"myags.pmat.fit" <- function(X, Y, ID, weights, cor.met, family, alpfun, scalefun, wcorigen, tol, maxiter, prog.error) { time1<-proc.time() MX <- pmat2mat(X) xn <- dimnames(X[[1]])[[2]] dimnames(MX) <- list(NULL, xn) initrun <- glm(unlist(Y) ~ MX - 1, family = family) b0 <- initrun$coef cur.rank <- initrun$rank del <- 1 assign("glm.links", yags.links, f = 1) iter <- 0 while(del > tol & iter < maxiter) { iter <- iter + 1 print(paste("Starting iteration", iter, "with coefs") ) print(as.numeric(b0)) eta <- MX %*% b0 # mu <- family()$inverse(eta) # d.mu <- family()$deriv(mu) # # E use weights A <- as.double(family()$ variance(mu)) * weights # if(length(A) == 1) A <- rep( A, length( unlist(Y))) # D.i <- load.clustered.design( (1/sqrt(A)) * as.double(family()$ dinv.deta(eta)) * MX, ID) # D scaled by V(mu) PR <- (1/sqrt(A)) * (unlist( Y) - mu) # pearson resid if(!is.null(cor.met) & ! is.matrix(cor.met) ) TT <- split.preserveord( cor.met, ID ) else if(!is.null(cor.met) & is.matrix(cor.met) ) TT <- msplit( cor.met, ID ) else TT <- NULL alpha <- alpfun(PR, ID, cor.met, scalefun, p = ncol(MX)) PR <- load.clustered.outcome( PR, ID) cor.els <- list() NC <- length(PR) for(i in 1:NC) cor.els[[i]] <- list(r = PR[[ i]], cor.met = TT[[i]], alpha = alpha) Rinv.i <- fill(wcorigen, cor.els, c("pmat", "block", "diag")) S2 <- solve(sum(t(D.i) %*% Rinv.i %*% D.i)) delb <- S2 %*% sum(t(D.i) %*% Rinv.i %*% PR) del <- max(abs(delb)) b1 <- b0 + delb b0 <- b1 } # wrap up using final beta values if(iter == maxiter) { warning("maximum number of iterations consumed" ) prog.error <- c(prog.error, "niter==maxiter") } eta <- MX %*% b0 mu <- family()$inverse(eta) Rvec <- unlist(Y) - mu # raw residual PR <- (1/sqrt(A)) * Rvec alpha <- alpfun(PR, ID, cor.met, scalefun, p = ncol(MX)) phi <- scalefun(PR, ID, p = ncol(MX )) PR <- load.clustered.outcome(PR, ID ) for(i in 1:NC) cor.els[[i]] <- list(r = PR[[ i]], cor.met = TT[[ i]], alpha = alpha) vvt <- function(x) matrix(x$r %*% t(x$r), nr = length( x$r)) eet <- fill(vvt, cor.els, c("pmat", "block", "diag")) Rinv.i <- fill(wcorigen, cor.els, c( "pmat", "block", "diag")) S2 <- solve(sum(t(D.i) %*% Rinv.i %*% D.i)) S5 <- sum(t(D.i) %*% Rinv.i %*% eet %*% Rinv.i %*% D.i) b1 <- as.numeric(b1) names(b1) <- xn time2<-proc.time() ############################################## ### modifications by m.p. fay: ### add code to produce modified estimates NP<- dim(S5)[1] omega<-array(0,c(NC,NP,NP)) scoremat<-matrix(0,NC,NP) for (i in 1:NC){ omega[i,,]<- (1/phi)* t(D.i)[[i]] %*% Rinv.i[[i]] %*% D.i[[i]] scoremat[i,]<- (1/phi)* t(D.i)[[i]] %*% Rinv.i[[i]] %*% PR[[i]] } ### add u and omega onto output list list(coefficients = b1, naive.parmvar = phi * S2, robust.parmvar = S2 %*% S5 %*% S2, alpha = alpha, phi = phi, linear.predictors = eta, fitted.values = mu, residuals = Rvec, iter = iter, family = family, rank = cur.rank, errorcode = prog.error,u=scoremat,omega=omega) #### end modifications by m.p.fay ############################################## }