This instruction explains how to install Mark-5 VLBI Analysis Software Calc/Solve. Before installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Check whether your system has software for compilation of Calc/Solve. Refer to $MK5_ROOT/help/INSTALL.hpux if you have HP-UX $MK5_ROOT/help/INSTALL.linux if you have Linux ( They are accessible also as ) 2) Launch csh (C shell) if you use another shell. All compilation procedure runs under C shell. Check: a) environment variable PATH. It should contain paths for system procedures, X11 binaries, C compiler and Fortran compiler. b) Check whether C-shell programs can run at your system. c) Check customization of /bin/sh . Variable path for this shell should be set properly. /bin/sh should find all system programs. Check whether /bin/sh programms can run at your system. 3) Choose a 3-letter abbreviation for your analysis center. It will be used as an identifier of analysis center in output in spool-file and SINEX output. Maybe you need ask your boss which name he/her prefers. 4) Set root names of subdirectories: ${mk5_root} -- directory with source code and executables 200-250Mb ${mk5_root}/archive -- directory with CALC/SOLVE archive. Place for distribution kit (no less than 25 Mb). ${mk5_root}/save_files -- SOLVE save files -- 10Mb ${mk5_data}/work_files -- directory with scratch files: 50-150Mb per user ${mk5_data}/spool_files -- directory with Solve listing 2-300Mb per user. ${mk5_data}/cgm_files -- directory for combined global matrices: 100Mb per user ${mk5_data}/cat_files -- directory with catalogue of databases: 10-15Mb ${mk5_data}/apriori_files -- directory with a priori data: 10-15Mb ${mk5_data}/log -- directory with log files ${mk5_data}/delog -- directory with de-log files (results of parsing log files) ${mk5_data}/phase -- directory for Phase_doctor. ${mk5_data}/sked -- directory with schedule files. ${mk5_data}/master -- directory for master schedule files. ${mk5_data}/control -- directory for control files. ${mk5_data}/mark3_dbh -- directory for databases (10Mb -- 80Gb) ${mk5_data}/mark3_sup -- directory for superfiles (10Mb -- 20Gb) Notation ${root_dir}/dir means that directory "dir" is a subdirectory of "root_dir". You are free to chose arbitrary place where mk5-directory will be located. Example (MPIFR, Bonn): /geo/vlbi/mk5 /geo/vlbi/mk5/archive /geo/vlbi/save_files /geo/vlbi/work_files /geo/vlbi/spool_files /geo/vlbi/cat_files /geo/vlbi/apriori_files /geo/vlbi/log /geo/vlbi/delog /geo/vlbi/sked /geo/vlbi/phase /geo/vlbi/mark3_dbh /geo/vlbi/mark3_sup NB: path name to root_dir should not be longer than 12 characters, otherwise compilation at HP-UX may fail since the list of expanded filenames may exceed internal shell line length. 5) Create these directories. You should be aware that mk5_root directory has at least 250Mb free space. Installation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0) Start C shell or tcsh. 1) Copy a distribution kit to some local directory. It is recommended to put the distribution kit in /zip_xxxxxx where xxxxxx is the date of the distribution kit. You need a) SOLVE_xxxxxx.tar -- source code; b) -- some files with data for SOLVE; 2) Untar it by command tar -xvf 3) Set environment variable SAVE_DIR. It should point the directory with SOLVE save files (denoted as {save_files} above). $SAVE_DIR notation will be used thereafter. Set environment variable HELP_DIR. It should point the directory with SOLVE help files (denoted as {help_files} above). Make a tree by command make_tree from archive directory. That program will ask you to set a value of environbment variable MK5_ROOT. Do it! Add the definitions of MK5_ROOT and SAVE_DIR to your shellcustomization file ( ~.tcshrc if you use tcsh shell as I do). Apply these definitions (by the command source ~/.tcshrc if you use tcsh shell ). Check once more whether they actually were set up properly. 4) Unzip the sources code by the command "solve_install init" 5) Create local files. These files keeps site-specific preferences. Local files are located in the director $MK5_ROOT/local/ You have to make at least one mandatory file solve.lcl and several additional local customization files: dbs.lcl dbi.lcl eops.lcl eopi.lcl sim.lcl opa.lcl gex.lcl gae.lcl 5a) Copy file from $SAVE_DIR/template_solve.lcl to $MK5_ROOT/local/solve.lcl Edit it. 5b) If you are going to retrieve database from the IVS Data Center automatically you should create control file for geo_import. Refer to geo_import user manual $HELP_DIR/geo_import_01.txt 5c) If you are going to submit databases to the IVS Data Center then copy file from $SAVE_DIR/template_dbs.lcl to $MK5_ROOT/local/ Edit it. 5d) If you are going to submit EOP series to the IVS Data Center then copy file from $SAVE_DIR/template_eops.lcl to $MK5_ROOT/local/eops.lcl Edit it. Then copy $SAVE_DIR/template_eops.lcl to $MK5_ROOT/local/eopi.lcl (for Intensive NEOS experiments) end edit it. 5e) If you are going to use program opa (OPerational Analysis utiltity) you should create configuration OPA file. Refer to OPA user manual $HELP_DIR/opa_02.txt 5f) If you are going to make simulation Solve solutions and use program sima you should create sima configuration file. Refer to sima user manual $HELP_DIR/sima_01.txt 5g) If you are going to use progem geo_export for submitting results of correlation to the IVS Data Center (a pair of databases version 1) you should copy mk5_gex.templ to $MK5_ROOT/local/gex.lcl and customize it. You may need to customize template file for dbedit ( $SAVE_DIR/dbedit_templ.cnf ) which is used by geo_export. Check attentively your $MK5_ROOT/local/solve.lcl file. You save a lot of time if you succeed in finding an error in this file just now. 6) Compile CALC/SOLVE; $MK5_ROOT/support/make_all_mk5 It takes 0.5-2 hours. 7) Look at the files make_libs_errs, make_progs_errs, make_solve_errs, make_testware_errs, make_utils_errs in $MK5_ROOT/temp directory. Draw special care at the lines starting with **, lines with words "Don't" adn lines with "Make:". grep "\*\*" $MK5_ROOT/temp/*_err* grep "Don\'t" $MK5_ROOT/temp/*_err* If there is no any fatal error messages -- congratulation -- CALC/SOLVE is installed! 8) Get file from Solve Web page. cd $SAVE_DIR unzip -j {ditribution_kit_dir}/ where {ditribution_kit_dir} is directory where you keep the distribution kit. 9) Rename $SAVE_DIR/letok.template to $SAVE_DIR/letok You need to add solve user initials: an identifier for each SOLVE user. An identifier consist of two letters of upper register. File letok defines SOLVE user intiials. Each line defines one initial in the position 1:2. Symbols in other positions are ignored and may be used as comments. 10) Rename $SAVE_DIR/CORFIL.template to $SAVE_DIR/CORFIL . You might wish to edit it. 11) Rename $SAVE_DIR/flyby_calibrations.template to $SAVE_DIR/flyby_calibrations . You might wish to edit it. 12) Rename $SAVE_DIR/flyby_modfiles_default.template to $SAVE_DIR/flyby_modfiles_default . You might wish to edit it. 13) Rename $SAVE_DIR/partials_calibrations.template to $SAVE_DIR/partials_calibrations . You might wish to edit it. 14) Rename $SAVE_DIR/SOLMOD.template to $SAVE_DIR/SOLMOD. You might wish to edit it. 15) Create database catalogue. To do it you have to run crcat4 program (NB: you should use this program only once when you install Solve the first time. crcat4 creates catalogue file. It terminates if catalogue files exist). Before launching crcat4 you have to create directory user_tracks_db in ${mk5_data}/cat_files/ ( F.e. /geo/vlbi/cat_files/user_tracks_db ) Usage: crcat4 -d 17) Reset scratch files. It is done for each Solve users: solve_reset You can set max_obs=40000 and max_param=2000 for the start. 18) Check interactive solve: enter load the database. Try to make a trial solution. Check graphic: REPA and MDLPL_PLUS 19) Create file (where is the value of customization variable SUP_DIR_LIST). Insert full names of the directories where you are going to keep superfiles. Each line of contains one and only one directory. NB: superfile directories should be on local disk, otherwise Solve will work extremely slow. 20) Create empty file (where is the value of customization variable SUPCAT_FILE). 21) Create a superfile of the test database by running liptn: liptn 1 1 0 where -- Solve user initials -- database name WITHOUT precedding dollar Run SOLVE and load the experiment from superfile. 22) If you have post-correlator output, log-files, sked-files you can check dbedit, xlog, pwxcb, dbcal. 23) You should create configuration files programs opa, db_submit, eops_submit, sima, gsnoop is you are going to use them. Refer to documentation to these programs. Normally configuration files are kept in the directory $MK5_ROOT/local. NB: This directory is not updated by solve_install. Post-installation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Make local copy of solve_env.template from $SAVE_DIR directory and customize it. It is wise to include it in your shell customization file. CALC/SOLVE expects to see a lot of environment variables installed. In general SOLVE is able to work without any environment variables but you may wish to tune SOLVE in according your own preferences. Some environment variable change the first appearance of menu windows, other affects SOLVE more seriously. Below is the list of important environment variables used by CALC/SOLVE: SOLVE_DIR, ARC_STR, HELP_DIR, SAVE_DIR, WORK_DIR, SPOOL_DIR, CGM_DIR, PGPLOT_DIR, SOLVE_EDITOR, SOLVE_PS_VIEWER, DIAGI_PRIVOM (see below) 2) Add environment variable DIAGI_PRICOM. It declares a command for printing postscript file at your printer. It may vary form system to system. The following definition is used in Bonn for printing PostScript files at printer LaserJet5m: setenv DIAGI_PRICOM "lp -onb -dlaser2". Consult with your system administrator. 3) Add the following lines lines to your C shell or tcsh customization file. setenv MK5_ROOT source MK5_ROOT/support/solve_var otherwise you will not be able to compile and link separate CALC/SOLVE programs. Script solve_var sets values of some environment variables which controls compilation and linking in according with preferences of your analysis center. 4) Add the following lines to ~/.Xdefault file: pgxwin.Win.geometry: 1260x800+0+90 pgxwin.server.visible: True pgxwin.Win.maxColors: 70 pgxwin.Win.iconize: True Each user who are going to use CALC/SOLVE should add these line to his private version of ~/.Xdefault to be sure that pgplot will be working properly. 5) In order to look PostScript documentation file you should create an executable file for launching PostScript viewer (for example ghostview). Put this file in the directory $MK5_ROOT/bin/ and set its name to the environment variable SOLVE_PS_VIEWER. CALC/SOLVE expects that PostScript files are displayed at the screen by the command $SOLVE_PS_VIEWER . This viewer should print to the screen both PostScript file and PostScript + gzipped file. 6) You should use some editor for adding history records for updated database file. If you prefer other editor than system-wide default (vi) you should write a script for launching your favorite editor (for example emacs), put it in the directory $MK5_ROOT/bin/ and set its name to the environment variable SOLVE_EDITOR. CALC/SOLVE expects that the editor is called by the command $SOLVE_EDITOR . 7) Add directory with CALC/SOLVE executabels to your PATH environment variable. 8) Tune perormance of matvec library. Refer to $MK5_ROOT/matvec_tune.txt If you found that changes of matvec parameters in $MK5_ROOT/local/solve.lcl file improves performance of matvec library at your machine you need to recompile Calc/Solve in order to enjoy improvement in performance. In order to recompile Calc/Solve you need a) stop all Calc/Solve processes whcih may run at your system. b) execute command $MK5_ROOT/support/make_all_mk5 9) Launch CALC/SOLVE and enjoy SOLVEing! Be sure that CALC/SOLVE programs are called properly. SOLVE programs are searched in the following order: a) first SOLMOD is examined. b) If SOLVE doesn't find there the program name it looks directory specified in SOLVE_DIR. c) If SOLVE_DIR variable is not specified executables will be taken from the directory specified in ../include/gsfcb.i in the variable SOLVE_PROG_DIR. Leonid Petrov ( ) 14-DEC-2006 17:29:57