Muon g-2 Related PhD Theses Page


---- "A Precise Measurement of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Positive Muon", Long Hoang Duong; Dissertation, University of Minessota, December 2001. Postscript format, 1.4 MB. Long Duong's PhD

---- "A NEW PRECISION MEASUREMENT OF THE ANOMALOUS MAGNETIC MOMENT OF THE POSITIVE MUON ", Alexei Vitalyevich Trofimov; Dissertation, Boston University, December 2001. PDF, 2.23MB. Alex Trofimov's PhD

---- "Preparation and First Result of BNL Experiment E821 "A New Precission Measurement of the Muon (g-2) Value"", Sergei Redin; Dissertation, Yale University, May 1999. Postscript format (gzipped version-use the gunzip command of unix to read), 2.2MB zipped, 12.6MB unzipped. Sergei Redin's PhD  

---- "The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Positive Muon", Joel Kindem; Dissertation, University of Minnesota, September 1998. Postscript format, 3.1MB. Joel Kindem's PhD

---- "Magnetic Field Determination in a Superferric Storage Ring for a Precise Measurement of the Muon  Magnetic Anomaly", Alex Grossmann; Dissertation, University of Heidelberg (1998). (UHD-PI-MY-9810) (gzipped version-use the gunzip command of unix to read). Alex Grossmann's PhD  

----"Optisch gepumptes He-3 fuer eine przise Magnetfeldmessung bei der Bestimmung der Magnetischen Anomalie des Myons", Paul Neumayer; Diplomarbeit, University of Heidelberg (1999). (UHD-PI-MY-9904) (gzipped version-use the gunzip command of unix to read). Paul Neumayer's Diplom Arbeit