed Factorization Structure for Half-Sample Symmetric Filter Banks. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (NCITS document number L32-01-103), .
  20. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2000): JPEG 2000 Part 2 Progress Report: Even Length Filters. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (L3.2-00-040), .
  21. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2000): Report on Core Experiment CodEff03: Even-Length Filter Bank Option. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (WG1N1842), .
  22. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2000): JPEG 2000 Part 2 Progress Report: Enabling Support for Arbitrary Filter Banks. - Los Alamos National Laboratory, (WG1N1820), .
  23. Chris Brislawn and Brendt Wohlberg (2000): Even Length Filter Bank Options: Report on Core Experiment CodEff03. - ISO/IEC, (WG1N1911), .
  24. Brendt Wohlberg and Gerhard de Jager (1999): A review of the fractal image coding literature. - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(12):1716–1729.
  25. Brendt Wohlberg and Gerhard de Jager (1999): A Class of Multiresolution Stochastic Models Generating Self-Affine Images. - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47(6):1739–1742.
  26. Brendt Wohlberg and Gerhard de Jager (1996): Fractal coding performance for first-order Gauss-Markov models. - Electronics Letters 32(5):441–442.
  27. Brendt Wohlberg (1996): Fractal Image Compression and the Self-Affinity Assumption: A Stochastic Signal Modelling Perspective. - Phd thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
  28. Brendt Wohlberg and Gerhard de Jager (1995): Fast image domain fractal compression by DCT domain block matching. - Electronics Letters 31(11):869–870.
  29. Brendt Wohlberg and Gerhard de Jager (1994): On the reduction of fractal image compression encoding time. - In: . IEEE South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing (COMSIG '94), Stellenbosch, South Africa, pages 158–161.
  30. Brendt Wohlberg (1993): Investigations in Sequence Matching Techniques Applied to On-line Signature Verification. - Masters thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
  31. Brendt Wohlberg and John R Greene (1992): Automatic on-line signature verification using Dynamic Time-Warping. - In: . Proceedings of the Third South African Workshop on Pattern Recognition, Pretoria, South Africa, pages 185–192.