1gb02.jpg- Jennifer White, Albie Davison, and Lili Bueno at a look out point before reaching Greenbank. 2gb02.jpg- Sue Ann Heatherly at Greenbank. 3gb02.jpg- Lili and Albie listening attentively during Sue Ann's tour at Greenbank. 4gb02.jpg- Jennifer, Albie, and Lili by the GBT. 5gb02.jpg- GBT 6gb02.jpg- Sue Ann talking at the control room for the GBT. 7gb02.jpg- Diesel vehicles used to get around the radio telescopes with GBT in background. 8gb02.jpg- GBT 9gb02.jpg- Lili Bueno near the Karl Jansky replica telescope. 10gb02.jpg- Entrance to the GBT. 11gb02.jpg- GBT in the background at Greenbank. 1dick.jpg- Dick Flagg at work in Hawaii. 2dick.jpg- Dick Flagg and co-worker in Hawaii. chuck.jpg- Chuck setting up a permanent JOVE antenna on a roof at MTSU. kelley.jpg- Kelley, student at MTSU helping Chuck put up the antenna on the roof.