404 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. SEPTEMBER, 1905 from the west appear to control the changes and motions in ECUADOR: the special temporary areas of low pressure. Indeed the latter appear to owe their very existence to the flow of air . over the chain of high mountains and the resulting formation of eddies. Eddies rotating around horizontal axes form cloncl and rain on the east, but foehn winds and pamperos on the west of the axis. Eddies around vertical or inclined axes con- stitute low pressures whose perpetuity and development de- pend almost wholly upon the question whether the risiug air with cloud ancl rain is on the east side or the west side of the circulation. The general tendency of the lorn areas iA to move southeastward toward the coast of Chile and Argentina and then if they live, to pass northeastward over the east coast. BRAZIL. The Department of Marine of the United States of Brazil has for the past nine years pnblishecl a monthly bulletin. giv- ing in full the results of the daily observations a t various hours, including Greenwich mean noon observations, taken a t a number of stations along the eastern const, and a few in the interior. I n addition to the strictly meteorological features the bulletin gives the results of the magnetic observations made at the central station, Moro de San Antonio, Rio Janeiro. The work for each six months is summarized in semiannual volumes, the periods covered being October-March and April- September respectively. This work is under the inimediate supervision of Captain Americo Silvado, of the Brazilian Navy. The State of Sko Paulo has had an independent meteoro- logical service since 1686. uuder the direction of the C’ommis- siio Geographica e Geologica de SBo Paulo, publishing the results of its observations in an annual volume of Dado8 Cli- matologicos. General observations are made at the ~O W R of 7, 2, and 9, at about twenty stations, and rainfall observations at several others. At Juiz de Fora, in the State of &h a s Geraes, an incle- pendent observatory has been maintained by the municipality since 1893, and has published its obser\ ations. BOLIVIA. The Sociedad Geografica de La Paz regularly publishes ob- servations made at La Paz. The bulletin of this society has also occasionally contained summaries of observations at other places in Bolivia, among which are Sucre, Oruro, and Trini- dad. Private individuals have published observations a t Potosi and Cochabamba. OUIBNA. I n British Guiana a fairly complete system of rainfall ob- servations is maintained throughout the colony under the direction of the Government Botanic Garden at Georgetown. I n Georgetown itself records of temperature, sunshine, 2nd rainfall are kept 111); the record of the latter element extends back to 1880. The observations are published in the Report on Botanic Gardens, Georgetown. A first-class meteorologicnl observatory is maintained at Cayenne, French Guiana, the data from which are published in the Annales of the Bureau Central Meteorologique de France. For Dutch Guiana (Colony of Surinam) the Meteorological Jaarboek of the Netherlands has contained, since 1880, daily observations taken at Paramaribo. The French Annales gives an annual summary of monthly means of Observations at Burnside-Coronie. COLOMBIA. Colombia has a Meteorological Office, but no reports have been received recently. Monthly totals of rainfall, number of rainy clays, and greatest fall in 24-hours for C’artagena are published in the Annales of the Bureau Central Meteorologi- que de France. The Observatorio Astronomic0 y Meteorologico de Quito seems to be the only meteorological observatory in Ecuador. It publishes an annual r&sum(! of meteorological observations, of which the first volume, for September, 1895, to October, 1S96, has been received. URUGUAY. In Uruguay the Jesuit Colegio Pi0 de Villa Colon has maintained a meteorological station of the first order near Rloiitevicleo since 1883. The Meteorological Society of Uru- guay, established in 1890, maintains a number of second order and rain stations ancl publishes the results in its Resumeii de las Observationes Pluviometricas. _____ E. D. ARCHIBALD AND THE MODERN KITE. The Editor regrets that by a slip of the pen in the second coluum of page 257 of the MONTHLY WEATHER PIEVIEW for June, “Abercroinbg” was published insteacl of bcArchibald.” The great work done by E. D. Archildd in 1883 in the way of reviv- ing the use of the bite for meteorological purposes was men- tioned in the MONTHLY VEATHER REVIEW for 1895 and 1896, but lest modern readers should forget what we owe to him we iuay add that Archibald carried out a systematic series of observations with anemometers at different heights above the ground during 18x3, 1884, and 1885. He used steel music wire as a kite line almost from the start in 1883, and attained heights up to 1500 feet above the ground. He also invented nncl patented in 1585 the kite balloon to which he gave that name. A combination of the kite and t,he balloon that we be- lieve was the first ever macle. A h . A. Lawrence Rotch WBR present at one of the first flights at Tunbridge Wells, a l ~d in 1887 Mr. Archibald took a photo- graph from a kite, which is also one of the first if not the very first occasion on which that was done. The great imyrove- ments that have been made in kite work by Mr. Rotch, the Weather Bureau, and various investigators all over the world have been the natural outcome of Mr. Archibald’s clemonstra- tion of the general utility of the idea. He may fairly claim to have started the modern sptematic kite flying with steel wire for scientific purposes. At the meeting of the British Associat,ion for the Advancement of Science in 1881 at Mont- real, he brought the importance of the subject prominently to the attention of those present and ventured to predict an important future for this inetliod of studying the atmosphere. His name should replace that of Abercromby on page 257. THE MOUNT WEATHER OBSERVATORY. I n response to a correspondent inquiring about the Mount Weather Observatory, the Chief of Bureau has lately replied as follows: .The Mount Weather Obbervatory is not for solar physics alone, nor are the foiecasts of the U. S. Weather Bureau likely to be founded upon solar observation,- only, but upon the data and study of the atmosphere itself. The Weather Bureau makes forecast5 of weather and of floods that are of general and sometimes of critical importance to agriculture, com- merce, and many othm human interests. These forecasts depend upon our knowleilge nf a hranch of science whose field is the study of the earth’s atniosphrre as a whole. Recent research has shown that there is a possibility of improving these forecabtb by a inore complete study of the changes gang 011 in the radiation that we receive from the sun, but this is a minor matter com- pared with the btudy of the so-called waves of temperature, pressure, and moisture that pass over the earth’s surface, ancl the mechanical laws that govern the movenwnts of the air. As progress in OUT knowl- edge of the mechanics of the ea1 th’s atmobphere can only be made by means of daily weather charts, lahoratory experiments, and mathemati- ea1 study, therefore the IT. S Weather Bureau has established a meteoro- logical institution of broad scope, designated as the Mount Weather Ob- SEPTEMBER, 1905. MONTELLY WEATHER REVIEW. 405 servatoq, at which every branch of investigation and study bearing on the atmosphere will be pursued, especially (1) observations of the upper strata of the air by means of kites and balloons, (2) observations of the clouds by the nephoscope, (3) experiments in the physical laboratory on the motions of small maase8 of air under conditions that are precisely known, (4) observations of the total radiation from the sun by means of actinometers and bolometers, (5) details of the solar condition recorded by apparatus at the solar physical observatory, (6) records of the elec- trical and magnetic phenomena of the earth and atmosphere, and (7) particularly the education of special students in the interpretation of all these observations by means of the higher mathematics, so that the results of the knowledge thus gained may advance meteorology and im- prove the weather forecasts. This recognizes that behind every praolical a r t of doing there must be a higher science of studying and knowing. IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH OBSERVATORIES FOR THE PROMOTION OF METEOROLOGY. The public is familiar with the idea that i t is a fine thing to establish great hospitals, universities, libraries, churches, tech- nical schools, and other institutions thiit minister to the prac- tical needs of miinkind, but very few haw as yet awakened to realize the fundamental importance of institutions for the increase of knowledge, as distinguished from those that merely diffuse knowledge or from inany otherR that apply knowledge to ameliorate the condition of niankinil. We often think of our pu1)lic institutions as marking the great difference between the present and the past ages, but the ancicnts liad their RAY- lums and hospitals, their irrigation systeuis, their iiiachiuery, aqueducts, sewers, tinti otlier ways of applying whatever knowledge they had. The fundamental difference between the present age and 2x11 previous time is not the school nor the asylum, I,ut tlie enor- nious increase in our actual kuowledgc of nature in all her minutest and most complex workings. W e must invrensc knowledge before we can teach it or apply it and to bring about this increase is the peculiar proyince of those meu wliq devote themselves to research so-called. -4 few nariies tlis- tinguished for research come down to u s from anticluity, swli as Archimedes, Nratosthenes, Pliny, Aristotle. Youbtless there mere others whose naiiies hayo heen forgotten, but in modern times the number lias been imuicnsely increased since the days of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Hujgliens, aud Descartes. Science is soinetimes said to be a systematic arrangenieiit of our knowledge of nature as distiuguislied froni the vague and erroneous traditions aiid guesses of less fortiirinte times; but modern science is more than :in arraugeincnt of knoml- edge-it is research for the purpose of increasing knowledge. No one can liold a high place in science unless it can be shown that he has on many occasions been iible to eluciclnte with precision that which was previously iuiperfectlj kuoivn or perhaps unsuspected. The best scientific men, or “ research- ers ” as they have lately been called, are distinguished by an inborn and cultivated ability to concentrate their ahole energies upon a solution of a definite problem until the work is done. Generally speaking they do not care SO ruucli for sala- ries or positions or the practical application of their knowl- edge, as they do for the opportunity of devoting their lives to the research work that they love. Such valuable inen liavc to be provided for and for several centuries scientific societies and the better endowed iiniversities as well as wedthy meii have set aside small sums of iiiouey estriblishing fellowships or something ecluivalent for the support of those who have shown ability in research. Iu fact the German universities have for 90 years been animated more by tlie spirit of research than of instruction, and promotions therein have beeu biised almost wholly on ability in original research. There have been several notable illiwtrations of munificent foundations for the special benefit of research. Such was the Royal Institution of London organized about 1800 by that most brilliant American, Benjamin Thompson, Count Rum- ford. It has supported such eminent men as Sir Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, John Tynclall, and Lord Rayleigh. Doubtless it was this successful foundation that led James Smithson to establish his great fund “for the increase and difiusion of knowledge ” in which sentence he in fact quoted from Washington’s farewell address. Possibly Smithson thought that in a free and peaceful republic scientific men mould be less trammeled than in an aristocratic and warlike nation. He himself loved knowledge for its own sake but doubtless realized that to some “ knowledge is wealth ” to others “ knowledge is power.” Hitherto Americans like Pea- body and Rockefeller have distinguished themselves by the endowment of education; Caruegie has given a @eat fund for research; Lick, Terkes, McCoruick, and others have given large sums for special research in astronomy, but we know of no one who has encloned research in meteorology. It has therefore become unavoidable that the Weather Bureau should solicit from the Federal Congress of the United States the funds neecld for research in that dificult branch of science whose derelt rpment is essential to the improvement of practical meteorology. JVe quote the following appreciative remarks from an article by Dr. Frank Waldo, in the Boston Evening Transcript of August 19, 1905: Is there an honest and economical reason for this establishment? Being conversant with Weather Bureitu conditions I am alJe to answer in the affirmative. It has been a long cherished desire ou the part of all Gorerument meteorologists to undertake the class of careful studies o f the atmospheric conditions that hare been pursued by some Euro- pean governuients. But a lack of proper facilities has, in R great meas- ure, prevented such undertakings, their practical importance not being recognized I)y the “ appropriating ” puwerb who have been more iriter- estecl in the matter of extending weather preclictious to a wider circle of iwipienti, than in the slow increase of accuracy which might be expectecl to result from expensive stullies and costly equipments. This feeling of economy weut so far some years ago that the otficinl publica- tion ~f prokszional 1 q e r s by the Weather Bureau was ordered discon- tinued. * * * While great advances have been made in theoretical meteorology yet what ha.; been most needed has been more accurate and more numerous observations of atmospheric conditions, not only over the world a t large, but also in special locations. This last has uecessitated the establis!l- ment of proper Observatories. Three kinds of special observatories have been erected in the prosecu- tion of meteorological studies. First, a central observatory, which acts as a bureau institution for the ordinary obseri ing stations such as are scattered over the country-whence the former may control the work of others aucl set them an example of the highest claw oP work in their liue of obserratiou. Such an observatory has been maintained a t Wash- ington from the begiuniug of our Weather Bureau, although its efflciency has greatly increased within recent years since the Bureau has had a Iruilding of its own. These Observatories were mostly established in the capital cities. But as the work of observational meteorology increased in accuracy, cbserratories were instituted at some distance from the disturbing in- fluence of the towns. To this class belong the famous observatories of Kew, at Ric.hmon(l, England, Pavlovsk in Russia, and Potsdam near Berlin. We had indeed one somewhat similar observatory in this country, Ceiitral Paik, New Turk; but i t was conducted on a meager scale and in its work did uot attain the refinement of the great observatoriesof Europe. Bfi long ago as 1883 * * * the present writer mas directed by Gen. 11‘. B. Hazen, then the head of the Signal Senice, to draw up plans for a small observatory of this class to be established a t Fort RIyer, Va., which wab then the trainiug school for the Signal Service meu and was under control of that Sei\ i By utilizing the temporary buildiugs already const~ucted at Fort h er, only a few thousand dollals were needed for the pioper housing aut1 setting up the meteorological instruments. But eveu that petty bum was not forthcoming, chiefly owing to the objections in Congiess. Fort RIyer has passed out of control of the Weather Bureau, and ~iow tweuty J earb after General Hazeu‘s uubuccePslu1 attempt Professor Moore has esta1)litiIierl such an observatory as the IVeather Bureau has so long1ireded, only to Le attacked l ~y .sensation mongers. What will these critics say when they are told that the hest interests of practical mete- orology require a t least 25 such observatories located a t different psrtsof the United States? The day will come when we shall have them. * * It is one of the anomalies of our educational system that weather But we bad no national obberratory of 1 hat class.