Picture of the Moment

COR1 images
COR1 image processed using the Normalizing-Radial-Graded Filter (NRGF)

COR1 image processed using the Normalizing-Radial-Graded Filter (NRGF) technique as described in Morgan, Habbal, and Woo, "The Depiction of Coronal Structure in White-Light Images", Solar Physics, 236, 263-272, 2006. This technique enhances the contrast of coronagraph images, and makes it easier to see the fainter structures far out from the Sun.

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COR1 images
Bright sungrazing comet observed by COR1 on May 23, 2008
An extremely bright sungrazing comet was seen by COR1 on May 23, 2008 on both Ahead and Behind. Because of the separation of the two spacecraft, the comet appears quite differently in each. This is the brightest comet yet seen by COR1. The comet does not survive its approach to the Sun, and is not seen to come back out.