pro ssw_javamovie, image_files, applet, $ _extra=_extra, anisurl=anisurl , movie_dir=movie_dir, $ outsize=outsize, add_controls=add_controls, debug=debug, enhance=enhance, $ labels=labels ; ;+ ; Name: ssw_javamovie ; ; Purpose: ssw interface to AniS applet for java animations ; ; Input Parameters: ; image_files - list of gif or jpeg files to include in animation ; or an ascii file containing the graphics file names ; ; Output Parameters: ; applet - the implied html/applet for inclusion in an html document ; ; Calling Sequence: ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,filelist,applet [,controls=...],[PARAM=VALUE] ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,file_of_filenames,applet [,controls=...],[PARAM=VALUE] ; ; Calling Examples: ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,gifs,applet,rate=240 ; defaults+framerate=24F/sec ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,file_of_filenames,applet ; use FILE_OF_FILENAMES ; ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,list1,app,/ROCKING,/USE_CACHE ; keyword inherit->AniS ; ; Context Example: ; IDL> html_doc,'new.html',/header ; init an html document ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,giflist1,app1 ; make 1 java "movie" ; IDL> ssw_javamovie,giflist2,app2 ; make another java movie ; IDL> file_append,'new.html',[app1,app2] ; movie applet -> html doc ; IDL> html_dc,'new.html',/trailer ; terminate html doc ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; _extra - any PARAM names accepted by AniS ; add_controls - take the defaults -PLUS- these (comma delimited list) ; enhance (switch) - if set, add ENHANCE to default bottom_controls ; [SEE ] ; controls - desired subset of controls to include ; STARTSTOP,LOOPROCK,STEP,FIRSTLAST,SPEED,SHOW,ENHANCE, ; REFRESH,AUTO_TOGGLE,TOGGLE,ROTATOR,SETFRAME,ZOOM,FADER, ; OVERLAY,OVERLAY_RADIO,FRAMELABEL,AUDIO ; bottom_controls - same list as controls, but theses go on bottom of AniS window ; labels - string array of labels -or- SSW compatible times ("index") ; ; use_progress_bar - ; active_zoom ; keep_zoom ; overlay_zoom ; use_caching ; auto_refresh - #minutes ; base_static ; start_looping - (initial loop state, def=true) ; start_frame - (frame to display after loading) ; rate - frames/sec*10 (120->12 frames/sec) ; minimum_dwell - min dwell set wit speed slider (milliseconds, default=30) ; dwell_rates - optional interframe dwell, vector 1:1 w/nframes ; rocking - make rocking/swing mode the startup loop mode ; pause - optional pause after last frame (milliseconds, def=0) ; fade - generate intermediate fade sequence ; fade_label ; ; anisurl - local url (ie, same machine as graphics files) where you have ; copies of AniS class&jar files use this to avoid propagating ; AniS copies to implied output directory (ie, path image_files) ; ; History: ; 21-mar-2006 - S.L.Freeland ; 22-mar-2006 - S.L.Freeland enable file_of_filenames, booleans ; 28-mar-2006 - S.L.Freeland Add WindowsXX tweaks, movie /ENHANCE ; to bottom_controls, image_window_size + limit to defaults ; ; Restrictions: ; overlays and portals not yet implemented while I work the $; ; AniS/SSW logistics using this basal version ; The ENHANCE option looks very useful, but as of today, only ; the supplied file is invoked as a "placeholder" - since that ; was developed for terrestial weather applications..... ; ; WINDOWS - for today at least, the input graphics files must ; reside on the same disk as the SSW distribution - ; This is a trivial limitation easily fixed by someone more ; facile at MS/DOS - ; ; Notes: this is a memory only routine; generates an applet for ; insertion in an htmldoc - see CONTEXT EXAMPLE above. ; User may explicitly supply CONTROLS and/or BOTTOM_CONTROLS - otherwise, ; a set of defaults will be invoked - Current defaults ;- debug=keyword_set(debug) if n_params() lt 2 then begin box_message,'IDL> ssw_javamovie, graphicsfiles, outputappet [OPTIONS] return endif break_file,image_files(0),ll,topdir,tff,text graphics=is_member(text,'.png,.gif,.jpeg') if topdir(0) eq '' then topdir=curdir() ; Is input filelist -or- a file of filenames? fof=n_elements(image_files) eq 1 and file_exist(image_files(0)) $ and (1-graphics) ; file of names?? if fof then gfiles=rd_tfile(image_files(0),nocom='#') else gfiles=image_files break_file,gfiles,ll,gdir,gff,gext,gver case n_elements(outsize) of 0: begin tfile=image_files(0) if fof then begin tfile=concat_dir(topdir,(rd_tfile(tfile,nocom='#'))(0)) if not file_exist(tfile) then begin box_message,'Cant test image size.. assigning default HxW nx=512 ny=512 endif endif if n_elements(nx) eq 0 then begin test=read_image(tfile) nx=data_chk(test,/nx) ny=data_chk(test,/ny) if data_chk(test,/nimage) gt 1 then begin nx=ny ny=data_chk(test,/nimage) endif endif endcase 1: begin nx=outsize(0) ny=nx endcase else: begin nx=outsize(0) ny=outsize(1) endcase endcase nx=nx<1024 ; need to think about IMAGE_WINDOW_SIZE autoing... ny=ny<1024 anisjar='aniscode.jar' mdirjar=concat_dir(topdir,anisjar) ssw_anis=concat_dir(concat_dir(concat_dir('$SSW','gen'),'java'),'anis') ssw_jar=concat_dir(ssw_anis,anisjar) ssw_enh=concat_dir(ssw_anis,'') ; ENHANCE file (to be extended...) if not file_exist(mdirjar) then begin if file_exist(ssw_jar) then begin box_message,'Copying SSW anisjar -> movie_dir... ; TODO MS/DOS equiv! case os_family() of 'Windows': begin spawn,'copy ' + ssw_jar + ' ' + topdir spawn,'copy ' + ssw_enh + ' ' + topdir endcase else: begin spawn,['cp',ssw_jar,topdir],/noshell spawn,['cp',ssw_enh,topdir],/noshell endcase endcase endif else begin box_message,'Cannot find AniS in SSW distribution??' return endelse endif defcontrols=str2arr('startstop,refresh,speed,zoom,looprock') if data_chk(add_controls,/string) then $ defcontrols=[defcontrols,str2arr(add_controls)] case 1 of data_chk(labels,/string): labs=labels ; user verbatim n_elements(labels) ne 0: labs=anytim(labels,/ecs,/trunc) ; assume ssw time else: endcase retval='' if fof then begin break_file,image_files(0),ll,pp,ff,ee,vv retval=[retval,''] endif else $ retval=[retval,''] pnames='' bool=str2arr('false,true') bparams=str2arr('use_progress_bar,active_zoom,keep_zoom,use_caching,rocking') ; Handle Keyword Inherit -> PARAM=VALUE if data_chk(_extra,/struct) then begin parr=strarr(n_tags(_extra)) pnames=strlowcase(tag_names(_extra)) for i=0,n_tags(_extra)-1 do begin vali=strtrim(_extra.(i),2) if is_member(pnames(i),bparams) then vali=(bool)(vali eq '1') ; switch case 1 of data_chk(vali,/scalar,/string): val=vali data_chk(vali,/string): val=arr2str(vali) n_elements(vali) gt 0: val=arr2str(vali) else: val=vali endcase parr(i)='' endfor endif ssc=where(strpos(strlowcase(pnames),'controls') ne -1,ccnt) defbottom='step,toggle' if keyword_set(enhance) then defbottom='enhance,'+defbottom if keyword_set(labs) then defbottom='framelabel,'+defbottom if ccnt eq 0 then pnames=$ ['', $ ''] if data_chk(parr,/string) then pnames=[pnames,parr] ssiw=where(strpos(pnames,'image_window_size') ne -1,iwcnt) if iwcnt eq 0 then pnames = [temporary(pnames), $ ''] ssl=where(strpos(pnames,'frame_label"') ne -1,flcnt) if n_elements(labs) gt 0 and flcnt eq 0 then begin pnames=[temporary(pnames), $ ''] if (where(strpos(pnames,'frame_label_width')))(0) eq 0 then $ pnames=[temporary(pnames),''] endif applet=[retval,pnames,''] if debug then stop, 'pre return..' return end