July 10, 1963 Dr. Harold Bradn Dlrsrctor of Research and Enginwwtng Dapartmerut of Daftsnsa Warhlf3gtof-i 25. D. c. Dear Harold: 1 am doubtless puking wher8 I have noithw infamtion nor warrant to, but I could not help reacting to tlw outcome #ummwIzlsd in the attached clipping. I am ~811 war-0 how littl8 I k&w about it, but your conclusion about "promature systrrm-orktted hardwars!' fits exactly tha impmssions I had to draw when 1 stumbled on the probIom in looking for analoguss to infrared roconnaisanca of Hars. I was absolutely dumb-struck by haw I ittlrr attrntion was b81ng paid to thus nec8ssary fundamontafs - as far as I know it still remains true that wa hav8 a bpttsr global infrared wflection spectrum of Mars (Sinton) than WB do uf the earth! I have bean w-y -11 impresmd b tha efforts that iR research groups have ma& to maintarn effestiva c-n cation, T but I still wondw if a good large part of ths prObbm doss nut stem from too sew~tiv8 a securfty classificatiar of work in this ar8a. Yw may hav8 gQ& mw0f-f to support such a classification, but the ceInSidsrr8tionS Wttinod in the sutmmry of your teetheny would stlbni to point In the opposite dirwtion. Against the "costs" af a much more liberal clessfficatim policy would be the foIlwing advafeagos: 1. Vrry intw%stfng research and cfvilian applicatfarrs of rtw classified IR tachnolagy, 8nd 2. Wuch broadar scimtiffc scrutiny of the fund~tals d With this w8%pQnS sy~t8m must b% bawd. For axampld, our dtswssims on iR rwonffalsance of Hars have rcrpwtedly alluded to classified Ifimge tub8 doveloqwnts which it was not practicabis to pursua furthar &causar of thgtr classlficat!on. Thor-s was one ccmSi&wat?on which was not alluded to tn your tssttmony, and this ie thrr probably fmportance of a Etidas systrno in arms control. it s#yns to m8 very important that we do lay the necwsary tschnologicol basis for this type of racannaisance, , eww if tha mermntary applicdion to mwo plauSibl8 dsf8nse nsads is aS flimsy as it is hon. This application would lrrnd furth8r weight to tha security p~sitton outlinad in tha prcpvtous paragraph. Dr. flarold 5rum1 You w0 11 of course know the countervai 1 iny arywents. With `best wishes, Sincerely ywrst Joshue Lederbsrg Professor of Genet fcs July IO, 1963 Page 2