Horses Part of Nevada Reading Week

Wild Horse Commissioner Reads to School Students

Wild horses and burros were part of Nevada Reading Week in Clark County's William K. Moore Elementary School. Students listened attentively as Julie Gleason, a Nevada Wild Horse Commissioner, read the first portion of Smokey the Cow Horse. This was followed by "oohs" and "ahhs" as they viewed a video production by Reno's Sunny Minedew about Nevada's wild horses and burros which are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Mrs. Gleason also shared with the students some before and after photos of wild horses when they were newly adopted and later when they were gentled and trained. Students took home BLM trading cards about wild horses and burros.

The best part? The reading really worked. William K. Moore teachers report to Mrs. Gleason that students checked out Smokey and other books on wild horses.

Commissioner Julie Gleason shows class article on wild horses.