Earth Science Division 1994 Publications

Journal Articles

Ackerman, A.S., O.B. Toon, and P.V. Hobbs. "Reassessing the Dependence of Cloud Condensation Nucleaus concentrations on Formation Rate." Nature 367(1994): 445.447.

Bacmeister, J.R., P.A. Newman, B.L. Gary and K.R. Chan. "An Algorithm for Forecasting Mountain Waves Related Turbulence in the Stratosphere." Weather and Forecast 9 (1994): 214-253.

Baines, K., R. West, L. Giver and F. Moreno. "Quasi-Random Narrow-Band Model Fits to Near-Infrared Low-Temperature Laboratory Methane Spectra and Derived Exponential-Sum Absorption Coefficients." Journal Geophysical Research 98 (1993): 5517-5529.

Bakwin, E.A. and H.B. Singh. "Reactive Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone Above a Tiaga Woodland." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1927-1936.

Bakwin, E.A., D. J. Jacob, S. C. Wofsy, J. W. Munger, B. C. Daube, J. D. Bradshaw, S. T. Sandholm, R. W. Talbot, H. B. Singh, G. L. Gregory, and D. R. Blake. "Reactive Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone Above a Tiaga Woodland." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1927-1936.

Bamford, D., A. O'Keefe, D. Babikian, D. Stewart and A. Strawa. "Characterization of Arc-Jet Flows Using Laser-Induced Flouresence." AIAA Journal Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 9 (1994): 26-33.

Berland, B., D. Haynes, K.Foster, M. Tolbert, S. George, and O.B. Toon. "Refractive Indices of Amorphous and Crystalline HNO3/H2O Films Representative ofPolar Stratospheric Clouds." J. Physical Chem. 98 (1994): 4358-4364.

Boering, K.A., B.C. Daube, Jr., S.C. Wofsy, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske and E.R. Keim. "Tracer-tracer Relationships and Lower Stratosphere Dynamics: CO2 and N2O Correlations During SPADE." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2567-2570.

Chackerian, C., Jr., D. Goorvitch, J.M. Hure and E. Roueff. "Rovibrational Intensities of High V-J States of 1 + CO." J. Mol. Spectrosc. 165 (1994): 583-585.

Chatfield, R. 1994. The Anomalous HNO3/NOx Ratio of Remote Tropospheric Air: Conversion of Nitric Acid to Formic Acid and NOx?" Geophysical Research Letters. 21:2705-2708.

Cohen, R.C., P.O. Wennberg, R.M. Stimpfle, J. Koplow, J.G. Anderson, D.W. Fahey, E.L. Woodbridge, E.R. Keim, R.S. Gao, M.H. Proffitt, M. Loewenstein and K.R. Chan. "Are Models of Catalytic Removal of O3 by HOx accurate? Constraints From in situ Measurements of the OH to HO2 Ratio." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2539-2542.

Elliot, S., R. J. Cicerone, R. P. Turco, K. Drdla, and Azadeh Tabazadeh. "Influence of the Heterogeneous Reaction HCl + HOCl on an Ozone Hole Model with Hydrocarbon." Journal of Geophysical Research 99.D2 (1994): 3497-3508.

Fan, S.M., D.J. Jacob, D.L. Mauzerall, D.D. Bradshaw, S.T. Sandholm, D.R. Blake, H.B. Singh, R.W. Talbot, G.L. Gregory, G.W. Sachse. "Photochemistry of Reactive Nitrogen in the Subarctic Troposphere in Summer 1990 Observations and Modelling." Journal Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 16,867-16,877. page numbers wrong -see below

Fan, S.M., D.J. Jacob, D.L. Mauzerall, D.D. Bradshaw, S.T. Sandholm, D.R. Blake, H.B. Singh, R.W. Talbot, G.L. Gregory and G.W. Sachse. "Origin of Tropospheric NOx Over Subarctic Eastern Canada in Summer." Journal Geophysical Research 99 (1994):16,867-16,877. page numbers wrong - see above

Gong, P., J. Miller and M. Spanner. "Forest Canopy Closure From Classification and Spectral Unmixing of Scene Components: Multi Sensor Evaluation of an Open Canopy." IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 32.5 (1994): 1067-1080.

Goodmam, J., K. Snetsinger, G. Ferry, S. Verma and R. Pueschel. "Evolution of Pinatubo Volcanic Aerosol Near 19 km Altitude Over Western North America." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 1129-1132).

Goorvitch, D. and C. Chackerian, Jr. "Calculation of 12C16O and 13C16O X 1 + Rovibrational Intensities for v 20 and J 150." Ap. J. Supplement 91 (1994): 483-489.

Goorvitch, D. and C. Chackerian, Jr. "Rovibrational Intensities of the Minor Isotopes of CO Calculated for v 20 and J  150." Ap. J. Supplement 92 (1994): 311-321.

Hammer, P.D., F.P.J. Valero and W.H. Smith. "Spectral Imaging of Clouds Using a Digital Array Scanned Interferometer." Atmospheric Research 34 (1994): 347-366.

Hintsa, E.J., E.M. Weinstock, A.E. Dessler, J.G. Anderson, M. Loewenstein and J.R. Podolske. "SPADE H2O Measurements and the Seasonal Cycle of Stratospheric Water Vapor." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2559-2562.

Horvath, H., G. Metzig, O. Preining and R. Pueschel. "Observation of a Blue Sun Over New Mexico, USA, on 19 April 1991." Atmosphere & Environment 28 (1994): 621-630.

Hutzell, W.T., C.P. MacKay, and O.B. Toon. 1994. Effects of a Time Varying Haze Mass Production Rate on Titan’s Geometric Albedo. Icarus. 105:162-174.

Jacobson, M.Z., R.P. Turco, E.J. Jensen, O.B. Toon. "Modeling coagulation among particles of different composition and size." Atmos. Environ. 28 (1994): 1327-1338.�

Jaegle, L., C.R. Webster, R.D. May, D.W. Fahey, E.L. Woodbridge, E.R. Keim, R. Gao, M.H. Proffitt, R.M. Stimpfle, R.J. Salawitch, S.C. Wofsy and L. Pfister. "In Situ Measurements of the NO2/NO Ratio For Testing Atmospheric Photochemical Models." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2555-2558.

Jensen, E.J., S. Kinne and O.B. Toon. "Tropical Cirrus Cloud Radiative Forcing: Sensitivity Studies." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2023-2026.

Jensen, E.J. and G.E. Thomas. "Numerical Simulations of the Effects of Gravity Waves on Noctilucent Clouds." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 3421-3430.

Jensen, E.J. and O.B. Toon. "Ice Nucleation in the Upper Troposphere: Sensitivity to Aerosol Number Density, Temperature, and Cooling Rate." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2019-2022.

Jensen, E.J., O.B. Toon, D.L. Westphal, S. Kinne and A.J. Heymsfield. "Microphysical Modeling of Cirrus 1: Comparison with 1986 FIRE IFO Measurements." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 10,421-10,442.

Jensen, E.J., O.B. Toon, D.L. Westphal, S. Kinne and A.J. Heymsfield. "Microphysical Modeling of Cirrus 2: Sensitivity Studies." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 10,443-10,454.

Johnson, L. 1994. Multiple View Zenith Angle Observations of Reflectance from Ponderosa Pine Stands." International Journal of Remote Sensing (Letters). 15:3859-3865.

Johnson, L.F., C.A. Hlavka and D.L. Peterson. "Multivariate Analysis of AVIRIS Data for Canopy Biochemical Estimation Along the Oregon Transect." Remote Sensing of Environment 47 (1994): 216-230.

Kasischke, E.S., L.A. Morrissey, J. Way, N.H.F. French, L.L. Bourgeau-Chavez, E. Rignot, J.A. Stearn and G.P. Livingston. "Monitoring Seasonal Variations in Boreal Ecosystems Using Multi-Temporal Spaceborne SAR Data." Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. In press (1994)

Kirtland, D., L. Gaydos, K. Clarke, L.D. Cola, W. Acevedo and C. Bell. "An Analysis of Human-Induced Land Transformations in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento Area." World Resource Review 6.2 (1994): 206-217.

Kremer, R.G., E.R. Hunt, S.W. Running and J.C. Coughlan. "Simulating Vegetation and Hydrologic Responses to Natural Climatic Variation and GCM-Predicted Climatic Change in a Semiarid Ecosystem." Journal of Arid Environments. In press (1994)

Lathrop, R.G., Jr., J.D. Vande Castle and J.A. Brass. "Monitoring Changes in Greater Yellowstone Lake Water Quality Following the 1988 Wildfires." Geocarto International 9.3 (1994): 49-56.

Massman, W.J., J.I. MacPherson, A. Delany, G. Den Hartog, H.H. Neumann, S.P. Oncley, R. Pearson, Jr., J. Pederson and R.H. Shaw. "Surface Conductances for Ozone Uptake Derived From Aircraft Eddy Correlation Data." Atmospheric Environment. In press 1994.

Massman, W.J., J. Pederson, A. Delany, D. Grantz, G. Den Hartog, H.H. Neumann, S.P. Oncley, R. Pearson, Jr. and R.H. Shaw. "An Evaluation of the RADM Surface Module for Ozone Uptake at Three Sites in the San Joaquin Valley of California." Journal of Geophysical Research 99.D4 (1994): 8,281-8,294.

Matson, P., L. Johnson, C. Billow, J. Miller and R. Pu. "Seasonal Patterns and Remote Spectral Estimation of Canopy Chemistry Across the Oregon Transect." Ecological Applications 4.2 (1994): 280-298.

Middlebrook, A.M., B. S. Berland, S. M. George, M. A. Tolbert, and O. B. Toon. "Real refractive indices of nitric-acid/ice films: implications for optical measurements of PSCs" Journal of Geophys. Res. 99 (1994): 25,655-25,666.

Morrissey, L.A., S.L. Durden, G.P. Livingston, J.A. Stearn and L.S. Guild. "Differentiating Methane Source Areas in Arctic Environments with Multitemporal ERS-1 SAR Data." IEEE Transactions Geoscience and Remote Sensing, In press 1994.

Morrissey, L.A., G.P. Livingston and S.L. Durden. "Use of SAR in Regional Methane Exchange Studies." International Journal of Remote Sensing 15.6 (1994): 1337-1342.

Myers, R.L. "Reconstructing Climate Data in Parallel Watersheds Provides Useful Data on Muir Woods." Park Science: A Resource Management Bulletin. National Park Service, US Department of the Interior 14.3 (1994): 22-23.

Myers, R.L. and C. Schonewald-Cox. "Conservation Biologists Conduct Study of Alien Species in Hawaiian Rainforests." Park Science: A Resource Management Bulletin, National Park Service, US Department of the Interior 14.3 (1994): 29.

Pederson, J.R., A. Delany, S. Oncley, G. Den Hartog, H.H. Neumann, R. Desjardins, D.A. Grantz, J.I. MacPherson, L.J. Mahrt, W.J. Massman, R. Pearson, Jr., P.R. Roth, P.H. Schuepp, R.H. Shaw and K.T. Paw, U. "California Ozone Deposition Experiment, Method, Results, and Opportunities." Atmospheric Environment. In press 1994.

Peterson, D.L. and R.H. Waring. "Overview of the Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research Project." Ecological Applications 4.2 (1994): 211-225.

Pilewskie, P. and F. Valero. "Optical Depths and Haze Particle During AGASP III." Atmos. Environment 27A (1993): 2895-2899.

Plumb, R. A., D. W. Waugh, R. J. Atkinson, P. A. Newman, L. R. Lait, M. R. Schoeberl, E. V. Browell, A. J. Simmons, and M. Loewenstein. "Intrusions Into the Lower Stratospheric Arctic Vortex During the Winter of 1991-1992." Journal of Geophysical Research 99.D1 (1994): 1089-1105.

Pollack, J., J. Dalton, D. Grinspoon, R. Wattson, R. Freedman, D. Crisp, D. Allen, B. Bezard, C. deBergh, L. Giver and R. Tipping. "Near-Infrared Light from Venus' Nightside: A Spectroscopic Analysis." Icarus 103 (1993): 1-42.

Pueschel, R., J. Livingston, P. Russell, D. Allen, G. Ferry, K. Snetsinger, J. Livingston and S. Verma. "Physical and Optical Properties of the Pinatubo Volcanic Aerosol: Aircrafts with Impactors and a Suntracking Photometer." Journal of Geophysical Research D99 (1994): 12,915-12,922.

Pueschel, R.F., D.A. Allen, C. Black, S. Faisant, G.V. Ferry, J. Hallett, A. Heymsfield, S.D. Howard, C.E. Sorensen and S. Verma. "Condensed Water in Tropical Cyclone Oliver." J. Rech. Atmos. In press 1994.

Pueschel, R.F., J.M. Livingston, G.V. Ferry and T.E. DeFelice. "Aerosol Abundances and Optical Characteristics in the Pacific Basin Free Troposphere." Atmos. Envir. 28 (1994): 951-960.

Pueschel, R.F., J.M. Livingston, P.B. Russell and S. Verma. "Physical and Optical Properties of the Pinatubo Volcanic Aerosol. Aircraft Observations With Impactors and a Suntracking Photometer." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 12,915-12,922.

Pueschel, R.F., J.M. Livingston, P.B. Russell and S. Verman. "Physical and Optical Properties of the Pinatubo Volcanic Aerosol: Aircraft Observations with Impactors and a Sun-Tracking Photometer." Journal of Geophysical Research 12 (1994): 915-922.

Raich, J.W. and C.S. Potter. "Seasonal Resolution of Global Patterns in Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes." Global Biogeochemical Cycles. In press (1994)

Richardson, L.L., C.J. Liu, D. Buisson and V.G. Ambrosia. "The Detection of Algal Photosynthetic Accessory Pigments Using Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectromter (AVIRIS) Spectral Data." Journal of Marine Technology Society 28.3 (1994): 10-21.

Rossi, R.E., J. Dungan and L.R. Beck. "Kriging in the Shadows: Geostatistical Interpolation for Remote Sensing." Remote Sensing of Environment 49 (1994): 32-40.

Rothschild, L.J. "CO2 and Diatom Mats." Nature 368 (1994): 817.

Rothschild, L.J. "Elevated CO2: Impact on Diurnal Patterns of Photosynthesis in Natural Microbial Ecosystems." Advanced Space Research 14.11 (1994): 285-289.

Rothschild, L.J., L.J. Giver, M.R. White and R.L. Mancinelli. "Metabolic Activity of Microorganisms in Evaporites." Journal of Phycology 30.3 (1994): 431-438.

Salawitch, R.J., S.C. Wofsy, P.O. Wennberg, R.C. Cohen, J.G. Anderson, D.W. Fahey, R.S. Gao, E.R. Keim, E.L. Woodbridge, R.M. Stimpfle, J.P. Koplow, D.W. Kohn, C.R. Webster, R.D. May, L. Pfister, E.W. Gottlieb, H.A. Michelsen, G.K. Yue, M.J. Prather, J.C. Wilson, C.A. Brock, H.H. Jonsson, J.E. Dye, D. Baumgardner, M.H. Proffitt, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, J.W. Elkins, G.S. Dutton, E.J. Hintsa, A.E. Dessler, E.M. Weinstock, K.K. Kelly, K.A. Boering, B.C. Danube, K.R. Chan and S.W. Bowen. "The Diurnal Variation of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Chlorine Radicals: Implications for the Heterogeneous Production of HNO2." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2551-2554.

Salawitch, R.J., S.C. Wofsy, P.O. Wennberg, R.C. Cohen, J.G. Anderson, D.W. Fahey, R.S. Gao, E.R. Keim, E.L. Woodbridge, R.M. Stimpfle, J.P. Koplow, D.W. Kohn, C.R. Webster, R.D. May, L. Pfister, E.W. Gottlieb, H.A. Michelsen, G.K. Yue, J.C. Wilson, C.A. Brock, H.H. Jonsson, J.E. Dye, D. Baumgardner, M.H. Proffitt, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, J.W. Elkins, G.S. Dutton, E.J. Hintsa, A.E. Dessler, E.M. Weinstock, K.K. Kelly, K.A. Boering, B.C. Daube, K.R. Chan and S.W. Bowen. "The Distribution of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Chlorine Radicals in the Lower Stratosphere: Implications for Changes in O3 Due to Emission of NOy from Supersonic Aircraft." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2547-2550.

Sandholm, S., et al. and H.B. Singh. "Summertime Partitioning and Budget of NOy Compounds in the Troposphere Over Alaska and Canada: ABLE-3." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1837-1861.

Singh, H.B., D. Herlth, D. O'Hara, K. Zahnle, J.D. Bradshaw, S.T. Sandholm, R. Talbot, G.L. Gregory, G.W. Sachse, D.R. Blake and S.C. Wofsy. "Summertime Distribution of PAN and Other Reactive Nitrogen Species in The Northern High Latitude Atmosphere of Eastern Canada." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1821-1835.

Singh, H.B., D. O'Hara, D. Herlth, W. Schse, D.R. Blake, J.D. Bradshaw, M. Kanakidou and P.J. Crutzen. "Acetone in the Atmosphere: Distribution, Sources and Sinks." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1805-1819.

Skiles, J. "Modeling Climate Change in the Absence of Climate Change Data" Climatic Change. In press 1995.

Skiles, J.W. and J.D. Hanson. "Responses of Arid and Semiarid Watersheds to Increasing Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change as Shown by Simulation Studies." Climatic Change 26.4 (1994): 377-397.

Spanner, M.A., L. Johnson, J. Miller, R. McCreight, J. Freemantle, J. Runyon and P. Gong. "Remote Sensing of Seasonal Leaf Area Index Across the Oregon Transect." Ecological Applications 4.2 (1994): 258-271.

Spencer, M.N., C. Chackerian, Jr., L.P. Giver and L.R. Brown. "The Nitric Oxide Fundamental Band: Frequency and Shape Parameters for Rovibrational Lines." J. Molecular Spectroscopy 165 (1994): 506-524.

Stimpfle, R.M., J.P. Koplow, R.C. Cohen, D.W. Kohn, P.O. Wennberg, D.M. Judah, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, J.G. Anderson, R.J. Salawitch, E.L. Woodbridge, C.R. Webster, R.D. May, M.H. Proffitt, K. Aiken, J. Margitan, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, L. Pfister and K.R. Chan. "The Response of ClO Radical Concentrations to Variations in NO2 Radical Concentrations in the Lower Stratosphere." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2543-2546.

Strahan, S.E., J.E. Rosenfield, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske and A. Weaver. "Evolution of the 1991-1992 Arctic Vortex and Comparison with the Geophysical Fluid-Dynamics Laboratory Skyhi General-Circulation Model." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 20,713-20,723.

Tabazadeh, A., R.P. Turco, K. Drdla, M.Z. Jacobson and O.B. Toon. "A Study of Type I Polar Stratospheric Cloud Formation." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 1619-1622.

Tabazadeh, A., R.P. Turco and M.Z. Jacobson. "A Model for Studying the Composition and Chemical Effects of Stratospheric Aerosols." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 12,897-12,914.

Talbot, R.W., et al. and H.B. Singh. "Summertime Distributions and Relations of Reactive Odd-Nitrogen Species and NOy in the Troposphere Over Canada." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1863-1885.

Toon, O.B., M.A. Tolbert, B. Koehler, A. Middlebrook, J. Jordan. "The infrared optical constants of ice and nitric acid hydrates" J. Geophys. Res. 99 (1994): 25631-25654.�

Tuck, A.F., D.W. Fahey, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, K.K. Kelly, S.J. Hovde, D.M. Murphy and J.W. Elkins. "Spread of Denitrification From 1987 Antarctic and 1988-1989 Arctic Stratospheric Vortices." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 20,573-20,583.

Waring, R.H. and D.L. Peterson. "Pattern to Process: The OTTER Project." Edited Special Issue, Ecological Applications 4.2 (1994): 210.

Washino, R.K. and B.L. Wood. "Application of Remote Sensing to Arthropod Vector Surveillance and Control." American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 50.6 (1994): 134-144.

Waugh, D., R.A. Plumb, O.A. Newman, M.R. Schoeberl, L.R. Lait, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, J.W. Elkins and K.R. Chan. "Fine-Scale Poleward Transport of Tropical Air During AASE 2." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2603-2606.

Waugh, D. W., R. A. Plumb, R. J. Atkinson, M. R. Schoeberl, L. R. Lait, P. A. Newman, M. Loewenstein, D. W. Toohey, L. M. Avallone, C. R. Webster, and R. D. May. "Transport out of the Lower Stratospheric Arctic Vortex by Rossby Wave Breaking." Journal of Geophysical Research 99.D1 (1994): 1071-1088.

Wennberg, P.O., R.C. Cohen, R.M. Stimpfle, J.P. Koplow, J.G. Anderson, R.J. Salawitch, D.W. Fahey, E.L. Woodbridge, E.R. Keim, R.S. Gao, C.R. Webster, R.D. May, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, M.H. Proffitt, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, K.R. Chan and S.C. Wofsy. "Removal of Stratospheric O3 by Radicals: In Situ Measurements of OH, HO2, NO, NO2, ClO, and BrO." Science 266 (1994): 398-404.

Wofsy, S., et al. and H.B. Singh. "Factors Influencing Composition Over Subarctic North America During Summer." Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 1887-1897.

Wofsy, S.C., K.A. Boering, B.C. Daube, Jr., M.B. McElroy, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, J.W. Elkins, G.S. Dutton and D.W. Fahey. "Vertical Transport Rates in 1993 From Observations of CO2, N2O and Ch4." Geophysical Research Letters 21 (1994): 2571-2574.

Wood, B.L., L.R. Beck, S.W. Dister and M.A. Spanner. "The Global Monitoring and Disease Prediction Program." Sistema Terra, Year III 6.I (1994): 38-39.

Young, R.E., H. Houben, and O.B. Toon. "Radiatively Forced Dispersion of the Mt. Pinatubo Volcanic Cloud and Induced Temperature Perturbations in the Stratosphere During the First Few Months Following the Eruption." Geophysical Research Letters 21(1994): 369-372.

Young, R. E., R. L. Walterscheid, G. Schubert, L. Pfister, H. Houben, D. L. Bindschadler. "Characteristics of Finite Amplitude Stationary Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere of Venus." Journal of Atmospheric Science 51 (1994): 1857-1875.

Books, Book Chapters

D'Antoni, H.L., R. Armstrong, J. Coughlan, J. Skiles and G.R. Daleo. "Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Increased Levels of Ultraviolet Radiation on Subantarctic Forests and Western Patagonian Steppe: A Research Proposal." NATO ASI Series I 18, Stratospheric Ozone Depletion/UV-B Radiation in the Biosphere. Biggs, R.H. and M.E.B. Joyner Eds. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. I, 18. 81-96.

Dungan, J.L., D.L. Peterson and P.J. Curran. "Alternative Approaches for Mapping Vegetation Quantities Using Ground and Image Data." Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales. Michener, W.K., S.G. Stafford and J.W. Brunt Eds. London: Taylor & Francis, 1994. 237-261.

Field, C.B., J.T. Randerson, C.M. Malmstrom and C.S. Potter. "Ecological Controls on Net Primary Productivity: Lessons from Global Models." Scaling Up. Society for Experimental Biology. van Gardingen, et al., Eds. In press 1994.

Livingston, G.P. and G.L. Hutchinson. "Enclosure-Based Measurement of Trace Gas Exchange: Applications and Sources of Error." Methods in Ecology: Trace Gases. Matson, P.A. and R.H. Harriss, Eds. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, Ltd. In press 1994.

Palmer, P.T., C.M. Wong, R.A. Yost, N.A. Yates and T.M. Griffin. "Advanced Automation for Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry - New Opportunities for Real-Time, Autonomous Analysis." Artificial Intelligence Applications in Chemistry, In Press. Ed, S. Brown. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing, 1994. 5.

Peterson, D.L. "Forest Structure and Productivity Along The Oregon Transect." The Use of Remote Sensing in the Modeling of Forest Productivity at Scales from the Stand to the Globe. Gholz, H.L., K. Nakane and K. Shimoda Eds. Dudrecht, Germany: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

Potter, C.S., P.A. Matson and P.M. Vitousek. "Evaluation of Soil Database Attributes in a Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Model: Implications for Global Change Research." Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales. Michener, W.K., J.W. Brunt and S.G. Stafford Eds. London, UK: Taylor & Francis, 1994. 277-298.

Singh, H.B. "Halogens in the Atmospheric Environment." Composition Chemistry and Climate of the Atmosphere. New York: VNR Publishers. In press 1994.

Toon, O.B., K. Zahnle, R.P. Turco, and C. Covey. "Environmental Perturbations Caused by Asteroid Impacts". Impacts Hazards. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. In press 1994.


Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, CD-ROMs, Reports, NASA Technical Memorandums, Maps, and News Articles

Acevedo, W. and C. Bell. "Time Series Animation of Historical Urban Growth for the San Francisco Bay Region." 90th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Mar. 1994. San Francisco, CA.

Ackerman, T.P., S. Kinne, P. Pilewskie, S.A. Ackerman, M. Shiobara, J.A. Valero and F.P.J. Valero. "A Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Optical Depths Determined from Ground-Based, Passive Radiation Measurements During FIRE CIRRUS II." Extended Abstracts, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Jan 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. In press 1994.

Ambrosia, V.G., J.A. Brass, J.B. Allen, E.A. Hildum and R.G. Higgins. "AIRDAS, Development of a Unique Four-Channel Scanner For Natural Disaster Assessment." Proceedings, First International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, ERIM. Sept. 19-24, 1994. Strausborg, France. In Press. Invited Paper, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.

Ambrosia, V.G., J.A. Brass, R.G. Higgins, P.J. Riggan and R. Lockwood. "Development and Utility of a Four-Channel Scanner for Wildland Fire Research and Applications." Proceedings, Fifth Biennial Conference on Remote Sensing Application in the Forest Service. 1994. In Press.

Ambrosia, V.G., J.A. Brass, P.J. Riggan and P. Sebesta. "Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem Alterations Following the 1988 Yellowstone National Park Wildfires: Five Years of Research." Proceedings, Second Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, ERIM. 1994. II243-II256.

Ambrosia, V.G. and J. McKean. "Utility of the Electro-Optical Camera (SPEC-T) For Assessment of Insect/Drought Related Forest Mortality." Proceedings, Fifth Biennial Conference on Remote Sensing Applications in the Forest Service. 1994. In Press.

Angelici, G.L., J.W. Skiles and L.Z. Popovici, (Eds.). OTTER-Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research Project, Collected Data, Vols. 2-5, Aircraft and Ground Measurements. CD-ROM. (#USA_NASA_PLDS_OT-0002 through 0005). 1994.

Bamford, D., A. O'Keefe, D. Babikian, D. Stewart and A. Strawa. "Characterization of Arc-Jet Using Laser-Induced Flouresence." Presented as AIAA Paper #94-0690, AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Jan. 10-13, 1994. Reno, NV.

Beck, L.R., B.L. Wood and S.W. Dister. "Remote Sensing and GIS as Landscape Epidemiological Tools." Abstract, Ninth Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium. Mar 23-26, 1994. Tuscon, AZ.

Bolgrien, D., A. Brooks, L. Karen, R. Armstrong and R. Wrigley. "The Great Lakes Ecological Process Pilot Project (GLEPP): Analysis of Water Quality in Green Bay, Lake Michigan Using A Multi-Stage Remote Sensing Approach." Abstract, 2nd Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments. Jan. 31- Feb. 2, 1994. New Orleans, LA.

Brass, J.A., V.G. Ambrosia, P.J. Riggan and P.D. Sebesta. "Consequences of Fire on Aquatic Nutrient Dynamics in Yellowstone National Park." Proceedings, 1993 Yellowstone Conference. March 1994. Mammoth Springs, WY. In press.

Brass, J.A., P.J. Riggan, R. Lockwood, J. Periens and V.G. Ambrosia. "Use of Remote Sensing for Fire Characterization inthe Cerrado of Brasil." Proceedings, Fourth Annual International Conference on Fire Effects in Tropical Ecosystems. April 1994. Brasilia, Brazil.

Bucholtz, A., F.P.J. Valero and P. Pilewskie. "Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus Measured During TOGA-COARE." American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Dec. 6-10, 1993. San Francisco, CA.

Bucholtz, A., F.P.J. Valero and P. Pilewskie. "Airborne Measurements of the Radiative Properties of High Altitude, Optically Thin Tropical Cirrus." Extended Abstracts, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Jan. 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. In press.

Chan, K.R., T.P. Bui and S.W. Bowen. "AAOE and AASE Model Atmospheres and Recent MMS Observations." ASHOE/MAESA Science Meeting. July 18, 1994. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Chan, K.R., T.P. Bui and S.W. Bowen. "MMS: Status of the Instrument and Recent Observations (3/21/94) on Turbulence." ASHOE/MAESA Science Meeting. April 4, 1994. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Chan, K.R., T.P. Bui, L. Pfister, J. Dean-Day and S.W. Bowen. "Observations of Inertia-Gravity Waves During ASHOE/MAESA." NASA HSRP/SPADE Annual Meeting. June 27-30, 1994. Virginia Beach, VA.

Chan, K.R., T.P. Bui, L. Pfister, J. Dean-Day and S.W. Bowen. "Observations of Inertia-Gravity Waves in ASHOE/MAESA." Stratospheric Modeling Workshop. Sept. 28-30, 1994. Melbourne, Australia.

Chan, K.R., L. Pfister, T.P. Bui, S.W. Bowen and J. Dean-Day. "Mesoscale and Microscale Phenomena Observed on April 13, 1994." ASHOE/MAESA Science Meeting. May 23, 1994. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Chatfield, R. "Presentation." NASA Workshop on Heterogeneous Chemistry. Feb. 9, 1994. Boulder, CO.

Chatfield, R., J. Vastano, J. Brass, C. Hlavka and L. Guild. "Simulating Local and Intercontinental Pollutant Effects of Biomass Burning: Use of Models and Remotely Sensed Data." ECORio 1994, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Commission VII. Sept. 26, 1994. Brasilia, Brazil.

Chatfield, R., J. Vastano, J. Brass, C. Hlavka and L. Guild. "Tropical Agricultural Burning and Ozone Pollution of the Global Troposphere." Invited Colloquiam, Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Mar. 7, 1994. Cambridge, MA.

Chatfield, R.B., J.A. Vastano, L. Guild, C. Hlavka and J.A. Brass. "Simulating Local and Intercontinental Pollutant Effects of Biomass Burning: Integration of Several Remotely Sensed Data Sets." Paper Presented and Abstract, ISPRS Commission VII Symposium: Resource and Environmental Monitoring. Sept. 26-30, 1994. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Coughlan, J.C. "Aggregations of Landsurface Model Input Parameters Using GIS, Hydrologic, and Biophysical Classes and Comparison of Simulation Results." American Association of Geographers. 1994.

D'Antoni, H.L. "Monitoring Global Change During the Last 10,000 Years." Director's Discretionary Fund Report for FY 1993, NASA-Ames Research Center, Aug. 1994.

D'Antoni, H.L., J.W. Skiles, R. Armstrong, J. Coughlan, G. Daleo and A. Mayoral. "Plant Responses to Increased UV-B Radiation: A Research Project." Abstract, Fifth Global Warming International Conference and Expo. April 4-7, 1994. San Francisco, CA. pp. 92.

Dong, X., T.P. Ackerman, Y. Han and P. Pilewskie. "A Comparison of Methods for Calculation of Effective Droplet Radius During ASTEX." Extended Abstracts, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Jan. 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. In press 1994.

Fish, D., D. Frank, R. Falco, S. Dister, L. Beck and B. Wood. "RS/GIS Applications in Peridomestic Risk Analysis for Lyme Disease in Southeastern New York State." Abstract, GIS Applications in Public Health and Risk Analysis: An ATSDR Workshop. Feb. 8-10, 1994. Atlanta, GA.

Freeberg, M.H., R.C. Wrigley, G.C. staples and G. Klock. "Fisheries Enforcement Through Vessel Localization Using AVHRR and SAR Technology." Oceans '94, OSATES. Sept. 13-16, 1994. Brest, France.

Ganapol, B.D. "The Reflection for Dense Plant Canopies from the One-Angle Radiative Transfer Equation." Paper Presented, 1994 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '94). Aug. 8-12, 1994. Pasadena, CA. Proceedings, IGARSS '94. 1.5: 1629-1630.

Ganapol, B.D. and R.B. Myneni. "Radiative Transfer Methods in Vegetation Remote Sensing." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Nov. 12-16, 1994. Washington, D.C. In press 1994.

Gaydos, L. "Golden Gate to Golden Foothills: California Urbanization as an Example of Human-Induce Land Transformation." Abstract, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Mar. 29-April 2, 1994. San Francisco, CA. Abstracts. 119.

Gaydos, L. "The View of Earth From Space: Monitoring Environmental Change with Satellite Imagery." USGS Public Lecture Series. Mar. 3, 1994.

Giver, L., C. Chackerian, Jr., M. Spencer and L. Brown. "Intensity and Self-Broadening Measurements of the 10001-01101 CO2." HITRAN Molecular Spectroscopy Conference. June 10-11, 1993. Hanscom AFB, MA.

Giver, L., C. Chackerian, Jr., M. Spencer and L. Brown. "The 1-2 CO2 Band at 721 cm-1: Line Intensity and Self-Broadening Measurements." 48th International Symposium on Molecular Syectroscopy. Ohio State Univ. June 14-18, 1993. Columus, OH.

Giver, L., C. Chackerian, Jr., M. Spencer and R. Wattson. "Intensity Measurements of Several Weak Ground-State Perpendicular Bands of CO2 in the 1.2 to 1.9 µm Region." 5th International Conference on Laboratory Research for Planetary Atmospheres. Oct. 17, 1993. Boulder, CO.

Giver, L., C. Chackerian, Jr., M. Spencer and R. Wattson. "Line Position and Intensity Measurements in the 40011-00001 CO2 Bands Near 7900 cm-1." HITRAN Molecular Spectroscopy Conference. June 10-11, 1993. Hanscom AFB, MA.

Guild, L.S., C.A. Hlavka, R.B. Chatfield, J.A. Brass, A. Setzer, J.A.R. Pereira and P.J. Riggan. "Biomass Burning Emissions in the Cerrado of Brazil Computed with Remote Sensing Data and GIS." Paper Presented, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Commission VII, ECO-RIO International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring. Sept. 26-30, 1994. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Proceedings, The National Institute of Space Research (INPE). 30.7b:188-195.

Guild, L.S., C.A. Hlavka, R.B. Chatfield, J.A. Brass, A. Setzer, J.A. Raposo Pereira and P.J. Riggan. "Biomass Burning Emissions in the Cerrado of Brazil Computed With Remote Sensing Data and GIS." Paper Presented, Proceedings, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Commission VII Symposium Resource and Environmental Monitoring. Sept. 26, 1994. Brasilia, Brazil. 30.7b:188-195.

Hammer, P., W. Smith and F. Valero. "Near Infrared Spectral Imaging of Clouds Using an Imaging Interferometer." 8th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation of the American Meteorological Society. Jan. 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. 208-210.

Jensen, E.J., O.B. Toon and D.L. Westphal. "Development of Cirrus Cloud Parameterizations for Use Within Large-Scale Models." AMS Annual Meeting. 1994. Nashville, TN.

Johnson, L.F. and D.L. Peterson. "Estimation of Forest Canopy Leaf Area Index Using Directional ASAS Measurements." Proceedings, 1994 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, (IGARSS '94). 1994. Pasadena, CA. 4.1819-1822.

Kinne, S., R. Bergstrom, T.P. Ackerman, A.J. Heymsfield, J. DeLuisi, M. Shiobara, P. Pilewskie, F.P.J. Valero and Y. Takano. "Cirrus Cloud Solar Radiative Properties: Comparisons Between Theory and Observations Based Measurements During FIRE '91." Extended Abstracts, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Jan 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. In press 1994.

Kritz, M.A. "Radon Profiles Over California: Documenting and Modeling the Rapid Trans-Pacific Movement of Asian Air." Poster Presented, Second Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC). Sept. 5-9, 1994. Fuji-Yoshida, Japan.

Kritz, M.A. "Use of the STEP Radionuclide Data Set (222Rn, 7Be and 32P) in the Validation of Stratospheric Transport Models." Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project (AEAP) Global Assessment/Modeling Meeting. Dec. 12-14, 1994. Pleasanton, CA.

Kritz, M.A., J.C. Leroulley, G. Polian and S.D. Schery. "Use of a Suite of Airborne and Boundary Layer Radon Measurements in the Validation of a Regional 3-D Model." EXPRESSO Science Workshop. University of Paris VI. Nov. 16-18, 1994. Paris, France.

Kritz, M.A. and S.W. Rosner. "Radon Measurements on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory: Use of a Series of Vertical Profiles and Upper Tropospheric Observations in the Development and Validation of Global Circulation Models." Poster Presented, Airborne Astronomy Symposium. July 5-8, 1994. Moffett Field, CA.

Kritz, M.A. and S.D. Schery. "The Radon Global Emissions Inventory." IGAC Global Emissions Activity Workshop. Sept. 3-4, 1994. Fuji-Yoshida, Japan.

Mancinelli, R.L., M.R. White and L.J. Rothschild. "Nitrogen, Carbon and Phosphate Metabolism in a Microbial Community Inhabiting a Thermal Alkaline Spring." Abstract, American Society of Microbiology, Annual Meeting. May 1994. Las Vegas, NV.

Myers, R.L. "A Multi-Scale Study of the Spread of Alien Species into the Native Rainforests of Windward East Maui." Poster Presented and Abstract, Ecosystem Management: Designing with Nature. UC Davis University Extension. Oct 25-27, 1994. Sacramento, CA.

Palmer, P.T., R. Pearson, J.D. Salmonson and C. Wong. "Direct Monitoring of Trace Atmospheric Species via Ion Trap Mass Sepctrometry." Proceedings, 42nd American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference, Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. May 29-Jun 3, 1994. Chicago, IL.

Palmer, P.T., R. Pearson, J.D. Salmonson and C.M. Wong. "Direct Monitoring of Trace Atmospheric Species via Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry." IN: Proceedings, 42nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. May 29-June 3, 1994. Chicago, IL. 1-2.

Palmer, P.T., C.M. Wong, R.A. Yost, N.A. Yates and T.M. Griffin. "Automation for Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry - New Opportunities for Real-Time, Autonomous Analysis." Paper Presented AND Abstract, 5th Symposium on Computer-Enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy. June 14-18, 1994. Snowbird, UT.

Pearson, R., Jr., S. Oncley and A.C. Delany. "A Scalar Similarity Study Based on Surface Layer Ozone Measurements Over Cotton During the California Ozone Experiment." Abstract, 1994 American Geological Union (AGU) Meeting. Dec. 5-9, 1994. San Francisco, CA. A12-06.

Peterson, D.L. "OTTER: Summary of Results of the Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research Project." The Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting. Mar. 29-Apr 2, 1994. San Francisco, CA.

Peterson, D.L., P.D. Hammer, G.S. Hubbard and W.H. Smith. "BIOME: A Remote Sensing System for Ecology Based on Interferometric Methods." Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America (ESA). 1994. Madison, WI.

Peterson, D.L., P.D. Hammer and W.H. Smith. "BIOME: An Ecosystem Remote Sensor Based on Imaging Interferometry." VI International Congress of Ecology. Aug. 20-26, 1994. University of Manchester, Manchester, England.

Pfister, L. "Case Study of a Breaking Convectively Generated Gravity Wave During STEP/Tropical." AMS Conference on the Meteorology of the Middle Atmosphere. June 1994. Monterey, CA.

Pfister, L., K.R. Chan and S. Bowen. "Turbulence Embedded in Midlatitude Inertia-Gravity Waves." Poster Presented, HSRP Meeting. June 1994. Virginia Beach, VA.

Podolske, J.R., M. Loewenstein and E. Keim. "ATLAS Calibration Update and Comparisons of N2O/NOy and N2O/CO2 realtionships During ASHOE/MAESA." ASHOE/MAESA Science Meeting. Oct. 9, 1994. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Podolske, J.R., M. Loewenstein and E. Keim. "ATLAS Instrument Calibration and Results on Tracer-Tracer Relationships." ASHOE/MAESA Science Meeting. July 26, 1994. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Podolske, J.R., M. Loewenstein and E. Keim. "ATLAS Instrument Status and Results." ASHOE/MAESA Science Meeting. April 4, 1994. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Richardson, L.L., C.J. Liu, D. Buisson and V.G. Ambrosia. "The Detection of Algal Photosynthetic Accessory Pigments Using Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Spectral Data." Proceedings, Second Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, ERIM. 1994. I161-I172.

Russell, P.B. "Aerosol Effects of Radiation and Climate: Column Closure Experiments with Towers, Aircraft, and Satellites." Abstract, Second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-2) Meeting and Closure Workshop. Oct. 24-28, 1994. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project Multiphase Atmospheric Chemistry (MAC) Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy.

Russell, P.B. "Science Community Needs for Unoccupied Air Vehicles (UAVs)." ERAST Workshops. 1994. Edwards, CA, Dec. 1993; San Mateo, CA, Feb. 1994; Lancaster, CA, Mar. 1994; Cleveland, OH, Oct. 1994.

Russell, P.B., J.M. Livingston, R.F. Pueschel, P. Hamill and R.W. Bergstrom. "Evolution of Pinatubo Aerosol Size Distributions and Optical Properties: Using Composite Data Sets to Build the Global to Micro Scale Picture and Assess Consistency of Different Measurements." Poster Paper, American Meteorological Society Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Jan. 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. P1.14.

Russell, P.B., R.F. Pueschel, J.M. Livingston, R. Bergstrom and P. Hamill. "Global to Micro Scale Evolution of the Pinatubo Aerosol: Using Composite Data Sets to Build the Picture and Assess Consistency of Different Measurements." Fourth International Aerosol Conference. University of California. Aug. 28-Sep. 2, 1994. Los Angeles, CA. Paper 16A.4.

Russell, P.B., R.F. Pueschel, J.M. Livingston, R. Bergstrom and P. Hamill. "Pinatubo Aerosol Evolution: Using Composite Data Sets to Build the Global to Micro Scale Picture and Assess Consistency of Different Measurements." Paper Presented, AGU 1994 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting. July 25-29, 1994. Hong Kong, . Paper #3, Session A12B.

Salute, J., C. Bell and P. Freese. "Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Analyze Phylloxera Damage in Napa Valley Vineyards." 31st Space Congress Proceedings. 1994. Cocoa Beach, FL.

Salute, J., C. Bell and F. P. "The Use and Transfer of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Technology to Detect Phylloxera Stress in Vineyards, Early Results." Paper Presented, Technology Transfer Society 1994 Annual Meeting. 1994. Huntsville, AL.

Singh, H.B. "Present Understanding of Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry Based on the GTE Experience." Invited Presentation, Planning Workshop for VOTE/TOTE Mission. Sept. 15, 1994. CA.

Singh, H.B., J. Bradshaw, D. Davis, G. Gregory and R. Talbot. "Global Ozone and Reactive Nitrogen: Composition, Chemistry and Sources." Invited Presentation, AIR POLLUTION 1994 Symposium. Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1994. Barcelona, Spain.

Singh, H.B. and M. Kanakidou. "Acetone in the Global Troposphere: Its Possible Role as a Global Source of PAN." CACGP/IGAK Commission on Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program/International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Joint International Conference. Sept. 3-9, 1994. Fuji-Yoshida, Japan.

Skiles, J.W., D.L. Peterson, G.A. Hull and T.B. Clausen. "Instructional Guides for Teaching the Biosphere from the Top Down in Grades 4-6." Abstract, Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting. Aug 7-11, 1994. Knoxsville, TN.

Sokolik, I. and R. Schnell. "Physical Properties of the Arctic Aerosols, A Review." NOAA Technical Report, Boulder, CO. In press 1994.

Sokolik, I. and F.P.J. Valero. "Estimation of the Vertical Distribution of Aerosol Optical Properties Using Airborne Radiation Measurements." Proceedings, Eighth Radiation Conference. Jan 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN.

Tabazadeh, A. and O.B. Toon. "Gas Phase Binary Heterogeneous Nucleation of HNO3 and H2O on Frozen Sulfate Particles Under Polar Stratospheric Conditions." AGU Abstracts 147 (1994).

Tabazadeh, A., R.P. Turco and M.Z. Jacobson. "The Relationship Between the Physical State of Stratospheric Aerosols and Type I PSC Formation." Abstract, Fourth International Aerosol Conference. 1994. Flagan, Ed. 1966.

Terrazas-Salinas, I., C. Park, A. Strawa, N. Gopaul and J. Taunk. "Spectral Measurements in the Arc Column of an Arc-Jet Wind Tunnel." Presented as AIAA Paper #94-2592, 18th AIAA Aerospace Ground Testing Conference. June 1994. Colorado, CO.

Valero, J.A., T.P. Ackerman, P. Pilewskie and F.P.J. Valero. "Use of Sun Photometer Optical Depths and Infrared Window Emissivities in Determining Cirrus Optical Properties." Extended Abstracts, Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Jan 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN. In press 1994.

Westphal, D.L., E.J. Jensen and S.A. Kinne. "Validation of Regional Simulations of Radiative Transfer." Eighth Conference, Atmospheric Radiation. Jan. 23-28, 1994. Nashville, TN.

Wood, B.L., L.R. Beck and S.W. Dister. "Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Technologies to Study the Landscape Epidemiology of Disease Transmission Risk." Abstract, GIS Applications in Public Health and Risk Analysis: An ATSDR Workshop. Feb. 8-10, 1994. Atlanta, GA.

Wrigley, R.C., J.M. Livingston, P.B. Russell, R.P. Guzman, D. Ried and B. Lobitz. "Aerosol Optical Depth Determinations for BOREAS." Abstract, 1994 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). Dec. 5-9, 1994. San Francisco, CA.