------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents Federal Register Vol. 63, No. 190 Thursday, October 1, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agricultural Research Service NOTICES Meetings: National food safety research conference, 52677 [FR Doc. 98-26236] [TEXT] [PDF] Agriculture Department See Agricultural Research Service See Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service See Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service See Foreign Agricultural Service See Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Air Force Department NOTICES Commercial activities performance (OMB A-76); cost comparison studies, 52687-52690 [FR Doc. 98-26240] [TEXT] [PDF] Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau RULES Firearms: Firearms and ammunition manufacturers excise taxes Parts and accessories inclusion in tax calculation, 52601-52603 [FR Doc. 98-26133] [TEXT] [PDF] Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service RULES Plant-related quarantine, domestic: Witchweed, 52579 [FR Doc. 98-26272] [TEXT] [PDF] Antitrust Division NOTICES Competitive impact statements and proposed consent judgments: Medical Mutual of Ohio, 52764-52771 [FR Doc. 98-26034] [TEXT] [PDF] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NOTICES Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.: Disease, Disablility, and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel, 52703 [FR Doc. 98-26259] [TEXT] [PDF] Children and Families Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52703-52738 [FR Doc. 98-26273] [TEXT] [PDF] 52739 [FR Doc. 98-26274] [TEXT] [PDF] Submission for OMB review; comment request, 52739-52740 [FR Doc. 98-26275] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Kinship Care Advisory Panel, 52740 [FR Doc. 98-26321] [TEXT] [PDF] Coast Guard RULES Lifesaving equipment for U.S. inspected vessels, 52801-52822 [FR Doc. 98-25929] [TEXT] [PDF] Ports and waterways safety: Strait of Juan de Fuca and Northwest Washington coast; regulated navigation area, 52603-52609 [FR Doc. 98-26340] [TEXT] [PDF] Commerce Department See International Trade Administration See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration See Patent and Trademark Office Comptroller of the Currency NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52794-52798 [FR Doc. 98-26225] [TEXT] [PDF] Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service NOTICES Meetings: National food safety research conference, 52677 [FR Doc. 98-26236] [TEXT] [PDF] Corporation for National and Community Service NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52687 [FR Doc. 98-26262] [TEXT] [PDF] Defense Department See Air Force Department See Navy Department Education Department RULES Postsecondary education: Federal work-study programs-- Institutional-share requirement for mathematics tutors of children in elementary school through ninth grade; waiver, 52853-52856 [FR Doc. 98-26256] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: National Assessment of Educational Progress program, 52943-52944 [FR Doc. 98-26333] [TEXT] [PDF] Special education and rehabilitative services-- Disability and rehabilitation research project, etc., 52919-52942 [FR Doc. 98-26332] [TEXT] [PDF] Energy Department See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Environmental Protection Agency PROPOSED RULES Toxic substances: Lead-based paint; identification of dangerous levels of lead, 52662-52663 [FR Doc. 98-26476] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Implementation order to streamline small grants, 52693-52696 [FR Doc. 98-26319] [TEXT] [PDF] Information processing standards, Federal: Waivers, 52693 [FR Doc. 98-26318] [TEXT] [PDF] Pesticide programs: Pesticide data submitters list; availability, 52696 [FR Doc. 98-26316] [TEXT] [PDF] Pesticide registration, cancellation, etc.: Uniroyal Chemical Co. et al.; correction, 52696-52697 [FR Doc. 98-26317] [TEXT] [PDF] Executive Office of the President See National Drug Control Policy Office Federal Aviation Administration RULES Airworthiness directives: Airbus, 52579-52583 [FR Doc. 98-25953] [TEXT] [PDF] Aviat Aircraft, Inc., 52585-52586 [FR Doc. 98-25956][TEXT] [PDF] Boeing, 52587-52589 [FR Doc. 98-25952] [TEXT] [PDF] Mitsubishi, 52583-52585 [FR Doc. 98-25957] [TEXT] [PDF] Class E airspace, 52591 [FR Doc. 98-26296] [TEXT] [PDF] 52591 [FR Doc. 98-26297] [TEXT] [PDF] 52590-52591 [FR Doc. 98-26298] [TEXT] [PDF] 52590 [FR Doc. 98-26301] [TEXT] [PDF] 52589-52590 [FR Doc. 98-26302] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Airport noise compatibility program: Manchester Airport, NH, 52787-52788 [FR Doc. 98-26293] [TEXT] [PDF] Exemption petitions; summary and disposition, 52788-52790 [FR Doc. 98-26300] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Communications Commission RULES Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 52617-52626 [FR Doc. 98-26230] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Common carrier services: Commercial mobile radio services-- Wireless services compatibility with enhanced 911 services, 52665-52666 [FR Doc. 98-26233] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 52697-52698 [FR Doc. 98-26336] [TEXT] [PDF] Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 52698-52699 [FR Doc. 98-26231] [TEXT] [PDF] Rulemaking proceedings; petitions filed, granted, denied, etc., 52699 [FR Doc. 98-26232] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52794-52798 [FR Doc. 98-26225] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Election Commission NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 52699 [FR Doc. 98-26427] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NOTICES Hydroelectric applications, 52692 [FR Doc. 98-26246] [TEXT] [PDF] 52692-52693 [FR Doc. 98-26247] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Eastern Shore Natural Gas Co., 52691 [FR Doc. 98-26245] [TEXT] [PDF] Transwestern Pipeline Co., 52691-52692 [FR Doc. 98-26248] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Maritime Commission NOTICES Freight forwarder licenses: Transtar Shipping, Inc., et al., 52699-52700 [FR Doc. 98-26268] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52700-52701 [FR Doc. 98-26229] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Reserve System NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52794-52798 [FR Doc. 98-26225] [TEXT] [PDF] Banks and bank holding companies: Change in bank control, 52701 [FR Doc. 98-26266] [TEXT] [PDF] Formations, acquisitions, and mergers, 52701-52702 [FR Doc. 98-26265] [TEXT] [PDF] Permissible nonbanking activities, 52702 [FR Doc. 98-26267] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 52702 [FR Doc. 98-26504] [TEXT] [PDF] Fish and Wildlife Service RULES Endangered and threatened species: Black-footed ferrets; reintroduction into northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah, 52823-52841 [FR Doc. 98-26096] [TEXT] [PDF] Organization, functions, and authority delegations: Service permit applications; addresses and OMB control numbers update, 52632-52638 [FR Doc. 98-25763] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Incidental take permits-- Pima County, AZ; cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, 52741-52742 [FR Doc. 98-25967] [TEXT] [PDF] Natural resource damage assessment plans; availability, etc.: Grand Calumet River et al., IN, 52742 [FR Doc. 98-25968] [TEXT] [PDF] Food and Drug Administration NOTICES FDA Modernization Act of l997; implementation: Allergenic patch test kits; comment and data request, 52740-52741 [FR Doc. 98-26228] [TEXT] [PDF] Foreign Agricultural Service NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Foreign market development projects and technical assistance activities; foreign currencies availability, 52677-52678 [FR Doc. 98-26237] [TEXT] [PDF] General Accounting Office NOTICES Meetings: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, 52702 [FR Doc. 98-26308] [TEXT] [PDF] Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration NOTICES Agency designation actions: Illinois, 52678 [FR Doc. 98-26238] [TEXT] [PDF] Illinois et al., 52678-52680 [FR Doc. 98-26094] [TEXT] [PDF] Ohio, 52680-52681 [FR Doc. 98-26093] [TEXT] [PDF] Texas et al., 52681 [FR Doc. 98-26092] [TEXT] [PDF] Grain inspection: Wheat protein content results certification on moisture basis; comment request, 52681-52682 [FR Doc. 98-26239] [TEXT] [PDF] Pilot programs allowing multiple agencies to provide official services within single geographic area, 52682-52683 [FR Doc. 98-26091] [TEXT] [PDF] Health and Human Services Department See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention See Children and Families Administration See Food and Drug Administration See Health Care Financing Administration See Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department NOTICES Meetings: National Bioethics Advisory Commission, 52703 [FR Doc. 98-26244] [TEXT] [PDF] Health Care Financing Administration See Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department RULES Medicare: Hospital inpatient prospective payment systems and 1999 FY rates Correction, 52614-52615 [FR Doc. 98-26241] [TEXT] [PDF] Medicare+Choice program-- Establishment; correction, 52610-52614 [FR Doc. 98-26242] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Medicare: Ambulatory surgical centers; ratesetting methodology, payment rates and policies, and covered surgical procedures list, 52663-52665 [FR Doc. 98-26249] [TEXT] [PDF] Housing and Urban Development Department RULES Low income housing: Housing assistance payments (Section 8)-- Fair market rent schedules for rental certificate, loan management, property disposition, moderate rehabilitation, rental voucher programs, etc., 52857-52917 [FR Doc. 98-26291] [TEXT] [PDF] Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department NOTICES Medicare+Choice organizations; compliance program guidance; correction, 52799 [FR Doc. 98-99999] [TEXT] [PDF] Interior Department See Fish and Wildlife Service See Land Management Bureau See National Park Service Internal Revenue Service RULES Income taxes: Business expenses; mileage allowances use to substantiate automobile expenses, 52600-52601 [FR Doc. 98-26226] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Income taxes: Business expenses; mileage allowances use to substantiate automobile expenses, 52660-52662 [FR Doc. 98-26227] [TEXT] [PDF] S corporations-- Corporate subsidiaries treatment; hearing, 52660 [FR Doc. 98-26221] [TEXT] [PDF] International Trade Administration NOTICES Antidumping and countervailing duties: Five-year (sunset) reviews; conduct policies, 52683-52684 [FR Doc. 98-26322] [TEXT] [PDF] Countervailing duties: Agricultural tillage tools from-- Brazil, 52684-52685 [FR Doc. 98-26330] [TEXT] [PDF] North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); binational panel reviews: Cold-reduced flat-rolled steel products of carbon steel from-- Germany et al., 52686 [FR Doc. 98-26313] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: University of-- Vermont, 52684 [FR Doc. 98-26331] [TEXT] [PDF] International Trade Commission NOTICES Import investigations: Anhydrous sodium metasilicate from-- France, 52748-52750 [FR Doc. 98-26329] [TEXT] [PDF] Barium carbonate from-- Germany et al., 52750-52753 [FR Doc. 98-26324] [TEXT] [PDF] High-power microwave amplifiers from-- Japan, 52753-52755 [FR Doc. 98-26323] [TEXT] [PDF] Small electric motors from-- Japan, 52755-52757 [FR Doc. 98-26326] [TEXT] [PDF] Sorbitol from-- France, 52757-52759 [FR Doc. 98-26328] [TEXT] [PDF] Sugar and syrups from-- European Union et al., 52759-52761 [FR Doc. 98-26327] [TEXT] [PDF] Television receivers from-- Japan et al., 52761-52763 [FR Doc. 98-26325] [TEXT] [PDF] Justice Department See Antitrust Division See National Institute of Corrections NOTICES Pollution control; consent judgments: Wayne County, MI, et al., 52763-52764 [FR Doc. 98-26307] [TEXT] [PDF] Land Management Bureau RULES Land resource management: Land exchanges; streamlining and CFR parts removal, 52615-52617 [FR Doc. 98-26290] [TEXT] [PDF] Minerals management: Mineral resources information; public availability, 52945-52955 [FR Doc. 98-26294] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Carbon County, MT, et al., 52742-52744 [FR Doc. 98-25220] [TEXT] [PDF] Recreation management restrictions, etc.: Gulkana National Wild River, AK; moratorium on new commercial operations, 52744-52745 [FR Doc. 98-26258] [TEXT] [PDF] National Aeronautics and Space Administration NOTICES Meetings: Space Science Advisory Committee, 52771 [FR Doc. 98-26337] [TEXT] [PDF] National Drug Control Policy Office NOTICES High intensity drug trafficking areas designations; list, 52697 [FR Doc. 98-26311] [TEXT] [PDF] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration RULES Motor vehicle safety standards: Occupant crash protection-- Child restraint systems; air bag warning label on rear-facing child seats; modification; correction, 52626-52630 [FR Doc. 98-25818] [TEXT] [PDF] Occupant protection incentive grants criteria, 52592-52600 [FR Doc. 98-26243] [TEXT] [PDF] Odometer disclosure requirements: Exemptions, 52630-52632 [FR Doc. 98-26263] [TEXT] [PDF] National Institute of Corrections NOTICES Meetings: Advisory Board, 52771 [FR Doc. 98-26339] [TEXT] [PDF] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RULES Fishery conservation and management: Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone-- License limitation program, 52642-52657 [FR Doc. 98-26186] [TEXT] [PDF] Pollock, 52658 [FR Doc. 98-26224] [TEXT] [PDF] 52659 [FR Doc. 98-26288] [TEXT] [PDF] 52658-52659 [FR Doc. 98-26289] [TEXT] [PDF] Northeastern United States fisheries-- Dealer and vessel reporting requirements, 52639-52641 [FR Doc. 98-26303] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Fishery conservation and management: Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions-- Northeastern United States; domestic fisheries; exempted fishing permit application to conduct experimental fishing, 52676 [FR Doc. 98-26304] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Permits: Marine mammals, 52686-52687 [FR Doc. 98-26305] [TEXT] [PDF] National Park Service NOTICES Native American human remains and associated funerary objects: U.S. Army Engineers Corps, Tulsa, OK; inventory from Marshall County, OK, 52745-52747 [FR Doc. 98-26335] [TEXT] [PDF] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mesa, AZ; medicine bags, fire starter kits, etc., 52745 [FR Doc. 98-26334] [TEXT] [PDF] University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, PA-- Inventory from Munnsville, NY, 52748 [FR Doc. 98-26261] [TEXT] [PDF] Inventory from Puget Sound, WA, 52747-52748 [FR Doc. 98-26260] [TEXT] [PDF] National Science Foundation NOTICES Meetings: Advanced Networking Infrastructure Research Special Emphasis Panel, 52771-52772 [FR Doc. 98-26271] [TEXT] [PDF] Engineering Education and Centers Special Emphasis Panel, 52772 [FR Doc. 98-26270] [TEXT] [PDF] Experimental and Integrative Activities Special Emphasis Panel, 52772 [FR Doc. 98-26269] [TEXT] [PDF] Navy Department NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 52690 [FR Doc. 98-26310] [TEXT] [PDF] Inventions, Government-owned; availability for licensing, 52690 [FR Doc. 98-26312] [TEXT] [PDF] Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOTICES Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Petrotomics Co., 52777-52778 [FR Doc. 98-26284] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Northern States Power Co., 52772-52774 [FR Doc. 98-26280] [TEXT] [PDF] Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp., 52774-52777 [FR Doc. 98-26283] [TEXT] [PDF] Patent and Trademark Office RULES Patent cases: Fee revisions (1999 FY) Effective date delay, 52609-52610 [FR Doc. 98-26428] [TEXT] [PDF] Public Health Service See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention See Food and Drug Administration Research and Special Programs Administration RULES Hazardous materials: Editorial corrections and clarifications, 52843-52851 [FR Doc. 98-25616] [TEXT] [PDF] Securities and Exchange Commission NOTICES Investment Company Act of 1940: Deregistration applications-- First Eagle International Fund, Inc., et al., 52778-52779 [FR Doc. 98-26278] [TEXT] [PDF] Williamsburg Investment Trust et al., 52779-52780 [FR Doc. 98-26279] [TEXT] [PDF] Self-regulatory organizations; proposed rule changes: National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., 52780-52782 [FR Doc. 98-26276] [TEXT] [PDF] New York Stock Exchange, Inc., 52782-52784 [FR Doc. 98-26235] [TEXT] [PDF] Pacific Exchange, Inc., 52784-52786 [FR Doc. 98-26277] [TEXT] [PDF] Small Business Administration NOTICES Disaster loan areas: Florida, 52786 [FR Doc. 98-26315] [TEXT] [PDF] New York, 52786-52787 [FR Doc. 98-26314] [TEXT] [PDF] Surface Transportation Board NOTICES Railroad operation, acquisition, construction, etc.: New York & Ogdensburg Railway Co., Inc., 52790-52791 [FR Doc. 98-26309] [TEXT] [PDF] Transportation Department See Coast Guard See Federal Aviation Administration See National Highway Traffic Safety Administration See Research and Special Programs Administration See Surface Transportation Board PROPOSED RULES Acquisition regulations: Miscellaneous amendments, 52666-52676 [FR Doc. 98-26150] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 52787 [FR Doc. 98-26264] [TEXT] [PDF] Treasury Department See Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau See Comptroller of the Currency See Internal Revenue Service NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 52791 [FR Doc. 98-26285] [TEXT] [PDF] 52791-52793 [FR Doc. 98-26286] [TEXT] [PDF] 52793-52794 [FR Doc. 98-26287] [TEXT] [PDF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Separate Parts In This Issue Part II Department of Transportation, Coast Guard, 52801-52822 [FR Doc. 98-25929] [TEXT] [PDF] Part III Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife, 52823-52841 [FR Doc. 98-26096] [TEXT] [PDF] Part IV Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 52843-52851 [FR Doc. 98-25616] [TEXT] [PDF] Part V Department of Education, 52853-52856 [FR Doc. 98-26256] [TEXT] [PDF] Part VI Department of Housing and Urban Development, 52857-52917 [FR Doc. 98-26291] [TEXT] [PDF] Part VII Department of Education, 52919-52942 [FR Doc. 98-26332] [TEXT] [PDF] Part VIII Department of Education, 52943-52944 [FR Doc. 98-26333] [TEXT] [PDF] Part IX Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 52945-52955 [FR Doc. 98-26294] [TEXT] [PDF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reader Aids Consult the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue for phone numbers, online resources, finding aids, reminders, and notice of recently enacted public laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Search Federal Register] [Browse 1998 FR Contents]