;+ ; ; NAME : eis_raster_fov ; ; PURPOSE : to calculate information about the field of view ; for an EIS raster ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE : eis_raster_fov,d,scale,origin,fovx,fovy ; ; INPUTS : d - the structure returned from eis_getwindata ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS : none ; ; KEYWORDS : verbose - print diagnostics ; ; OUTPUTS : scale - [dx,dy] ; : origin - the lower left corner of the raster in arcsec ; : fovx - the width of the raster in arcsec ; : foxy - the height of the raster in arcsec ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS : none ; ; COMMON BLOCKS : none ; ; EXAMPLE : IDL> d = eis_getwindata('eis_l0_20071221_001727') ; IDL> eis_raster_fov,d,scale,origin,fovx,fovy ; IDL> print,scale ; 1.00000 1.00000 ; IDL> print,origin ; -32.9291 -79.1299 ; IDL> print,fovx,fovy ; 128.000 184.000 ; ; SPECIAL CALLS : none ; ; WRITTEN : HPW : 02-JAN-2008 ; ;- pro eis_raster_fov,input,scale,origin,fovx,fovy,verbose=verbose scale = input.scale fovx = scale[0]*input.nx fovy = scale[1]*input.ny origin = [input.solar_x[0],input.solar_y[0]] if keyword_set(verbose) then begin print,fovx,max(input.solar_x)-min(input.solar_x),$ input.solar_x[input.nx-1]-input.solar_x[0],format='(3f10.2) print,fovy,max(input.solar_y)-min(input.solar_y),$ input.solar_y[input.ny-1]-input.solar_y[0],format='(3f10.2) endif return end