~SO~23-~ :~O88~ -~-~ ~ ~ ~‚ ~ 222 Nu~a of ~ CL1~C~I1e~ ~.- ~. ~ 8ubjest~ —~. - 4DDa1:i*iofl ~ ~ .. -- 8tory ~ Iufřatati.zi: . Ths ESßl‘S raoi is p•ou].iarly .ussspt ibis to Jisilucisat ions. 11is~ aiy old negro can reesil haviz~g hod several exp~i.nses vitA “de spirits.“ ~ of tI~~e apparitions vers doubtless rosi, as tus sitizens duriEg Beooastrustioa Dsjy. emplOyect various methods in keepSz~g the nsp‘ in aubJeoti•~. Ths organizers of Ihs Li E.uz Ea*, .IXrUY after tIse Civil Wer, • resog*izeI s~ capitalized on the superetitious naturO of the negro. This isaknese in their character doubtless pievented ich bloodshed during ibis hestis period. Ti 0110w gisastorastol& by aveisrale o~‘s1ave inrsgsrdtothe “spirits“ s w~a. day, when I vuz a 70UD~ man, ~e an‘ a nigger, by Is nem~ 0Y liSfl17~ 1112 huntixi‘ ii an‘ old fisI4. I~ dem days bsr, deer, turkey, SM squirz~e1a wuz plentifui an‘ ‘twent long b.to‘ we ned kilt all we ioulA carry. As we wuz startis‘ hems some aoutrous ShiEg rizup r1~kt ~sk dab in front 0v us, sOt aore‘i& .100 t.et away. I asked Esniy s 1B~aok Boy, does yo ‚ see ~ut I ass?“ an‘ &nry say, “Nigger I hopes y.‘ don‘t ses ~u.$ I see, ‘sause dey ain‘t nO such 1%fl.~ Thlt d.rs it stood, wid its sleeves gently flappin‘ in de wind. Oveh 8 feet tall, it lU, aU‘ SU Ireesed in white. I ysils at it~ “hut doss y,‘ Tant?“ but it d14A‘t as;1ynuthW. I ysils sem. 3~‘ but it Jus‘ 5ta3~1I there, *ot m~VW a fln€er. Grabbin‘ di guz, I tek.. eareful aim .1~ orsiki down oa ‘, but etui he don‘t ~Y.. IISIIL7, thi‘lkin‘ maybe I 1hz tOO ssarodto Loot straight, say: SNigger, gib ~. dat g~uiJ“ I gibs Henry de gun but it don‘t take but one shot to.e;nvi~~. him dat he •4iji‘t~iřotin‘ at eiy aortsl bei~i‘. T~owin‘ down le gu*, henry Bey, “Nigger, let. gs~t aw dis p1s~os,“ whish it s~‘ 1j~~jtt take us lop4g to do.~ Intśiuatio~ givsa b7&~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R~M1$~~ ~ 1~ Ocut~&tL0A~ ~1~nLIt~ ~ ~ -____- — Place it R.aid.floo_~~~tqO B1!Ç~ui P~r~1t~ ~ ~