Testing Information

Testing Status of Agents at NTP

CAS Registry Number: 59-30-3

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Selected information from two of the National Library of Medicine's databases: ChemIDPlus1 and HSDB2.

Names (NTP)

  • Folic acid


Chemical Structure for CAS Registry Number 59-30-3 from NLM

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Chemical Properties2

Property Description
  • Yellowish-orange crystals; extremely thin platelets (elongated @ 2 ends) from hot water
  • Odorless or almost odorless
  • Tasteless
Boiling Point
  • None found
Melting Point
  • None found
Molecular Weight
  • 441.40
  • None found
Critical Temperature & Pressure
  • None found
Density/Specific Gravity
  • None found
Disassociation Constants
  • pKa = 3.5, 4.3 (carboxylic acid moieties) /Estimated/
Heat of Combustion
  • None found
Heat of Vaporization
  • None found
log P (octanol-water)
  • log Kow = -2.81 /Estimated/
  • A suspension of 1 g of folic acid in 10 ml of water has a pH of 4.0-4.8. Aq solutions prepared with sodium bicarbonate have a pH between 6.5 and 6.8.
  • Slightly sol in methanol, less in ethanol and butanol; insol in acetone, chloroform, ether, benzene; relatively sol in acetic acid, phenol, pyridine, and in soln of alkali hydroxides and carbonates. Soluble in hot dil HCl and H2SO4.
  • In water, 1.6 mg/L at 25 deg C; soluble up to about 1% in boiling water
Spectral Properties
  • Specific optical rotation: +23 deg at 25 deg C/D (c= 0.5 in 0.1 N sodium hyroxide)
  • UV max (pH 13): 256, 283, 368 nm (log E 4.43, 4.40, 3.96)
  • MASS: 76456 44 (NIST/EPA/MSDC Mass Specral Database 1990 Version)
  • IR: 5025 (Coblentz Society Spectral Collection)
  • UV: 2-601 (Organic Electronic Spectral Data, Phillips et al, John Wiley & Sons, New York)
Surface Tension
  • None found
Vapor Density
  • None found
Vapor Pressure
  • 6.2X10-20 mm Hg at 25 deg C /Estimated/
Relative Evaporation Rate
  • None found
  • None found
Other Properties
  • Darkens and chars from about 250 deg C
  • Folic acid elixir ... incompatible with chloral hydrate, ferrous sulfate, sulfonamides, acacia mucilage, sol calcium salts, acidic vitamin preparations, & cherry & raspberry syrups.
  • Soluble in dilute solutions of alkali hydroxides and carbonates, yielding a clear orange-brown solution; soluble in hydrochloric acid and in sulphuric acid, yielding very pale yellow solutions. A solution in 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is dextrorotatory. Solutions of the sodium salt are sterilized by filtration.
  • Henry's Law constant = 3.6X10-33 atm-cu m/mol at 25 deg C /Estimated/
  • Hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant = 8.5X10-11 cu cm/molec-sec at 25 deg C /Estimated/

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  • Food additive
  • Vitamin. Nutritional factor.

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Superlist Classes1

  • None found

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Notes (Sources: NTP,HSDB,RTECS,MESH)1

  • None found

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Other Registry Numbers1

  • 33609-88-0

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Synonyms (Sources: NTP, HSDB,RTECS,MESH)1

  • Acfol (Spain)
  • Acifolic
  • Antianemia factor
  • Cytofol
  • Factor U
  • Folacid
  • Folacin
  • Folasic (Australia)
  • Folbal
  • Folcidin
  • Folcysteine
  • Folettes
  • Foliamin
  • Folico (Italy)
  • Folina (Italy)
  • Folipac
  • Folsan
  • Folsaure
  • Folsav
  • Folvite
  • L-Glutamic acid, N-(4-((2-amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridinyl)methyl)amino)benzoyl)-
  • Glutamic acid, N-(p-(((2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-pteridinyl)methyl)amino)benzoyl)-, L-
  • Glutamic acid, N-(p-(((2-amino-4-hydroxypyrimido(4,5-b)pyrazin-6-yl)methyl)amino)benzoyl)-, L
  • Glutamic acid, pteroyl-, L-
  • HSDB 2002
  • Incafolic
  • Liver Lactobacillus casei factor
  • Millafol
  • Mittafol
  • NSC 3073
  • PGA
  • Pteglu
  • 4-Pteridinol, 2-amino-6-((p-((1,3-dicarboxypropyl)carbamoyl)anilino)methyl)-
  • Pteroylglutamic acid
  • Pteroyl-L-glutamic acid
  • Pteroylmonoglutamic acid
  • Pteroyl-L-monoglutamic acid
  • USAF CB-13
  • Vitamin B11
  • Vitamin M
  • Vitamin Bc
  • Vitamin Be

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Links to Additional Information1

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1 Source: the National Library of Medicine's ChemIDPlus, 10/28/2007.

2 Source: the National Library of Medicine's Hazardous Substance Database, 10/28/2007.